
Thursday, May 02, 2019

MY religion

FMT - How preacher Zamri got into hot soup ..... (extracts)

PETALING JAYA: Muslim preacher Zamri Vinoth is in trouble with the law apparently because he made a passing reference to what he described as “illogical” Hindu practices in a talk that was largely critical of Muslims.

The leader of the group that made the first police report against him, Arun Doraisamy, told FMT Hindus were offended by a remark about their worship of a multiplicity of deities.

In that segment of the talk, Zamri said one of the reasons he left Hinduism was that he couldn’t make sense of a belief in “330 million gods” and the “worship of stone objects to which food is then offered”

The deities of the Hindu pantheon are indeed many, and so are those of the Chinese, ancient Greek, Norse, Celtic, North American, South American folk religions. And who can prove they are wrong?

Indeed, who can prove their religion is the correct one, without bearing arms, violence and intimidation?

I learned that when one claims one's god is infallible, one paints oneself (or his/her god) into a corner, as for example, where was god during the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami?

Saying He was then punishing sinners (as espoused by the clerics of the Gulf States and some Western nations) won't satisfactorily explain to the families of Muslim Indons and Hindu-Christian Indians and Sri-Lankans who were annihilated by the hundreds of thousands.


  1. For most of human history, Convert or Die, or, Convert or be Excluded has been the rule of the world.
    Europe, Americas, Mid-East, South Asia, China, South East name it.

    Even the Taoists and Buddhists, supposedly non proselytizing, along the way placed substantial social pressures on their subjects to conform to the "Official" religion.

    In Malaysia, Islamisation pressures unofficially exist in government institutions on the very small number of Nons present.

    An ex-military officer recounted how as the lone Non officer in his unit, faced a lot of combination of encouragement and pressure to join the Muslims.
    While out on duty, the only meat served was often Beef. He is not a Hindu, but imagine what difficulty a Hindu faces in the Armed Forces.
    The Muslims take time out for Friday prayers, but no opportunity for the Nons to attend to their religious obligations.

    The person became basically a non-practioner of his religion until after he left the military.

    In private university campuses, Christian proselytization is widespread, as they take advantage of the loneliness and alienation many young students face the first time being away from home.

  2. just a cari makan type, its no diff with frog. but ck will tell u look at the big picture wakaka.

    1. I will tell them to look at YOUR big picture of the bleeding hearted kind!

      One-liner fart of inconsequential rank.

      U got it?

    2. one liner is ngam ngam for monkey wakaka

  3. Religion became a curse for mankind when it falls into the hands of religious bigots and those who lust and greed for their own agendas of power, positions, wealth, political ascencion, superiorities over others, waging wars, commit terrorism etc.

    Over the centuries, the twisted minds, deeds and actions of such religious bigots have changed their religion into one looking more exclusive rather than inclusive for mankind and has till today created more sufferings, deaths, wars and evils upon mankind.

    You can just know and smell those who are hypocrites to their beliefs in their religion and what it stands for when what they say/talk/preach/dakwah about the virtues of their religion do not translate into reality by what they and their supporters of religious bigotry do and become illusions instead.

    Even worse are those religious bigots who instead go around insulting/formenting hatred/wars/genocides/disuniting society etc for their own agendas but masked it as what their God/Gods/religion wanted or say.

    Aren't such religious bigots called devils/satans in disguise in most religions?

    So why are all these devils/satans allowed the freedom to roam around at the expense of any God/Gods/religion wanted for mankind?
