
Thursday, May 23, 2019

RMAF aircraft missing way before Army helicopters

FMT - RM300 million for US-made helicopters, bought through dubious firm and never delivered (extracts):

The MD530G helicopters that the Malaysian army never got to fly as they were not delivered despite millions of ringgit paid through a third party. (Bernama pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: Military helicopters bought during the previous administration for over RM300 million have yet to be delivered to the Royal Malaysian Army, a source close to investigations into allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the purchase of defence assets told FMT.

It is understood that six MD530G light scout attack helicopters, manufactured by MD Helicopters of US aerospace giant McDonnell Douglas, were ordered in 2016 by the defence ministry (Mindef) then headed by Hishammuddin Hussein. [...]

But an investigation into the deal has revealed more startling details, including the fact that the Malaysian army never took delivery of the helicopters. MT contacted Mindef for more details but was told that investigations are still ongoing.

In 1982 the government (Mahathir was both PM and Defence Minister) bought 88 used Skyhawks from the USA. Some in the RMAF handling the introduction of the Skyhawks said those planes were ex-Israeli Air Force ground attack fighters.

RMAF A-4PTM (Peculiar-to-Malaysia) Skyhawk 

40 of them were re-engined, fitted with updated avionics and apparently also had their airframes modified. Those 40 were delivered. I won't gone into the RMAF operations of the Skyhawks fighter attack aircraft which incidentally was also operated by the Singapore Air Force (RSAF).

But I want to know what happened to the remaining 48?

From another blog (SeaDemon) I read (extracts):

In 1984, a year before the delivery of the Skyhawks and purchase of the ancient Albatrosses, Mahathir went to the US and met with President Ronald Reagan at the White House.

In his remark Mahathir said, “I’m particularly happy to note the encouraging signs of economic recovery in the United States, which we consider significant, if not crucial, in assuring a healthy global economy.”

Mahathir added, “In fact, if you were to ask me what is it I would want the United States to do with regard to economic policy, my honest and simple response is for the U.S. economy to get ahead and regain its strength, for the healthier and more vibrant the U.S. economy becomes, the better it will be, not only for the United States and Malaysia but all the developing countries in the world.”

Looks like Najib Razak must have imitated his mentor Mahathir in wanting to help improve the economy of the USA, wakakaka.


  1. Compare what Toonsie was reported to have said above to President Reagan to what Jibby said to Trump:

    Kit Siang: Najib’s ‘value propositions’ like gifts from a vassal state

    FMT Reporters - September 17, 2017

    DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang has poured scorn over Prime Minister Najib Razak’s recent “value propositions” to Donald Trump in assuring Malaysian investments to the US, saying it depicted Malaysia as bearing gifts like a vassal state to the White House.

    The Gelang Patah MP questioned why Najib was given a “hero’s welcome home” at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport upon his return on Friday, claiming that the meeting with the US president in Washington on Sept 12 was to strengthen “someone else’s economy” instead of promoting Malaysia’s.

    He said the propositions to invest billions in the US were “revolting and ridiculous” especially because the Malaysian economy was in dire straits and the people were suffering from rising costs and worsening standards of living.

    “What was the ‘hero’s welcome home’ for?” Lim, who is the DAP parliamentary leader, said in a statement issued today following his speech at a DAP Malaysia Day gathering in Sandakan last night.

    “What did Malaysia get in return for Najib’s three ‘value propositions’ to strengthen the US economy? Nothing for the country but a lot for Najib himself – which was in fact the very reason for his visit to the White House and meeting with Trump,” he added.

    Najib had told Trump that the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) wanted to spend US$3- 4 billion on US infrastructure development.

    “I want to say that we came here with a strong value proposition to put on the table. We want to help you strengthen the US economy,” he had said.

    Najib also said Malaysia Airlines would buy 25 Boeing 737 jets and eight 787 Dreamliners, with another 25 737s slated for purchase in the near future. He said the deal would be worth more than US$10 billion (RM41.9 billion) in five years.

    Lim said the propositions were ridiculous as the Malaysian economy was very small compared to that of the US.

    “Malaysia’s GDP is less than US$300 billion while the GDP of USA is nearly US$19 trillion, some 63 times larger than the Malaysian economy,” he said.

    He added that despite the White House meeting the issue of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) will not gone away.

    The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has undertaken legal action to seize assets allegedly purchased in the US with money linked to the sovereign wealth fund.

    Lim said Najib’s real reason for making the trip was revealed when Umno’s Langkawi MP Nawawi Ahmad said at the welcome ceremony that the success of Najib’s visit was proof that he was not guilty of charges levelled by the DOJ in investigating the 1MDB issues.

    “Nobody in his right mind would have expected Najib to be arrested when he visited the US to meet with Trump in the White House, but this is a very different proposition from whether he was involved in the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal,” Lim said.

  2. I knew someone who had direct knowledge on the Skyhawk arrangements.

    They were aging but still capable combat-proven aircraft. RSAF and several other AirForces also operated them.
    The plan, right from the start, was to use 1/2 or so of the 88 purchased aircraft for cannibalizing parts and components no longer available in the market.

    The 48 were also duly handed over to Malaysian authorities, who engaged a US aircraft maintenace firm who extracted parts as necessary so that the other 40 could fly.

