
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Why Nurul Izzah is utterly 'toolaan' (frustrated)

MM Online - Analysts: Nurul Izzah’s outburst widens Anwar-Mahathir rift (extracts):

how are you?

am gonna git you

like I once did


KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Nurul Izzah Anwar’s recent interview in The Straits Times where she publicly criticised the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership has exposed the growing fissure between component members of the ruling coalition, analysts said.

Pundits say the PKR leader’s censure of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the clearest sign of a power struggle between the latter and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s faction over the prime ministership, even as both leaders appear supportive of each other in public.

If left unaddressed, the infighting could culminate in the pro-Mahathir faction refusing to back the PKR president for the post, thus triggering a political crisis, said one analyst.


Nurul Izzah, a three-term MP, is the most prominent PH leader to be critical of the new government. She claimed the ruling coalition is too slow on reforms, and that the patronage system that pervaded the former Barisan Nasional (BN) administration remains alive under the new leadership.

Although the Permatang Pauh MP did not name anybody specifically in her allegations, her criticism is seemingly directed at Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (PPBM) acceptance of Umno defectors.

Dr Mahathir founded PPBM, an all-Malay party, that has taken in close to a dozen former Umno MPs who defected just months after BN’s defeat despite protests from its allies.

Soon after that, Nurul Izzah announced her resignation from all government and political party positions, adding that she would also not seek re-election at the next general election, a move seen as a protest against Dr Mahathir’s leadership.

Oh Ei Sun, senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, said the PKR leader’s exit could also indicate an underlying frustration with party colleagues, including her own father, for seemingly pandering to the Mahathir faction.

“Nurul’s continual rebellious antics should be viewed in light of seeing her dad being too ‘soft’ in engaging Dr Mahathir’s ‘salvos’,” he said.


Datuk Mohamad Abu Bakar of Universiti Malaya said Nurul Izzah’s outburst was likely an appeal for the PH leadership to respect its more progressive base, but whether or not the protest resonates with the coalition’s ideologically-diverse voters remains to be seen.

“What we see here is a clash between idealism and pragmatism,” he said.

“It underpins not only the tug-of-war in PKR between the pro-Anwar faction and those with reservations about him being prime minister, but also the irreconcilable ideological schism within PH.”

In my opinion I believe in the take of Mohd Abu Bakar of UM, the last analyst above, that Nurul's rather blunt but frank opinion of Mahathir has been “... the tug-of-war in PKR between the pro-Anwar faction and those with reservations about him being prime minister, [and] also the irreconcilable ideological schism within PH.”

fCk you
fCk you too

Dökkálfar Dwarfs above
Pandan Cats below

[we may assume Latheefa Koya and Surendran as members of the Dwarfs, wakakaka]

[whilst the Anwar family would be among the Pandan Cats, meowakakaka]

Whilst the divide within PKR is clear, the alleged 'irreconcilable ideological schism within PH' would be between the idealism/reforms of PKR (Cats' side) and the pragmatism/grab-all-UMNO-frogs and hang-on-to-UMNO-big-brother policies and legislation.

In other words, while Nurul wants to see real reforms from yester-years regimes, perhaps as a genuine mitigation towards the brutal oppressions of her father by Mahathir and Najib, Mahathir is only interested in power, control and a resumption of his old agenda, the very antithesis of silly airey-fairey ideas like political reforms.

That has been why Mahathir has capati-ed his own promise not to take in UMNO frogs, in order to boost his Pribumi strength within Pakatan Harapan.

fresh from The Loaf 

And besides that shameful betrayal of his own promise, he has taken in people like Abdul Rahman Abdul Rashid, an already discredited former Electoral Commission (EC) chairman, but one of his favourites, an EC Chairman who kowtim-ed kaukau for him during his previous PM era (1981 - 2003) and who was not shy about admitting so.

Abdul Rahman Abdul Rashid is a VP of Mahathir's Pribumi Party.

From finance-twitter (extracts):

... Mahathir Mohamad proudly declared that corruption in Malaysia has become a thing of the past following the change in government. The world’s oldest prime minister won the country’s general election in May on promises of fighting corruption and reforming institutions, blaming the previous Najib Razak regime for plunging the country into heavy debt.

Najib son of Razak has become the poster boy of corruption and money laundering, thanks to his 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) scandal. After the downfall of the previous corrupt administration, Mahathir has been telling all and sundry – “Corruption is almost no more as there is a fear of the law. This is a major success. We don’t hear about corruption anymore.”

