
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Your Cheating Heart

From the Star Online:

Jacqueline Wong facing bankruptcy after cheating scandal with Andy Hui?

TVB and other companies are reportedly going after actress Jacqueline Wong for compensation over the damage to their reputation and projects that have to be shelved or reworked.


HONG KONG (ANN): Jacqueline Wong, used to memorising lines in her work as an actress, has another reading assignment.

This time, she and her lawyers have to read the fine print in the contracts she signed with Hong Kong broadcaster TVB and companies that tapped her for advertising and marketing campaigns.

She has to find out if she has to compensate them if her personal conduct is found wanting.

Because of her scandal with singer Andy Hui, TVB and the companies are reportedly going after her for compensation over the damage to their reputation and projects that have to be shelved or reworked.

Talk has it that Wong, 30, may have to cough up HK$40mil (RM21mil), sparking speculation over whether she could be declared bankrupt if she cannot do so.

Ming Pao noted that the companies are demanding more than HK$10mil (RM5mil) while TVB is said to have asked for HK$30mil (RM16mil) to reshoot dramas Forensic Heroes IV and Finding Her Voice.

For decades Hong Kong movie world has been one of the raunchiest in Asia, yet there is now this brouhaha over a "your cheating heart" story.


Hong Kong, like South Korea, is a country with heavy Confucian influence, values and ideals. One of that values is fidelity. Whilst its society accepts 'raunchiness' outside matrimonial context, it won't when a couple doesn't live to its Confucian moral codes.

Punishment for offenders are known to be socially and extremely severe. Offenders would face ostracisation, harassment and scorn, and in Jacqueline Wong's case, allegedly bankruptcy. 

That seems to be hypocritical when 'rauchiness' is accepted on one hand but infidelity is not on the other.

But alas, that's the curse for women folk in those Confucian-influenced and dominated countries.


  1. The cycling superstar Lance Armstrong was sued for a large chunk of the money he received from sponsors after his doping scandal was exposed.

    Many companies now write into their contracts with celebrities clauses on right for compensation recovery in case the person commits serious moral or legal infractions. So the celebrity could end up facing severe legal exposure if they misbehave.

    The standard for what is construed misbehaviour varies between societies.

    It can be long way short of anything legally considered a crime, but still have serious consequences.

    In Asia, marital fidelity and moral correctness is still important.

    In liberal Western society, political correctness has become a big factor. One celebrity lost a lot of sponsorship money for speaking out in support of Donald Trump - misguided perhaps, but it was really his right to do so as a US citizen.

  2. Jibby also felt cheated (shocked and upset). He approved 4 billion money to be taken out of KWAP but only 42 million was deposited into his personal bank account.

    Who took the other 99%?????

    Ha ha ha, I’m Lovin’ It...!!!

    1. Najib was Syiok, not shocked to receive his cut.
