
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Pakatan live in glass houses should not throw stones

From FMT:

Najib slams PH’s silence on 1990s land swap deals

Former prime minister Najib Razak wonders why the defence ministry has removed the report on the land swaps from its website after uploading it, not long after news portals reported that these cases happened during Mahathir’s time.
PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak has hit out at Pakatan Harapan’s silence on four land swap deals carried out by the Dr Mahathir Mohamad administration in 1997.
Speaking to FMT, Najib said it was “interesting” that the people then, who were the prime minister, defence minister and finance minister, were now all in Pakatan Harapan, alluding to Mahathir, Syed Hamid Albar and Anwar Ibrahim respectively.
Najib was commenting on reports that four of the 16 land swap deals highlighted by Defence Minister Mohmad Sabu happened in 1997, during Mahathir’s first tenure as prime minister.
“Although these cases involve the biggest losses, and the most blatant infringement of giving freehold status instead of a 99-year leasehold for the land, these are not among the cases reported to Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission and police by the defence ministry last week.”
He said it was also interesting to note that the defence ministry has removed the report on the land swaps from its website after uploading it, not long after news portals reported that these cases happened during Mahathir’s time.
“I wonder why.
“Actually, the Barisan Nasional government during my time had to spend a lot of time resolving these cases, including claiming for losses incurred from these projects.”
Mohamad had earlier claimed that 13 of the 16 land swaps carried out during the BN administration involved former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein and Najib.
Mohamad also claimed that the government lost more than RM500 million due to these land swaps.
He added many discrepancies were found, including the sale of land at lower prices and the land swap projects being given to unqualified developers.
Mohamad also denied that Mahathir was involved in these deals.
FMT has reached out to Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong and Syed Hamid for comment on the matter.
Earlier today, Hishammuddin challenged his successor, Mat Sabu, and his deputy Liew Chin Tong, to prove that he had benefitted financially and politically from land swap deals struck under his tenure.
“My advice to them both is that if they live in glass houses, don’t throw stones.”
Hishammuddin went on to say that any investigation must include all former prime ministers and defence ministers.


  1. Living in the glasshouse?

    Do u honestly think that mat sabu/ lct WOULD not know who's the pm in the period they mentioned?

    Do u honestly think that they have not get clearance from mamak to do so?

    1) hinting mamak DIRECTLY in the report shows the clear commitment to 100% investigative transparency. Very unlikely the way jibby handled the 1MDB investigations!

    2) mamak IS gamed for been hinted/associated meaning mamak COULD very well know how to pull another rabbit out from his songkok! So, don just tembak! Keep watching lah.

    The BEST laugh is coming!

  2. What silence is Jibby talking about. Wasn’t it Mat Sabu that made the announcement, even if it did incriminate HIS OWN BOSSKU (ha ha) Toonsie. If BN were still in power everyone would keep 1MDB.

    Investigate them ALL.

    Note: Anwar Ibrahim not mentioned anywhere....ha ha ha...

    NEW MALAYSIA.....!!! I’m Lovin’ It....!

  3. “Although these cases involve the biggest losses, and the most blatant infringement of giving freehold status instead of a 99-year leasehold for the land, these are not among the cases reported to Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission and police by the defence ministry last week.”
    He said it was also interesting to note that the defence ministry has removed the report on the land swaps from its website after uploading it, not long after news portals reported that these cases happened during Mahathir’s time.

    1. Let's see the details first.
      Whatever the CROOK says cannot be taken at face value.

  4. Wakakakakakaka Throwing stones when one is living in glass houses.

    I remember an UMNO MP in Parliament saying something like, if a thief is not caught, then it is not stealing.

    Why talk about other thieves, when oneself is a thief and is caught?

  5. I think NEVER has any of Jibby’s ministers “exposed” him to allegations of corruption, either in MinDef or any other ministry. Why now only it is exposed? Because we now have a new clean government.

    Well Done Mat Sabu...!!

    Smash the UMNO glass house....and Harapan’s too....if any....

  6. Talking about glass houses the new Harapan-appointed IGP just approved IPCMC, so we can expect more skeletons and revelations coming from past polis mid-deeds.....stay tuned.....NEW MALAYSIA....!!!

    I’m Lovin’ It....!!

  7. Wakakaka..Keep on the hunting game! Perhaps, 1MDB is only the tip of the ice berg.

    Check all the privitization projects, pump-primming projects, and all projects under MoF Inc and approved by EPU and also the MB Inc under the respective SEDCs, etc..etc.

    Find out the sum total of the billions that were lost by the federal/state government to the private sectors (especially to the Nons service providers); how many millionaires should have had actually being created; how many jobs were created and how it had contributed to the nation's and the respective state's economic growth.

    1. moral of the story is, in msia, only a old thief can catch the not so young thief.

    2. Perhaps it's high time to start with the seed money of pnb!

    3. HY.. who can catch the old thief?

    4. The old thief has already been forgiven by Allah and the majority of Malaysians in GE14. BN had 15 years to put him away (2003-2018) but did not. Too late, stiff shit, deal with it.

  8. No one has accused Bossku himself of having committed any crime (yet).

    Why is Ah Mok defending Bossku so vigorously ?

  9. Today is the 5th Anniversary of May 13 1969.

    A lot of the rhetoric currently being promoted by UMNO and PAS is aimed at inciting deep Malay racial animosity towards the PH Government as so-called "Pro-Chinese", and the status of the Malays as being threatened, just like during the run-up to May 13 1969.

    That is the main reason for DAP , including Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng treading very carefully , and oftentimes in a low profile on current issues.

    NOT as Ah Mok says sucking up to Mahathir.

  10. Psychology of a thief will never change. It's a standard 101 in interrogations of thieves caught.

    1. First they will outright deny or also accuse others of thieving to make themselves look innocent, or not so bad/evil as individual or party to a crime committed.

    2. Next, to pretend to be an innocent party being victimized, since they are the only ones caught.

    I am waiting for the next statements on this issue, since this thief is no ordinary thief with a basic psychological pattern of defense when caught, but also a politician and a known kleptocrat.

    Only birds of the same feathers will flock to defend him as a thief and belief his excuses or use threats/fear via veiled quotes.

    You just wonder at the intelligence of all those expensively Dedak paid advisers/consultants/bloggers helping him in replying to all the crimes committed by a Kleptocrat. Perhaps they are just like the proverbial phrase of who cares, what is the ending, so long as "Make Hay while the Sun Shines" or in Malaysian parlance "So long as the Moolah Flows".

    To most Malaysians, Ahjibkor is already a lost cause to himself and his associated parties to defend, and can only invite sniggers and contempt from the public, looking at all the excuses after excuses, lies after lies and dumb reasonings crafted to lessen the crimes.

    Perhaps he should be saner and adopt the Grand Mullah's way of Art of Survival in politics by getting some to be the sacrificial lambs to save himself and the party. That is, if some are willing to be sacrificial lambs in their belief of the doctrine of "Untuk Bangsa dan Agama".


    1. This kleptomaniac is instructing his legal vultures to paint his collaborators, especially feilo, to be the blackened scapegoats.

      He so wanted to claim ignorance & innocent that everything he did were for the benefits of alifbata!

      The ugly part IS many blur-sotongs believe that. Hence that n9 minangkerbau fool's chant of "whatever umno did reflect on the melayu".