Interestingly, about 2 months after the premier tried to convince the world that the new Malaysia is a different country with zero corruption, he dropped a bombshell – that corruption and bribery have become the culture of ethnic Malays, who no longer care for their race, religion and country in their desire to satisfy their greed. Again, he blamed the Najib regime who believed “cash is king.”

Can Mahathir make up his mind – is Malaysia a corrupt-free country because bribery had miraculously vanished overnight, or because bribery has already become part of the Malay culture, therefore, such culture cannot be considered as corruption anymore? The PM should realise the youth and new generation cannot be hoodwinked easily today, unlike his first era from 1981 to 2003.

I disagree on the above point because there are young brats-guppies who stupidly believe Mahathir is their saviour

guppies are mostly young biadab-ish Chinese who have no idea of how their parents and elders had suffered under Mahathir's oppression (1981 - 2003)

It would be extremely stupid of Mahathir to think the young Malaysians would accept whatever he said as gospel when his actions or the actions of some warlords within his party – PPBM (Bersatu) Pribumi – shows a different picture. For example, the old man announced corruption is no more, but at the same time, he has no issue welcoming crooks from UMNO, the same party he had condemned for corruption.

In yet another proof that his party is being transformed into a new re-branded corrupt version of UMNO, Mahathir’s lieutenant – Vice President Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman – openly demands for government contracts. Heck, Mr. Rashid, who is a former Election Commission chairman, even said that it would be “stupid” to deny PPBM Pribumi leaders access to lucrative government projects.

The PPBM Pribumi VP said – “If we have won, we will have to win (the next general election) by whatever way possible, by hook or by crook”, suggesting that Mahathir government should grant tenders and contracts to party division chiefs of PPBM Pribumi so they could defend their victory in the next election. In other words, the party’s leaders should be enriched the same way UMNO crooks had grabbed contracts for themselves.

that's what 'by hook or by crook' means 

Abdul Rashid, one of the most corrupt Election Commission (EC) chiefs, was made one of PPBM Pribumi’s vice-presidents in 2016. He joined the extreme Malay rights group Perkasa in 2013, and was famously quoted as saying that the three redelineation exercises during his term at the EC were specifically designed to ensure the continued political dominance of the ethnic Malays.

At the just concluded PPBM (Bersatu) Pribumi general assembly, Mr. Rashid also demanded for the functions of the Federal Development Department (JPP) to be reinstated for the benefit of the party’s division and branch chiefs nationwide. He argued that by doing so, the leaders would be able to secure more projects,with the funds going back to their respective communities.

Amazingly, Rashid’s idea of getting government contracts – even using the crook way – received standing ovation and applause from the thousands of PPBM Pribumi participants on the last day (Dec 30) of the party’s general assembly. Wait a minute. Does not this scenario look very familiar? Yes, it had happened previously during the past UMNO general assembly.

It appears the same corruption story is about to repeat itself, looking at how PPBM Pribumi chiefs shamelessly asking for easy contracts to enrich themselves, family members and cronies but disguised under the pretext of helping the Malay community. Like UMNO, PPBM Pribumi warlords like Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman are sending a message that they won’t work unless their hands are greased.

And the biggest insult to Malaysian voters is this man being made the Chair of the Electoral Commission Review (ECR). What fCk-ing silence from DAP and PKR?

From Star Online (extracts):

The remarks by Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman (Pribumi getting government contracts – even using the crook way) during the party annual general meeting on Sunday led to Bersih 2.0 questioning if the Pakatan Harapan government and Bersatu specifically are committed to electoral and institutional reforms.

Bersih 2.0 said it was “shocking” for Abdul Rashid to suggest that the party use its position to channel resources and projects to division chiefs so that they can win elections “by hook or by crook”.

“Has Abdul Rashid and also the cheering delegates forgotten so quickly why Malaysians rejected the previous Umno/Barisan Nasional government just seven months ago?

“The abuse of power by the ruling elites through the channelling of government resources, corruption and poli­tical patronage was such a revolting stench that Malaysians united to say ‘enough is enough’ on May 9”

But that didn't faze Mahathir as he knows he has young stupid guppies at his beck and call, and which has been why the government has proposed a bill to lower the voting age - God forbids!

if he did that to Mahathir, police would have arrested him

Mahathir has recently also said he's in a rush because 'Saya ta punya banyak masa' which, given his self-interests and treachery, could be taken to mean he wants as much time as possible within his likely final term as PM, yes that is 5 years. That spells danger to Anwar who hopes he'll become PM in May 2000.

