
Monday, May 06, 2019

Nihil Obstat Imprimatur Maddy

Mahathir has admitted that the Matriculation process has been designed as a 'back door' for Malays to enter university because those Malays ta'mahu belajar STPM.

In other words, Mahathir has given his imprimatur to Matriculation and its unique reservation for Malays.

Nihil Obstat = Nothing stands in the way

eg. of Mahathir's Imprimatur

even and especially you Teo Nie Ching


  1. what can a useless deputy edu minister do?

  2. We have had 25 Education Ministers, all from the same political party which is based on one race. Collectively they ALL messed up our education system. It's not all Toonsie's fault.

    As for the Matriculation programme managed by the Education Ministry.....

    Since its inception in the 1980s, the matriculation programme was handled by respective local universities. In 1998, the Matriculation Division was established by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. The first matriculation programme started in 1999.

    Who was the Education Minister in 1998-1999? Answer: Jibby.

    1. who was the PM? Without the then-PM's direction and approval, nothing moved

    2. Some hp6 smart alecks sold the idea of umbrella effect to mamak1.0.

      In his eagerness to prove & uplift the melayu as a whole, mamak1.0 approved this harebrained scheme to be deployed in education & business fields.

      The rest is a history of rent-seeking business, unemployable graduates, lalang academics & kangkung top civil servants in the making.

      Mamak2.0 just openly declares that matriculation IS a back door' for Malays to enter university because those Malays ta'mahu belajar STPM - ie not good enough to masuk form sixth when he was the PM.

      In this OPEN declaration he states the FACT (then!!) for allowing the back door scheme.

      Where is the SIGN that mamak2.0 will continue the support?

      Cabinet allows the quantum of matriculation intake by indirectly increasing the Nons participation since the numeric quota for melayu students CAN'T be achieve even with the 90% of the old intake.

      This is the best interim solution for the Jobs craving for shortcut matriculation entrance to the universities.

      Eventually, matriculation & all other ad hoc back door entrances to local uni SHOULD be shut tight.

      If the ketuanan freaks r going to cry father mother then educate them about WHY proper socia-econ upliftings have NOT short cuts. Along the way remind them about it's their REAL top achievers WHO r going to improve their social standing W/O constantly looking for tongkat!

      It's REALLY disingenuous to blame Teo Nie Ching when she is ONLY a deputy EM who doesn't have the right to attend cabinet meeting.

      Scapegoating IS bad. But blackening the goat IS despicable to the nth! (To both PH cari-pasal kt & that pet cat mourning hy).

    3. Ah Mok wants to hentam a Deputy Minister, while giving a free pass to a previous Education Minister, on whose watch the Metrikulasi system was crafted.

    4. don't allow your dedak-driven motivation to make you forget the PM, same one in both regimes

    5. same one in both regimes!!??

      Wakakakaka… what a fart le!

      Mamak1.0 could do what he wanted, no questions asked & zilch complaints, in & out of the coalition then, allowed.

      Mamak2.0 has to compromise with the other component parties - ie relinquishing his wish to be the EM. He is also subjecting to intra-parties criticisms that he never experienced before. & he takes them ALL in stride!

      Sama ke?

  3. And I thought Toonsie does not approve of back door entry.

  4. You just can't rationalise nor explain away anything as not being Racial nor labelled as a Racist leader when policies/allotment of places/quotas/licences are Race based instead of Need based.

    Obviously, TDM on some issues like the Matriculation Courses, is more concerned about being politically correct than doing the right and just thing. It tells a lot about his weak leadership qualities and abilities masked inside his political abilities.

    And TDM was recently named by Fortune as the 47th top greatest leaders in the world.

    Another backdoor entry by Fortune?
