
Monday, June 10, 2019

PH and BN - no difference in PMs

From Malaysiakini:

After MACC appointment, Zunar 'steamrolls' Dr M

Published:   |  Modified: 
Cartoonist Zunar has taken a satirical swipe at Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad following the appointment of Latheefa Koya as the new chief commissioner of MACC.
In his latest cartoon, Zunar, whose real name is Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, depicted Mahathir driving a steamroller which is seen crushing “reform”, the “cabinet” and “parliament select committee.”
This is in relation to Mahathir stating he did not discuss Latheefa's appointment with the cabinet, and the select committee tasked with vetting major appointments being in the dark as well.
In a subsequent cartoon, Zunar emphasised the need for MACC to be independent and free of political interference.
Speaking to Malaysiakini this afternoon, the award-winning cartoonist, whose satires resulted in a slew of charges in the past under the BN administration, stressed that his latest work aims to show that institutions are greater than a single individual.

“The main problem in Malaysia is corruption. Not only corruption in the past, but corruption in the present as well.
“If the MACC is to fight corruption, then the commission must be free of politics.
“The prime minister should not appoint the person in charge. You can appoint the fiercest person, but if the prime minister picks the person, then it is no different from the past,” he added.
Zunar noted how the then-opposition had complained about such appointments when BN was in power.
“But what is the difference now?” he asked.
Latheefa's appointment as the MACC chief commissioner elicited mixed responses, including from those within Pakatan Harapan.
Although there is a general consensus with regard to the former PKR member's capabilities, detractors, however, have decried Mahathir bypassing procedures agreed to by the ruling coalition.
However, the prime minister has refused to back down.
Latheefa replaced Mohd Shukri Abdull, who decided to cut short his two-year contract, which was slated to expire next May.


  1. To compare PH with BN PMs.....let’s see if Toonsie will have Zunar arrested and charged. Will he censor Zunar’s cartoons, ban his books or impose travel restriction. Jibby did all that.

    Zunar is quickly losing material.....needs to find new ones....can’t blame him....mesti cari makan, like Lat before used to make fun of Toonsie but he took all that in stride.

  2. Yup, looking back at how severely Zunar was prosecuted and persecuted during Ah Jib Gor's time, and how free he is now, I would say the BN and PH PMs are completely not comparable.
