
Monday, April 29, 2019

When Mahathir was an aeroplane pilot

From Malaysiakini (extracts):

'I am running in GE15' – Johor prince's social media post

Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar has set tongues wagging when he indicated on social media that he might contest in the next general election.

In an Instagram Story, which has a 24-hour shelf life, the 31-year-old prince, clad in uniform, hinted that he would either contest for the Muar or Mersing parliament seats.

However, it could not be ascertained if the prince was serious about contesting.

According to his post, a survey suggested that 75 percent of respondents wanted him to contest in Muar while 25 percent chose Mersing, reported Sin Chew Daily.

The incumbent Muar MP is Bersatu Youth chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman whereas Mersing's lawmaker is Umno's Latiff Ahmad.

Tunku Idris' post comes in the wake of Syed Saddiq launching a salvo at his brother, Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, who has been at loggerheads with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Interesting. If push comes to shove, I bet it'll be Muar (royal town) rather than Mersing. There'll likely be more support for Tunku Idris Iskandar there.

Besides, the Wee Brat is the Pribumi MP there, wakakaka, and don't the Johor Royals "love" him, wakakaka again.

quite 'jambu' and cute, wakakaka 

I wonder what would possibly be the protocol for a royal like Tunku Idris to contest as a politician (a la Tunku Abdul Rahman and Ku Li) and THEN after a while (hypothetically) as a MP for Muar, wakakaka, revert back to being the Tunku Temenggong?

The MKINI report continues with less encouraging comments (extracts):

Some, however, expressed reservations on the grounds that entering the political arena would expose him to slander and mudslinging.

One Instagram user by the name of andrewrazaly said: “If you're going to run, you will have to focus 100 percent and not spend time flying helicopters and racing cars.”

The prince responded: “Wrong, I will still carry on with my hobbies. That's what keeps people sane.”

“And you can focus 100 percent and still fail. I will fly whenever I want because it's not the government’s helicopter,” he added.

Tunku Idris has been CORRECT because Mahathir as PM (in both regimes, as the 4th and 7th PM) drove cars, and in his earlier reign, also flew planes himself.

And Tunku Idris can even be said to be one up because HRH flies his own helicopter, and unlike you-know-who, not the RMAF's Cessna 402.

If you do not believe me that you-know-who flew the air force Cessna 402, you can ask him yourself, wakakaka.

I can even name the Chinese Malaysian officer-pilot who taught him how to fly, wakakaka. Doesn't need a rocket scientist or Einstein to do so as almost everyone in the RMAF (plus their adult family members) knows.


  1. Tunku Abdul Rahman was a titled Prince of the Kedah Royal House.
    In fact, by royal protocol, he was an elder to Abdul Halim before he became Sultan.

    The precedence is clear, and many other Constitutional Monarchies in other countries have similar rules for Royal members who choose to become politicians.

    The Royal Prince can opt to take part in politics, but he must give up his Royal status and privileges, basically he is subject to criticism and accountability like any other politician.

    And if he takes up an elected office, he must give up control and involvement in his private business activities.

  2. Wakakakakakakakaka

    Make a guess which political party the Crown Prince of Johor will contest under?

    And which President or warlords of any political party will allow TMJ into their party to contest in intra party elections?

    If as an independent candidate, What purpose will that serve then?

    What about the other Crown Princes and Princess of other States? And what happen, if even all the ruling Rulers/Governors also decided to contest elections?

    Will the current election rules be changed whereby election candidates need to tender their resignations from public office before standing for elections?

    And what happens when candidates from Royalties lose the election? Can the Royalties be reinstated after the elections?

    I wonder who is laughing and who is crying and who feels most threatened by such plans?

  3. The Thai king did not allow his sister to run in the recent Thai elections. Will the Johor Sultan allow the Crown Prince to run? What if he LOSES...? To Syed Saddiq....!!! Malu, lose face, how to become future Sultan if he loses in an election in his own state...? Bring It On...!!!

  4. I think TMJ should contest in GE15, not delegate it to his brother Tunku Temenggong Tunku Idris. The challenge after all is against TMJ. If like that Syed Saddiq can ask his sister to contest. Bring It On...!!
