
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Campaign for PM No 8

Alamak and very very sangat lah - the latest gossip to hit town has once again been sex, and specifically sex of the preferred Malaysian political kind, wakakaka.

That person involved in the lusty rumble is NOT who you would normally leap to conclusion to pinpoint, hence the wise saying 'Don't jump to conclusion', wakakaka, but rather, a minister in the Malaysian federal cabinet, and our traditional scapegoat is NOT a minister, wakakaka.

Three sex video clips were circulated portraying a certain minister in the sexy encounters, naturally emanating from false names and untraceable numbers, but all three bearing nicks familiar in PKR 'Dwarfs' circle, wakakaka.

And would you believe it, it would appear Mahathir has been defensive about the episode.

Malaysiakini reported (extracts):

why is Zeti in photo? 

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, when asked this morning by reporters in Putrajaya over the video clips which depicted "someone in his cabinet," said he was unaware of such videos.

"I don't know. I just heard about it. I have to read up (on the reports). You can give me a briefing if you like," he said.

In a related development, Umno supreme council Lokman Noor Adam said he would lodge a police report on the video clips.

"I urge the police to clarify the veracity of the videos and that action be taken against those who disseminated, performed in and produced the videos," said Lokman.

The Umno leader also lodged a report with the MACC over allegations that the minister had received US$741,440 (RM 3.09 million) from a conglomerate back in December 2017.

The funds were alleged to have been transferred from a local bank to a German bank. The corruption allegation was circulated together with the lewd videos.

Maybe Latheefa Beebi Koya can look into that, I mean the alleged corruption, not the lusty rumble, wakakaka.

Some naughty person suggested the dissemination of the naughty videos has been part of a campaign for the post of PM No 8, but hey, our poor traditional scapegoat isn't involved lah. The video 'hero', wakakaka, is a federal cabinet minister.

Hmmm, I wonder who could it be? Wakakaka.


  1. UMNO is totally bankrupt of ideas for making political gains.

    It's allegations of either Sodomy, or Sexual orgies, or similar.

  2. Nowadays, too many non-stop sensational news to divert attention from the ongoing Ahjibkor trials.

    After Lateefa Koya appointment as MACC Commissioner now another explosive sex video.

    Nowadays, anyone can be produced faked videos, and can even get the PM as the actor and DPM as actress if the intention is to make any fake videos for political purposes. Videos with no dates and time stamped are dead giveaways, it is a doctored one.

    Anyway, it makes for a good laugh to see most politicians are not good porn actors whether straight or LGBTQ. The previous MCA President still wins hands down for a better performance.


    1. Wakakakakkaaka

      One of the male actors already came out declaring he is the one in the video taken at a hotel during the Sandakan by-election and happens to be a senior political adviser to the Deputy Minister of Primary Industries and also a Vice President of PKR.

      Another Saiful Bukhari confession? To be more authentic, the actor should also go and swear also inside a mosque.

      Any idea where all these are leading to?

      Looks like TDM's plot has failed with this latest sex video.


    2. Wakakakakkaka

      Now a Sabah Division leader to whom the actor confessor belongs to has come out to say the actor confessing in his FB is not the real Haziq.

      PAS and UMNO meanwhile playing the Holy Mothers to all these scandals. PAS asking the Sabah syariah courts to take action and Lokman UMNO asking MACC to investigate the corruption scandal.

      So, when the real Haziq and Azmin coming out to the press to tell the real story?

      How much more sordid and political play is this going to be?


  3. Whoever becomes PM8, Anwar or Azmin, PKR will split, DAP will get stronger....

  4. I am more confident that the truth of these allegations will prevail, with the new IGP and MACC chief in place.

  5. My conclusion is that this HOPE has a gay disposition because of its gay members.

  6. Now that the identities in the video has been "cleared up" Malaysia has the distinction of having two PM-wannabes both with alleged/pardoned sodomist past; remember sodomy is a crime. And we know Toonsie's position on soddomy.

    As I said, whoever wins DAP is becoming stronger by the day....

    I'm Lovin' It..!!

