
Monday, May 20, 2019

90,000 Malays students in vernacular schools

Malaysiakini -
Dei Pribumi, Vernacular schools don't have quotas like matriculation:*

* with apologies to Malaysiakini for aemnding its original headline in my post

DAP Youth has rebuked its counterpart in Bersatu Pribumi for suggesting that vernacular schools should be dissolved before there is any discussion about the race quota in the matriculation programme.

"DAP Youth does not agree with the rhetoric mixing the existence of vernacular schools with the matriculation quota," it said in a statement today.

"Vernacular schools have never discriminated against and has welcomed all races, be it Malays, Chinese or Indians, and there is no quota."

The statement was endorsed by 15 of DAP Youth's 25 exco members, including deputy chief Chiong Yoke Kong. However, DAP Youth chief Howard Lee was not among the signatories.

DAP Youth added that this is in contrast to the matriculation programme, which reserves 90 percent of available spaces for bumiputera students, and the remainder for non-bumiputera.

"According to the United Chinese School Committees' Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong), Chinese vernacular schools have 520,000 students in 2019, of which 18 percent or 90,000 are Malays, which shows that vernacular schools are accepted by all," it said.

The statement was issued in response to Bersatu Pribumi Youth exco member Muzzammill Ismail's unhappiness with MCA, Gerakan and DAP for criticising Education Minister Maszlee Malik over the matriculation quota.

"If we want to discuss justice, don't challenge the openness that is granted. If not, dissolve vernacular schools – then we can discuss the matriculation quota," Muzzammill had said.

DAP Youth added that every student should be accorded equal educational opportunities.

"The new government in Malaysia Baru should not be trapped in the old framework, and should move forward with an inclusive policy that does not discriminate."

all above PH politicians are alumni of TAR-UC
none of them said anything when Lim Guan Eng denied TAR-UC matching grant 



  1. Cannot link vernacular schools to matriculation quota but can link grants to universities?

  2. Since we are linking just about everything to matriculation quotas (vernacular schools, UEC recognition, grant funding to UTARC, discriminatory Mandarin speaking jobs etc) how about we link PTPTN debts?

    If a graduate can afford to travel overseas why can't he pay his PTPTN debt?

    If travelling for work, then he has a job, pay RM10 per month also cannot? When salary reaches say RM4k then can increase the amount deducted.

    If he is travelling for holidays then he is a bum.

    We already have all the data for automatic salary deduction (IC number, LHDN tax file number etc). If laws need to be changed, then change them.
    If the parents are guarantors then make them pay. Don't give discounts, it is not fair to those who have settled promptly.

    Not settling debts deprives future students the same opportunity they enjoyed.

    This entitlement attitude is killing the country. Come on Maszlee, do the right thing. Useless fler.

    1. The Fact is Melayu have an in-built mentality or basic cultural disposition not to seriously respect the repayment of debts, neither schedule nor amount.

      An unfortunate multiplying effect of that is they tend to be careless or not think carefully about entering into loans and other financial obligations. As a result, many more Malays than other races find themselves borrowing or incurring installments to the level they have trouble paying back.

      It is NOT racial prejudice - anyone in business who deals with Malays on debts or credit or hire purchase will be aware of that, including Malay businessmen.

  3. In practical terms, the worst period for Chinese kids access to higher education was in the late 1970's when Hussein Onn was PM.

    Zealous imposition of restrictive racial quotas combined with already limited available university places at the time led to a really serious constraint.
    Many smart Chinese kids simply failed to get access to Tertiary Education. Who knows how much talent had been wasted for kids who could have got a university degree but had to leave to work straight after Secondary School or settled for a diploma.

    That was also the time when TAR College was most appreciated as an affordable outlet.

    Since the 1990's to the early 2000's , a combination of large expansion of Government university intake - everyone benefitted , affordable twinning programs in private university colleges, foreign university campuses in Malaysia had largely neutralised the issue of inaccessibly to Higher Education among the Chinese.

    In 1999 and 2004, the Chinese voted heavily for BN - mainly for other reasons, true, but issue of inaccessibility to Tertiary Education for Chinese kids was hardly on the table.

    Metrikulasi was never before raised as an educational issue for 19 years, that is why, to me certainly, the current burning polemics over Metrikulasi have a fake manufactured issue feeling about it.

    Some people are purposely stirring it for political gain.

  4. While, politicians, Ministers, political parties and other religious or racists NGOs, groups, societies, boards etc go on justifying and talking cock about what is the right policies for Malaysian children's education based on their politiking of appeal to fake nationalism and race or religious biasness, Malaysians should just not bother too much and just close their ears, shut their eyes and ask them directly before any of them open their mouths the question of "Where do they send their children for an education to prepare for their future as Malaysians living in a globalised world?"

    Those statistics of 90,000 + Malay students in vernacular schools (where Mandarin Language is the medium of instruction besides compulsory language subjects of Malay and English Language) is not surprising and can only increase because majority of those Malay parents which send their children have understood their children's education future will depend on these 2 main factors:-

    1. Knowing the fact that Malaysia is also one of the world's largest trading Nation (Top 30) and thus learning another language of commerce can only benefit their children's job prospects esp with China (Mandarin is the main language of business and commerce) as a big economic power just next door in Asia overtaking Japan and German economies and the USA in the near future.

    2. Not limiting their children's jobs future to be dependent on only employment as public servants, GLCs, GLICs, Religious Institutions etc where just learning the Malay Language or Arabic is sufficient.

    Of course there are other minor factors for their children's education and employment prospects like better quality of education esp in STEM subjects, nearby to home esp in rural areas, doing business with local Chinese businesses etc but these are not in the main.

    Having said that, the vernacular schools would be even a better choice if the Mandarin medium of education is also more inclusive of English as the medium of instruction for certain subjects so as to make all the vernacular schools students more employable all around the world. Malay Language can remain as a subject to be learned to promote unity and communication among all the diverse races, religion and cultures in Malaysia.

    You just can't depend on those speaking of education policies which affect the real lives and the jobs futures of children when all those who talks about educational matters are only concerned about their own biases in:

    1. Focusing on Unity by only stressing on 1 language and forgetting about other aspects of why a education based on the real living world is necessary for the children's future.

    2. Religion as the only most important aspect of a child's education instead of equipping for the future with more real life skill sets.

    3. Learning only their mother tongue language as the most important aspect of education to maintain their culture.

    4. Maintaining an ineffective/skewed education system so as to preserve their political philosophy and privileges.

    In short, just leave out politics and religions in the education system which do not really contribute much towards the real objectives of Education to equip all Malaysian children in a globalised world for their future.
