
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Malaysia's 'Deep State"?

Malaysiakini - What are the real reasons for not ratifying the Rome Statute? by P Gunasegaram (extracts)

The government and the larger public cannot be held to ransom by the dark side or the deep state, whatever that may be. Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah had talked about a vague deep state which may overthrow a democratically-elected government through undemocratic means, implying a coup.

This is a very serious allegation. It is incumbent upon this government to get to the root of the matter and establish if there is any such move to overthrow the government and bring the perpetrators to book. We are talking about treason here, nothing else.

If no such evidence is forthcoming, then members of the government should stop such fear-mongering and go on about the business of running the country efficiently, honestly and with regard to all citizens, keeping as much as possible of the promises they made during the last election campaign.

I fail to see how the withdrawal of the commitment given to the Rome Statute will stop those who want to overthrow the country through unconstitutional means. It will only give them greater courage to continue to do what they are doing.

I still do not understand the reasons for the Harapan government abandoning the Rome Statute. I suspect a lot of us don’t

Coincidentally in FMT, A Kathirasen wrote The Rome Statute and the deeply disturbing ‘deep state’ disclosure.

In the article Kathirasen penned:

The man who has been called a dictator in the past admitted that he had to back down because critics of the ratification were attempting to work up the monarchy against the PH government and cause civil unrest.

Mahathir said the “political move” was orchestrated by some groups, adding: “Of course, some members of the royal family also may be involved, but the whole idea is to get the royalty in Malaysia to go against this government. That is the motive. But because of this confusion, and the confusion also among the rulers, we have made a decision that we will not recognise the Statute of Rome.” [...]

I’m more worried about the existence of a pernicious “deep state” or “state within a state” that Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah mentioned in stating why Putrajaya decided to withdraw ratification.

He said the government was afraid that some individuals and groups might agitate the people to take to the streets to initiate a coup d’etat.

The media quoted him as saying: “[There was the] possibility of the issue being manipulated to the extent that people go to the streets, moved by the ‘deep state’ and certain apparatus.” [...]

This is very disturbing. We elected a government to rule the country and it should. If we don’t like an elected government, we can vote to change it at the next general election. What will happen if non-elected actors try to govern a democratic nation or wield power? Does it take a deep thinker to know we would be in deep water?

But then again, we know that even in an elected government there is a coterie of political leaders and their businessmen friends who actually rule – as happened during previous administrations. But at least the government of the day is duly elected.

Is the existence of this “deep state” the reason for reforms initiated by the government being stymied?

Or, is the current Pakatan government seizing such a 'story' to explain away what Kathirasen has just written, to wit, the reason for reforms initiated by the government being stymied.

Kathirasen's article on Mahathir's about-turn on the Rome statute has a number of quotes on Rome, as follows:

“Rome was not built in a day”

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

“... fiddle while Rome burns”

“All roads lead to Rome”

Well, I too have one for your reading pleasure and pontification:

The three most powerful and most apparent means used by Rome to retain her power over the minds of her votaries are Ignorance, Superstition, and Persecution.
- Charles Spurgeon


  1. Wakakakakaka…

    Deep state is usurping a bunch of blur-sotongs & siege-mentality inspired ketuanan freaks.

    These r potent mix of irrationality, especially so when these people have a gene-coded tendency of mengamok!

    WHY quoted a 'self-righteousness' mamak hater like Guna : What are the real reasons for not ratifying the Rome Statute?

    WHY not quoted an equally 'self-righteousness' mamak hater like S Thayaparan : Mahathir justified in pulling out of Rome Statute?

    Could it be bcoz Guna's fart smells like yrs, while this time round Thayaparan's doesn't!

    Mfer, u SHOULD know that anything to do with the M'sia military Infos, Thayaparan has the best source!

  2. are people really that oblivious to the vocal objection and resistance of the South, or maybe the gomen are in cohoots with them to stymie their own initiated rome statute reform

    bear in mind that 60% of the population has a feudalistic mindset, they can be easily moved to protect rulers, indeed, ignorance, superstition, intolerance, envy and malice are major components of theism

  3. The Harapan government is not bullshitting. The Johore Sultan just sacked their MB. His Majesty wants an MB who is not a Putrajaya Yes-Man. Must he be a Johore Yes-Man instead?

    In a democracy when someone who is not elected topples an elected leader and puts in place his leader then this is called....(altogether say)...

    "Coup d'Etat"

    Will other Sultans be emboldened by this?.....Perak perhaps....?

    And if a Sultan can sack an MB then can an Agong sack a PM? Would that be a bigger coup d'etat? No wonder Toonsie is scared.....tic toc...tic....toc...Anwar is smiling....

  4. In the 6 decades that UMNO was in power, it built up a loyal Government-Establishment complex indoctrinated to 3RS - Race , Religion, Royalty.

    This mainly Malay Deep State has also largely bought into the dangerous UMNO/PAS propaganda that the Pakatan Government is a Chinese/DAP puppet.
    Many Government officials abhor the Pakatan Government for that reason, that I know for a fact.

    Some of the Royalty, for their own private commercial and capitalist interests are leading the shit stirring.

    Mahathir was a major contributor to the original 3Rs construct.
    It is ironic that the Malay Deep State's structure and ideology that he was one of the key architects has become the main Resistance to the Pakatan Administration that he now leads.
