
Thursday, June 06, 2019

Can children buy alcohol, smoke and refuse to attend schools?

From MM Online:

Children have the right to protest, says lawyer

Sharmila said safe spaces should be created for minors to express their views on issues affecting them and encouraged to actively participate in their community

Picture by Choo Choy May

GEORGE TOWN, June 6 — The constitutional guarantee of free speech, assembly and association extends to all Malaysians, including minors, a lawyer contended after school children joined a protest against climate change.

Sharmila Sekaran, who is also chairman of Voice of the Children (VoC), said this meant that preventing a citizen, including children, from joining a protest was tantamount to denying them their constitutional rights.

"There is no age limit in the right to freedom of assembly in the Federal Constitution, so this means it is a right guaranteed to all Malaysians from zero-year-old babies to a 120-year-old person," she told Malay Mail in a telephone interview.

Under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, Malaysian citizens are guaranteed the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.

The Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, however, prohibits those aged below 15 from participating in a peaceful assembly. It is also an offence to bring a child to a peaceful assembly. Children are only allowed to participate in religious assemblies, funeral processions, assemblies related to custom, and assemblies approved by the minister.

Sharmila said a peaceful protest should not be equated with a threat against the government of the day.

Does this mean children also can drive cars, ride motorbikes, see porn movies, drink-buy alcohol, smoke, etc etc etc, because of their 'Freedom of Choice'?

Does this mean children can refuse to attend schools, take inoculations or ignore their parents?

Dumbo, we should not take children to protest rallies because we do not want to see them hurt in any stampede or possible violence.

Saying that there should NOT be any violence or stampede in a democracy is just NOT good enough. It's as silly as saying there should not be any crime in our society.


  1. On general, children should not participate in political protests.

    However, in the context of the Worldwide rallies organised to highlight concerns about global warming, children in many countries participated.

    It was a reminder to the world that it is future generations, children and those yet unborn who will carry the burden of the crises that will come from climate change.

    I accept the context, but Sharmila Sekaran should NOT try to extend that into a general principle.

  2. i think sharmila only talk right to protest. i am just curious what if pas tell msian their children have rights to protest againat lgbt, then how?

  3. Wakakakakaka…

    More appropriately, let the children select their own religious beliefs!

    Hmmm… most likely back to the M'sian law only attuned legal entitlement upon reaching 18!

    Make up yr bloody mind lah.
