
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Soon time for a 'nobody' to lompat

MM Online - Johor PPBM announces new leadership lineup, but where’s MB Sahruddin? (extracts)


Mazlan Bujang has announced his new state leadership lineup which interestingly does not include current Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Sahruddin Jamal
Picture by Roysten Rueben

KUALA LUMPUR, May 25 — On his first day as Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (PPBM) Johor Chief, Mazlan Bujang has announced his new state leadership lineup which interestingly does not include current Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Sahruddin Jamal.

As I had penned in a previous post DAP ADUN ousted from Johor Exco - Karma's a Bitch (extracts):

... new MB Sharuddin Jamal, he has no eff-ing say at all in the selection of the new Exco. The poor Sod is now caught between the Johor Sultan and the PM who is also his party boss.

Mahathir has just said the Johor Sultan has no say in the selection of the new Exco for the Johor State government, but DAP's Tan Hong Pin who was in the previous exco has now been clearly dropped, together with Pribumi's Mazlan Bujang (Mahathir's boy). Mahathir would not have sacrificed Mazlan Bujang because his party Pribumi has a scarcity of MPs and ADUNs.

Then I continued:

It's obvious Sahruddin Jamal prefers to kowtow to HM rather than to his own Boss Mahathir who passed instructions NOT to change the members of the Johor Exco.

Undoubtedly in accordance with the 'silent' dictates from 'invisible hands', wakakaka, the new MB kicked out DAP's Tan Hong Pin together with Pribumi's Mazlan Bujang from his new exco lineup.

HM has won in this recent round, but I am sure Mahathir won't forget nor let it go - he'll definitely think of a way to 'somehow' kowtim HM, wakakaka.

As for Sharuddin Jamal's future, what is saving him at this stage is probably the scarcity of Pribumi ADUNs in Johor State, wakakaka, but it's unlikely he'll have a great future in Pribumi unless Mahathir leaves for 'parts beyond'.

Wakakaka, and as we have just witnessed, Shahruddin Jamal has been shown he has become a 'nobody' in Parti Pribumi. Soon it may be time for a lompat, wakakaka again.


  1. Harapan majority in the Johor legislature is too big for kayaks to have any impact.

    Lompat into oblivion .... I doubt it.

  2. It's not as serious as what Kaytee or MM made it up to be, as if PPBM is on the verge of breakup or the Johor PH State Govt. is disunited and breaking up or the MB is going to be a Katak soon.

    It is, I believe TDM's way of saying "It's no point having an MB "tiada Gigi" or with "Tarikh Luput" unless it is elected and nominated democratically via the State Assembly.

    And also to those PPBM ADUNs who aspire to be MBs thru the backdoor not nominated by the party that they will be just sitting in their MB seat temporarily and before it even gets warm.

