
Monday, May 27, 2019

Seafield Inquest - Behind the scene manoeuvring

From FMT:

Ministry’s lawyer instructed to withdraw from Adib inquest?

Lawyer Syazlin Mansor stepped down from representing the housing and local government ministry in the Adib inquest.

PETALING JAYA: The decision by the housing and local government ministry’s lawyer to withdraw from the inquest into the death of fireman Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim followed a directive from higher up, FMT has learnt.
A source said Syazlin Mansor, the lawyer the ministry appointed to represent the fire department and Adib’s family, received a letter telling her to withdraw from the inquest.
It also said that the ministry was against the decision, saying “it wanted to ensure justice for Adib”.
“But they had no choice but to abide by the directive,” the source aded.
Syazlin has refused comment.
kaytee's observation:
Lawyer Syalin Mansor has been doing great guns in putting Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi into a corner by her deft and clever questioning, until the forensic expert complained he was 'humiliated' by Syalin.
I am suspicious who was the 'higher directive' who ordered Syalin to back off?
Will Adib's family now be assured of justice?


  1. Wakakakakaka…

    Starting to show yr tail!

    "Lawyer Syalin Mansor has been doing great guns in putting Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi into a corner by her deft and clever questioning, until the forensic expert complained he was 'humiliated' by Syalin."

    In the same class as that macc lawyer, Abdul Razak who had at first advocated tbh died of self-strangulation. He even demonstrated how it could be done.

    He then asked Dr Pornthip if she had any experience jumping off a building! When that failed, the very experienced lawyer of 24 years assisted the Commission to take a wild leap out of the window of logic, common sense and civility.

    Coming from a self proclaimed tbh's murder advocate, how does Syalin's monkey acts arguing for the cause of death of adib?

    1. oh tbh, yet to settle even after one year come to power? bila that lks quit ph?

    2. Bila u submit yr name as any possible replacement to manmanlai lah!

      Keep farting, yet do nothing!

      The fart chamber must be highly pressurized such that foul smell is leaking everywhere.

    3. i do what lks is doing. the only diff is i talk current ages issue, he talk middle ages issue. he might later bring up dinasaur n cave man story, but skip the 22 years.

    4. Since both of u & lks r talking about the same issue then how does the time comes into play?

      Current age issue? Middle age issue?

      If an issue has a chronological order as claimed by u, what's yr current age vis-a-vis middle age?

      Which age comes first?

      If like could bring up dinasaur n cave man story, but skip the 22 years. Then, what can u fart about on the same issue of dinasaur n cave man story? Time travel into 22 years of future to vent yr fart, as of NOW?

      Bloody confused rd moron who r been disorientated by his own fart!

  2. looks like you are having doubts and questioning the professional integrity and credibility of Dr ahmad hafizam's findings, he is only doing his job and putting his life and reputation at risk, is it necessary to humiliate him as you so contentedly put it? maybe the 'higher directive' concluded that the Dr's findings is conclusive hence no need to carry on

  3. Ah Mok was defending until the very end that there was no "behind the scenes interference" in the Altantuya murder trial.

    Now he quickly jumps to conclusions with conspiracy theories on the Seafield inquest.

    1. Thus, unknowingly reveal his TRUE intention - to stir-fry any possible sopo conflicts into racial issues!

      Worst than a split tongue ular.