    They were subsequently scrapped.

    It was all kosher, no aircraft was ever "missing" , though the 48 certainly never flew as such, and never touched on Malaysian soil.

    1. wakakaka, spinning for dedak master

    2. Its the true story, someone who worked for the Malaysian civilian company which was also involved in the arrangements.

      Ah Mok can't handle the truth.


      In 1982, Malaysia purchased 80 refurbished A-4C and A-4L under a modernization program called PERISTA. Forty of the airframes were upgraded with the Hughes AN/ASB-19 Angle Rate Bombing System, air refueling capability, and increased payload, while the rest were kept in the United States as a reserve and for spare parts. This modified version was redesignated as A-4PTM (peculiar to Malaysia).
      The aircraft were delivered to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) in December 1984 where they served in the No.6 and No.9 RMAF Squadrons at Kuantan air base. While in service, they suffered from frequent maintenance issues and a high accident rate. In 1995, they were finally retired and replaced with BAE Systems Hawks.

      I told you Ah Mok can't handle the truth.

    4. whoa whoa, wakakaka - methinks thou doth protesteth too much

    5. I can't stand it when I know more about the subject than the other guy, and he is clearly talking dishonestly .

    6. ... know more about the subject than ...

      wakakaka, what a bullshitting Mahathirista dedak-makan-er

  3. obviously, Ktemoc is spinning some old fairy tales during TDM's time to cover up the recent missing army helicopters.

    Anyway, the best guide is still the Auditors Report for past or present mismanagement especially of Govt. Ministries like the Ministry of Defence.

    No reports of missing Skyhawk planes nor Army helicopters as far as I know till today.

    1. Ah Mok's blog now comprises day after day of distortions and dishonesty, on behalf of his political agenda.

  4. Who was Defence Minister AND Prime Minister in 2008 ?
    Answer: Jibby
    In May 2008 two General Electric J-85 jet engines that powered the F-5E fighters of the RMAF had been missing from a warehouse in Kuala Lumpur. It was later established that the engines were stolen and exported to Uruguay by the combined efforts of greedy defence contractors and crooked RMAF personnel. These engines were procured by the Malaysian government in 1975 from the United States of America at the cost of a few million dollars. The criminals planned to strip the engines down to parts in South America and then sell it back to the RMAF. The jet engines and their service and maintenance records were discovered missing on 22nd May 2008 and a police report was lodged only on 4th Aug, a two and a half month delay! They were supposed to have been shipped to Argentina and then Uruguay. The contractor and RMAF personnel implicated could easily have been fall guys to take the blame for the misdeeds of higher ranking personnels. So far two ethnic Indians have been charged in court in connection with the theft and disposal of the engines. By Jul 2012, more details have emerged. As prosecution witness, RMAF senior airman Corporal Mohamad Shukri Mohd Yusof, 29, admitted in court that he stole the 2 jet engines from the Sungai Besi Airbase in 2008 with another RMAF personnel known as Sergeant Fauzi after being asked to do so by Staff Sergeant Tharmendran. Fauzi was the lorry driver. On 30th Apr 2008 Shukri and Fauzi both wore uniforms to avoid arousing suspicion when they took the engines out of the Material Processing Shed Matra 1, RMAF base, Sungai Besi. He was then paid Malaysian Ringgit RM 90,000 in 3 instalments by Tharmendran. RM30,000 was given to Fauzi and the rest was kept by Shukri who subsequently spent it on repaying his study loan (RM12000) , settle his car loan (RM8000), for investment (RM10000), honeymoon in Tioman Island (RM5000) and an undisclosed sum on shopping. When asked by the defendant's lawyer why he did not return the money to the police during investigations, the reply was " they did not ask for it" Land of the Incompetent! He also disclosed that after the incident, 30 RMAF personnel were sacked but he was not one of them because he was needed by the military as a witness to testify, prompting the defendant's lawyer to cry foul - the person who stole was not only not charged or sacked but walk into the court to testify against two others who are facing charges! Another shocking admission was that it was not the first time he stole from the military. He had done it "four or five" times previously, and had stolen transmitters and aircraft spare parts, among other things. To retain a serial stealer in one's ranks is something so stupid that it is almost incomprehensible. Someone higher up may have something more to hide by retaining this errant airman. The court also heard from another witness, the Ex-Head of the 12th Squadron engineering division at the Butterworth Air Base, Abdul Rahim, that the process of removing a damaged F-5 engine from the base involves many processes, starting from the time the pilot files a report in the Integrated Computer Management System (SPKB). It is the responsibility of RMAF personnel to remove the engine from the aircraft but the containerising is done by a private maintenance contractor Airod Sdn Bhd. Many more steps are involved before the container can be moved to the godown Matra Tiga at Butterworth Airbase where it will eventually be sent to Kuala Lumpur Air Base, again after several more processes. That said, to have all these processes and checks bypassed should be no small feat, unless perhaps there are higher authorities involved? The Prime Minister Najib Razak who was Minister for Defense when the theft occured, swore that there would be no cover up. Malaysian government, as usual, said that no higher ranking officials were involved. Already, an Air Force General has been cleared and the small fry are held responsible.
