
Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Faith of Senator Nga Hock Cheh

From yesterday's post, regarding Hallelujah Nga's proposal to recognise Israel (which he subsequently apologised for and swiftly withdrew it, 'perhaps' following advice from HQs?), he said Malaysia should take it a step further by opening its embassy in Israel and reap economic benefits from the new ties.

Senator Nga told the Dewan Negara:

"Israel is very small country but it has very advanced technology in various field, especially in agriculture. Thailand has also benefited tremendously from the expertise and existence of Israel.”

“So, we can also import the expertise for our agriculture to help to uplift the standard of living of the rural folks in this country.”

And he added that he would fail in his duty “as a senator with Christian faith if I do not alert the House about this”.


Let's examine Israel's climate, which I believe to be of the Mediterranean variety for the reason it's next to the Mediterranean Sea, wakakaka.

According to Encyclopedia Britainnica, the Mediterranean climate ... is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters and located between about 30° and 45° latitude north and south of the Equator and on the western sides of the continents.

That embraces California in the USA, lower portion of western South Africa, Chile in South America, Western Australia (Perth), New Zealand and of course the Mediterranean countries themselves including Spain, France and north-west Africa like Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

The fruits grown there are citrus (oranges, lemons, etc), olives, grapes, avocados, kiwi fruits, dates, cherries, pears, etc. Cereal includes wheat, rye, rape (canola), etc.

The Israelis have been every diligent in converting semi-arid land (desert) into fertile grounds for the growing of such agricultural products.

I am sure Senator Nga has this in mind when he proposes we in tropical Malaysia learn from the Israelis how to grow citrus (oranges, lemons, etc), olives, grapes, avocados, kiwi fruits, dates, cherries, pears, wheat, rye, rape (canola), etc.

from Israel? 

Yes, faith alone can possibly shift our wonderful Malaysia from 5 deg North to 30 to 45 deg North or even South.

Alternatively, I am also sure Senator Nga is confident we can apply the Israeli techniques into bettering our tropical plantations of palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and our padi fields.

Such is the power of faith, if a wee bit blind. Hallelujah.

Jesus Feeds 5,000 with 2 Fish and 5 Loaves


  1. I suggest you Google (Google was co-founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, both of Jewish descent by the way) “Israeli technology in agriculture” or words to that effect and you will be enlightened by how much Malaysia can learn from them.

    I will highlight just one Israeli agriculture technology: drip irrigation which delivers precise amounts of water and nutrients directly to the roots of the plants. This technology is applicable even to tropical crops where water is still a precious resource, just ask the farmers every time there is a drought or city folk when there is a water cut. Drip technology was developed by Israel because their country is essentially desert and they can’t depend on their neighbours for supply, like SGP can’t depend on MYS ha ha.

    Every drop of water and every gram of nutrient is delivered precisely to the area needed and absorbed by the plant. No waste, environmentally friendly, Yeo Bee Yin will be so happy. Hallelujah. PTL.

    Conventional watering (eg using sprinklers) and fertilising method (using backpack sprayers) is wasteful; up to 30-50% is wasted through evaporation or hitting non-targets. Farmers need more water and have to buy more fertiliser than they actually need to. Price of vegetables can be reduced because cost of production is lowered.

    We should not be as ignorant like those who laugh at Teresa Kok who espouses taking one tablespoon of palm oil a day for good complexion. God Bless Her Soul.

    1. australians were using drip for decades

    2. Sheesh, do I have to do all the research. Fortunately there is the Jewish invented search engine called Google.

      The Aussies copied drip irrigation from from the Jews. Malaysia should too, for greenhouses, heck, even oil palm trees.

      Simcha, or Simha, Blass (November 27, 1897 – July 18, 1982; Hebrew: שמחה בלאס‎) was a Polish-Israeli engineer and inventor who developed the modern drip irrigation system with his son Yeshayahu.

      During the years 1930–1948 he was the most known water engineer in the Yishuv (Jewish community) of Palestine. He planned the first modern aqueduct in the Jordan Valley. He was the chief engineer and one of the founders (with Levi Eshkol and Pinchas Sapir) of Mekorot water company (established 1937, now Israel's national water company).

      In the early 1930s, a farmer drew his attention to a big tree, growing in his backyard "without water". After digging below the apparently dry surface, Simcha Blass discovered why: water from a leaking coupling was causing a small wet area on the surface, while an expanding onion-shaped area of underground water was reaching the roots of this particular tree—and not the others. This sight of tiny drops penetrating the soil causing the growth of a giant tree provided the catalyst for Blass's invention.The drip irrigation concept was born and experiments that followed led Blass to create an irrigation device that used friction and water pressure loss to leak drops of water at regular intervals. Recognizing the high potential of his discovery, he began to look for ways to turn his idea into a product.