And I suspect that's what Nurul Izzah is worried about, that not only will her father be denied the PM position as agreed within Pakatan Harapan but the poor sod may yet be incarcerated for a third time.

So why should she worry about the rift between her father and a Machiavellian Old Man when the existing rift between them is already wide enough to swallow the entire country.


  1. mahathir shd launch his version of cultural revolution n he can be the grand ayatollah, his cadre ck can be his chief propagandist wakaka.

  2. “chief propagandist"!

    Walau-eh, as expected, what can a rd moron do except keep dispensing out his favourite label. Don't u think yr 'hat factory' has bankrupted by now?

    Perhaps, no. This demoncratic wagging dog CAN'T learn new tricks - doggie can't cross river by feeling the river stones mah.

    Let me put a spanner in yr fart cultural revolution spin.

    The current melayu mass CAN'T understand WHAT cultural revolution is.

    1) nothing can entice a backward marching psychic for a new direction. & revolution ALWAYS mean changing course, comes what may.

    2) The existing tongkat supply lines MUST continue. 40+yrs of tongkat intoxication has incubated (at least) 2 generations of mental weaklings that ANY drastic changes in their tongkat supplements WILL kill them all overnight!

    All melayu KNOW this fact deep in their heart.(heart controls feeling while brain controls thinking - wakakakaka… an Easter egg for mfers to ponder)

    3) mamak is the ONLY one who can induces a revolution if he has the time. Too bad, appointment with his maker is too close to work for a initiative. Besides, there r NO melayu (tulin/palsu) in sight, currently, who can carry that initiated torch - remember 2 generations of mental weaklings!

    BTW, mamak is NO Islamist. More so, an orthodox one. So how to be a grand ayatollah? Bestowed by u? & mfer, who do u think u r? Closet mohammedian of the blur kind!

    Thus, AGAIN, proving yr chronic style of 'eat but can't digests way of regurgitation.

    Wagging dog, now, go play dead far far away.

  3. "young brats-guppies who are mostly young biadab-ish Chinese who have no idea of how their parents and elders had suffered under Mahathir's oppression (1981 - 2003)
    & stupidly believe Mahathir is their saviour"

    What a twist from a shamelessly farting wordsmith!

    Young brats-guppies who are mostly young biadab-ish Chinese?

    How about Chinese M'sians who r gamingly looking for a possible change by attuning to a "possible" converted recalcitrant?

    Chinese r known to take chances under ALL circumstances. Go & learn what 危机 means, banana!


    Mfer, u have been too long been fed crumbs that u DONT know what cultural honour & limits entail.

    How Blithe is Bellecosity? Perhaps, this was a pri-April fool joke of the unkindest cut!

    R u proposing a f*cked spirit of
    "But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."?

    R u expecting the Nons to be the proverbial sacrificed lambs when dealing with a bunch of backward looking morons where the antic teaching of an eye for an eye is so deeply entrenched into their psychic.

    Mfer, who's been whitewashing who's follies, AGAIN?

    Now, go & play tail chasing with that blur rd wagging dog at the corner lah. U guys r the real charms that the ketuanan freaks/zombies would like to keep as pet!

  4. The longer TDM stays , the more he loses his stature as a leader/statesman in the eyes of many.

    How much more can a man do in 2 years or even 5 years when he has already tried for 22 years during his reign and his results are there for all to see.

    The longer TDM stays, the more his own coalition partners starts wondering whether it is for his personal and party interests and no more for the country.

    You also wonder what motivates him to continue this way at age 93, and why the wife did not stop him and spend the rest of their short lives more often together.

    It has to be ensuring the political survival of his family and dynasty!

    What a Kiasu person till his demise.

  5. Eh....Nurul boe lan too...

  6. I don't waste time replying to the blog's resident racists wakakaka

    1. U only have time to generate farts JUST minutely sans of yr sifu's glaringly fitnah lah!

  7. "Rashid also demanded for the functions of the Federal Development Department (JPP) to be reinstated for the benefit of the party’s division and branch chiefs nationwide"

    I thought Ah Mok should be agreeable with that, because, to paraphrase what Ah Mok wrote just yesterday, "the point is those BN-held constituencies received allocation, maybe via PPBM but that didn't matter because they still voted BN"

    1. Just pointing out your hypocrisy and highly pliable principles.

  8. very childish but I suppose you have to fulfil your KPI to secure your dedak