    I was in bed with minister, confesses man in viral sex clip
    Published: Today 5:18 am | Modified: Today 5:18 am

    The individual filmed engaging in sexual acts with a man resembling a cabinet minister has made a startling confession.

    Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz also claimed that the other person in the clip was the minister.

    He also urged the MACC to investigate the senior PKR leader for alleged corruption and claimed that the latter was unfit to be a leader.

    The video confession was posted on his Facebook page this morning. Malaysiakini is withholding the name of the minister pending his response to our questions.

    “I, Haziq Haziz... made a sworn confession that I am the individual with... [the minister's name is mentioned] in the video which went viral yesterday.

    “The video was taken without my permission on May 11 (during the) Sandakan by-election [in Sabah] in the [minister's] room at Hotel Four Points.

    “I urge MACC to investigate [the minister] for corruption. He is not an individual who is qualified to be a leader,” he said.

    Muhammad Haziq, 27, is the senior private secretary to Primary Industries Deputy Minister Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin.

  7. faster than you can say knickers the drama queen has confessed, it was a set up without a doubt, azmin was drugged, clearly he was groggy, he wasn't even interested if you watch the clip, this drama queen and those behind him should bear the full force of the law

    1. Re your "it was a set up without a doubt, azmin was drugged", wakakaka - this was what is meant by a highly prejudiced assessment

    2. not defending anyone, if you think that that's your problem, heck, by me assuming it's azmin is already prejudice

  8. This video will destroy Anwar et al because of the perception (1) within Azmin faction that Azmin was set up (2) general Malay voters will conclude that Azmin was drugged out and videotaped whilst not fully aware of his circumstances (3) Mahathir will use this video to break up PKR and 'forced' Azmin faction to join Bersatu in return for NFA (4) Mahathir will investigate the camera man/CIA agent and forced hotel to admit that 'they allowed videotaping on someone's set up (5) Mahathir will use video to call for snap election ro ride on Malay goodwill that he Mahathir was betrayed by PKR/CIA

    You will be surprised how many Malays will support Mahathir/PAS/UMNO in this snap election.....Bye bye DAP can now be in opposition since they never stopped behaving like they are Opposition whilst being in Govt...

    1. Wow..the closest that the eight planets in our solar system will come to being aligned (Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet) will occur on May 6, 2492.

  9. KJ advises Malaysians to “look away”. By that does KJ mean to “close one eye”, pretend “I didn’t see”?

    Sorry man, Malaysians have a right to know if their cabinet minister is a criminal, for a crime punishable by prison or death, according to sharia laws. We will observe closely.

    “Follow the process” has been the recent cry; the process now is for the MACC, police and Islamic authorities to investigate, no mercy, no “close one eye”. The law is already there, in the Penal Code and Koran/Sharia. Just follow the PROCESS.

  10. I dislike Azmin's political maneuvers.
    I also disagree with LGBT acts.

    However, what he did or didn't do in his hotel room in his free time in the presence of other consenting adult(s) isn't an issue for me.

    If this is meant to be the Nuclear Option to "take him out", better try harder.

  11. I just watch the second wave of the video. All the best to PKR.

    1. Haziq Aziz went to USA for 6 months as 'exchange student'. What do you think happened there? He studied lor or he was recruited/trained by CIA operatives? Political motive: destroy Azmin and facilitate rise of pro-American Anwar into power? To give American control of Straits of Malacca....

      But CIA never thought of this: from May 2018 to May 2019 Mahathir had systematically, purposefully crushed and muddied the electorate adulation of Pakatan via numerous anti-China policies then U-turns pro-China, then reenact pro-Malay policies. Were all these intentional? I am sure the CIA never thought of it that way....

      Thanks to Mahathir, Pakatan reputation is now MUDDIED ROCK BOTTOM. Chinese not voting DAP. Bersatu can move back to rejoin UMNO + PAS + Warisan + GBS + increasing MCA fortunes from disenchanted non-Malays, to wrestle back power to BN again.....

      A snap election is coming soon......

      Bye Bye DAP!! You are going to be in opposition by end of 2019.

