
Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Stepson Penang

FMT - USM gets more money from Putrajaya than Penang does, says backbencher

by Predeep Nambiar

Gooi Hsiao Leung (second from right) speaks to reporters outside the state assembly chambers today 

GEORGE TOWN: A Penang backbencher today urged Putrajaya to increase the amount of funding for the state, saying a local public university there receives more than what is given to the state as a whole.

Gooi Hsiao Leung (PKR-Bukit Tengah) said Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) received RM525 million in allocations last year, more than the RM195.1 million given to the state government in annual federal grants between 2017 and June 2018.

“Even if you add up one and a half years of allocations, the amount is still less than what USM gets. Is this fair to the hardworking Penangites who are one of the largest body of taxpayers in the country?

“Without a doubt, Penang is one of the largest contributors in terms of taxes and GDP to our country."

“I am of the opinion that the federal government should increase funding and annual grants to Penang,” he said in his debate at the state assembly today.

In terms of annual federal grants, he said, Kedah received RM373.3 million while Perak received RM657.1 million and Perlis, RM126 million.

Gooi said of the RM6.78 billion in grants given in 2016, Penang received only 3.18% compared to the 13 other states.

He also urged Penang to start its own civil service system instead of using the federal system as is currently the practice.

He said the majority of Penang’s civil service are essentially federal employees from the Public Service Department, unlike unfederated Malay states like Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu which have their own civil services.

With a federal civil service in Penang, he said, many homegrown talents are poached by other states, causing a brain drain.

He added that federal civil servants occupy key posts in government departments and might not have the best interest of Penangites at heart.

“We saw a big dispute when the federal government appointed a state secretary in 2010 without the consultation or agreement of the Penang government at the time.

“I have also heard that Penang is a good training ground. Once they learn everything, they are transferred to other states, causing us to lose people who are in touch with the state’s issues and, ultimately, talent,” he said.

KT's note: See also FMT's Respect legislators, Penang speaker tells govt dept directors

In order for this to work, he said, an independent de-centralisation committee should be set up to look into the matter.

He said the committee could also look into issues such as the more efficient channelling of federal funds.

Gooi acknowledged that this might take some time as the devolution of powers require an amendment to the Federal Constitution.

“That is why an independent committee is required. This might take some time, but we can start now.

“We have all the best minds at our disposal in Penang and I’m certain this can be made possible.”


  1. Hongkong has been returned to Tiongkok.

    When will Penang be returned to Kedah? Of course under a One Malay State, Two Systems arrangement...cough..cough...start stocking up on the payung...

    1. Moron if u want to talk like that, then bila nak kedak kembali me Siam?

      Perhaps u just tak tau that Kedah was annexed from Siam by the pommie!

      Quickly go Google Burney Treaty to give some sanity to yr zombified brain.

    2. no, we wan back satun pattani songkhla krabi, phuket etc so our man dun need cross border to enjoy good food.

    3. Over what?

      In yr wet dreams, perhaps!

      Along the way drag this blurred mfer together with u.

  2. What a waste of effort and time talking/comparing about more allocations/grants and comparing to other federated or unfederated states and their state's civil servants.

    Penang can progress even better for it's hardworking taxpayers (wakakakaka) than progressive and developed Singapore if Penang had been given back it's Free Port status.

    The days of BN politiking which betrayed the people of Penang which was once a Free Port to stunt it's growth should be reverted and given back to ensure Penang's future well being.

    If Langkawi, Labuan etc were given free port status, why not Penang?

    What's the reasons stopping the PH Govt. this time from granting back the Free Port status?

    Why neuter the Goose which is going to lay Golden Eggs for all Malaysians?

  3. y tis fella so keypoh if dap is fine with it?

  4. And Jibby took 4 BILLION from KWAP, this is pension savings of government civil servants, mostly Malay, into his PERSONAL bank accounts, now confirmed in court. But Penang gets peanuts. Tabung Haji bankrupted and needs 10B bailout, Felda needs 6B, the list goes on and on. And people still say Harapan government bullies Malays and don't look after Islam.