    3. 1st, do Ozzies invent the drip irrigation method themselves or they copy it from the Israelites?

      2nd, it's a world of difference in mental power when one talks about transplanting horticultural produces, lot, stock & barrel, to a different geological locations while the other talks about horticultural methodology to improve yields in different geological locations!

      Form over substance!!!

      Simply fart, just bcoz of a personal hatred of an irrational type.

    4. Ah Mok strenuously attempts to minimise and belittle Israel's substantial advances and contributions to advanced technology and agriculture.

      It is part of his political agenda.

  2. nga can be our first ambassador to israel, bring along all the nga, all the hannah, all the joseph along n dun come back wakaka.


    "U.N. Sounds Alarm on PA Economic Collapse"

    Israel is withholding about $11 million of the roughly $180 million a month in tax funds that it collects for the Palestinians, claiming that money was being used to support families of terrorists. The Palestinians, in protest, have refused to accept ANY of the tax transfers, precipitating a fresh crisis.

    Wakaka self- destruction.

    On top of that USA has cut off funding because they get tired of being continuously condemned, in spite of the privilege of providing aid funding to the Palestinians.

  4. Kaytee sniggering away and Talk Cock Sing Song like that Senator.

    It's all about religion again but camouflage under pretext of Israeli's technology in agriculture and whatnot which are also topnotch in other countries besides Israel. If not, why must he qualify himself by saying "as a Christian Senator"? Why the emphasis on being Christian? Does he represent Christians only in that Senator post? If he represent his party DAP, then why represent only Christian DAP members?

    Why not be straight forward instead of pretentious and just say honestly the Malaysians Christians and Moslems would sure love to visit their holy places in Israel if we have diplomatic relations with Israel and the travel ban on visiting Israel is lifted by the Malaysian Govt.?

    And what is the basis of banning travel to Israel for Malaysian Christians and Moslems to visit their holy sites? Is it about religion again?

  5. If Malaysia can accept Myanmar’s genocide of Muslim Rohinyas why can’t we accept Israel’s treatment of Palestine? We should close our Embassy in Myanmar and cut all relations. Stuff them.

    Also cut relations with China too for mis-treatment of Muslim Uighurs.

    Note I am not endorsing support of Israel, I just think we are just being hypocritical. Just like many other countries we just use the Israel-Palestine conflict for our own political expediency.

    1. This is how I summed it up in another post.

      So...Ah Mok subscribes to the Wife Beater mentality.

      The old mentality goes... A man may physically abuse his wife and/or children within his house with impunity.

      As long as outsiders are not harmed or suffer any other inconvenience , there is no penalty.

    2. poor analogy - besides, asking a man when was the last time he beat his wife is typically pronouncing him guilty before even a charge has been laid, but expected of your dedak-driven underhanded manners

  6. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It also makes one look foolish. Using the search engine invented by two Jewish people (Sergey Brin and Larry Page) I deduce an interesting fact:

    Oil Palm and the Date Tree both belong to the same family of palms called Arecaceae. Olive Trees belong to a cousin family called Oleaceae.
    All three are perennial crops that produce seeds from which edible oil is extracted.

    They also share similar cultivation and harvesting methods. Israel can therefore share a lot of agricultural technology with Malaysia on the cultivation (eg hybrid breeding) and agronomic practices (eg fertilizing). Yield of palm oil can be increased, Felda smallholders will reap benefits, we don't have to cut down more forests, 6 million hectares is enough, Teresa Kok will be so happy, Malaysians can enjoy smooth complexion. Hallelujah, PTL. Now stop being such a humbug.

    1. wakakaka, too late. Teresa Kok has already announced the new palm which is much smaller with a bigger and longer yield, which will negate teh replanting every 25 years that is currently being carried out

      don't think that only Israel can teach others; Malaysia's agri-tech is not bad in rubber and palm oil; if fact it's world class

    2. You don't replant 6 million hectares all at once. You do it in stages, in fact replanting never stops. The development of new breeds with favourable traits (ie characteristics) take many years and never stops. RND is always ongoing.

      It is commonplace nowadays to stack many traits into a single hybrid (think durians, the many hybrids, with different texture, colour and taste).

      For example we can triple stack three traits into oil palm:
      (i) short trees,
      (ii) high yield fruit bunches AND
      (iii) drought resistant, meaning even in dry years (El Nino) the palm tree is unaffected and continue to bear fruit. Drought resistant traits we can learn from Israel (organic, not GMO of course)

      The good senator has done his research. Let's do ours.