  5. The situation has actually improved compared to the long years of Federal funding drought from 2008 - 2018 (2018 budget already locked in). Unfortunately, for 2019, the imperative to improve the Nation's financial position takes precedence, so not a lot of improvement in allocation amount, but a lot of improvement in the allocation coordination mechanism.

    The Najib Administration weaponised the Federal budget allocation as a reminder to Penangites that voting the (then) Opposition into power in Penang has negative consequences.

    The Federal Development Budget was channelled through the State Development Office, a politicised Federal Agency that coordinated through BN representatives rather than the elected State Government.

    One SDO openly attacked Lim Guan Eng when he was Chief Minister.

    Only after May 10, 2018 has the State Development Office been moved back to proper direct coordination with the Penang State Government.

    Most Civil Servants are apolitical in carrying out the job duties, unfortunately there ARE civil servants whom it is unclear whether they are Civil Servants or UMNO/BN political agents. These people, some of whom are in senior positions are actively resisting / slow-walking the Pakatan Harapan administration.

    Most ordinary citizen's experience of "The Government" is how they interact with Civil Servants.
    In many cases , UMNO-era SOPs continue to operate, and ordinary people feel like nothing has improved or changed.

    Same old, same old.

    Ministers can say anything they like, but policy is actioned by Civil Servants, or more like inaction.

  6. I want to raise an issue stated by kt @ Friday, April 26, 2019 :
    Malays Neglected & Marginalised in Matriculation Program?

    "Worse, when the 90% was already reserved in the initial-original batch of 25,000 for Malays in the matriculation program, the truly neglected and marginalised have been the nons.

    But following Anwar's illogical argument, to wit, that the increase to 40,000 from 25,000 previously had led to worries that it would eat into the quota for the Malay students, this must be the BIGGEST BS ever.

    Even if every single spot of the extra 15,000 places (from 25,000 to 40,000) were to be given to the nons, a most unlikely, nay, impossible possibility, it would only worked out to 17,000 nons [15,000 + (10% of 25,000 = 2,500)] against 22,500 Malays [25,000 - 2,500]."

    From a source within the exam board, I was told that this FACT.

    For the data of the past 5 yrs, every yr there r more than 80k matriculation applications.

    Only about one-third of the bumi r qualified for acceptance. But during actual enrolment, the figure falls further to only one-quarter.

    What this meant IS the metriculation quota for bumi has NEVER been filled for the past 5 yrs (1912-1917). The closest time to fill this quota was 24k+ in 2014. In 2017, the figure is 23k+. The lowest intake was in 2016 for 19k+.

    In contrast, the metriculation quotas for Nons have ALWAYS been filled completely.

    For the past 5 yrs, the Nons matriculation applications have NEVER exceeded 3.6k. The highest applications was 3513 in 2014 while in 2017, the figure was 2812.


    1) bumi quota for matriculation intakes has not been fully taken in the last 5 yrs. Apparently many bumi opt for kursus asasi of the various local universities!

    2) the relevant 'authorities' CAN'T do any more admission bell curve adjustments. The extreme has been breached >5 yrs ago, as indicated by single digit passing mark for maths! Anymore adjustments WOULD mean admitting morons into the matriculation system - leading to highly unqualified 'professionals'!

    3) thus, any increase in the TOTAL matriculation intakes, vis-a-vis the bumi 90/10% quota, has very little effect in increasing the bumi number.

    4) however, it will highly affecting the university admissions of the stpm students, who r mainly Nons. They r now competing with the Nons from the matriculation stream!

    5) the announced increment of the matriculation intake to 40k has the effect of giving the extra 1.5k (10% of 15k increment from 25k) ALL to the Nons.

    6) PH govt ISN'T clarifying this detail as:

    A) to placate the ketuanan freaks & blur-sotongs. 90/10% remains while the size has increased to 40k.

    B) to prevent the lil' napoleons within the relevant departments to torpedo the now increased intake of the Nons while the bumi quota remains unable to fully taken up.
