
Sunday, April 07, 2019

Malaysian clowns

Sun Daily - NGO immortalises four Cabinet ministers in clown face stickers (extracts)

The stickers of the four Cabinet minister, clockwise from top: Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, Education Minister, Dr Maszlee Malik, Minister, Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, and Minister of Primary Industries Teresa Kok Suh Sim

KUALA LUMPUR: An NGO has immortalised four Cabinet ministers in clown face caricature stickers, going a step further by adding a hashtag ‘apasudahjadi’ (what has happened).

Taking a leaf out of graphic designer Fahmi Reza’s potrayal of former premier Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak in a clown face, Pertubuhan Sedar Malaysia (Sedar) have followed suit by releasing similar stickers of Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, and Minister of Primary Industries Teresa Kok Suh Sim

Wakakaka, good on SEDAR. most correctly, the two leading contenders are Lim GE and Bapak Kasut Hitam.

However, while I support the above first three ministers being caricatured, I don't with respect to YB Sweetie. She hasn't done anything stupid; in fact she has a very difficult ministry to handle.

The 4th minister to be caricatured should have been Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, the Minister of Entrepreneur Development, for his sheer bodekness and stupidity. But having said that, I have to grudgingly acknowledge he beat poor YB Yeo Bee Yin and YB Fuziah Salleh in the Lynas game, with support from the Dictator.

But it proves one thing - in a Mahathir's cabinet you may be a clown but if you're from the Pribumi Party you can still be a minister, wakakaka.


  1. she hasnt done anything stupid bec she hasnt done anything at all.

    1. she did tell us to drink 1 tea spoon of palm oil per day... to look youthful. that is a stupid remark.

    2. I agree with KT.. Teresa Kok is ok. It is not her fault that China stops buying palm oil from us and coupled that with the European protest. IMHO, she is just a victim of circumstances. Frankly, I can still live with her. Ahem..ahem..

    3. To some mfers, every dapsters r useless & stupid!

      Only they r the smart ones who keep farting about non issues (since they themselves have zilch solutions & workable ideas).

      The worst is the one who CAN'T get over a simple fact that his pet cat was stepped on by the dapster, knowingly & unknowingly!

    4. Teresa was put in the wrong ministry. She should be FT Minister, and Khalid Samad swap with her.

      Having said that she is praying hard that Malaysia will pay for the ECRL with palm oil and Mustang King. China will probably reduce its soy bean imports from US due to trade war.

    5. see ck, ts know what i am talking abt. if mahathir just for the sake to give face to lks, he shd assign teresa to do work dealing with people's livelihood, like ft minister, she at least have the experience.

    6. bro unknown, ok is not good enough for this ministry la.

    7. ts, perhaps the pkr lady that forgot to bring along her ic on election day, that one maybe can do this job among the ph woman mp.

    8. James Fernandez, maybe not drinking straight palm oil but there is an abundance of scientific evidence of the benefits of tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E) derived from palm oil. There is a company in Perak (Carotech, subsidiary of Hovid Bhd) focussing on this food supplement. Vitamin E is known to be very good for skin complexion, hence youthful looks.

      Teresa is smarter than we think. Do read up.

      Benefits of Palm Tocotrienols in Health and Disease Management.

      Vitamin E comprised of 2 subgroups namely the Tocotrienols and Tocopherols. Tocopherols are present in common vegetable oils such as soya and corn while tocotrienols are common in cereal grains such as rye (92mg/kg), oat (210mg/kg), rice bran (465mg/kg) and barley (910mg/kg). Tocotrienols are also in abundance in palm oil (940mg/kg). Palm oil also has the highest content of Vitamin E among oils and fats. Several studies have shown shown that tocotrienols possess unique biological properties including higher antioxidant potency and provides greater health benefits than the α-tocopherol form of vitamin E.

      Vitamin E oil works to block free radicals from the body, which play a large part in the aging process. If we can fight off free radicals, then we can reduce wrinkles and keep the skin youthful-looking.” It has basic antioxidant properties that everyone needs.

  2. SEDAR is just an MCA-promoted and funded front-lah.

    Just another propaganda outfit, lapped up by anti-Pakatan gullible-guppies like Ah Mok.

  3. Nothing wrong to make fun off politicians under PH unlike those dark days under BN regime.

    Can you imagine throwing balloons can be prosecuted?

    Or ordinary satire considered as Seditious?

    Or even the name of a murdered person Altantuya cannot be mentioned?

  4. Wakakakkaka…




    Do perform the acclaimed anglophilic comprehension skill!

    Do yr final rd deduce this fart of:

    "But having said that, I have to grudgingly acknowledge he beat poor YB Yeo Bee Yin and YB Fuziah Salleh in the Lynas game, with support from the Dictator."


    U better consult our sifu about how to do fitnah. Maybe more stringent in allowing comments as he does?

  5. Despite being put in the wrong ministry (she should have been made FT Minister) Teresa has been working hard in the background, unseen but effective nevertheless. She recently announced that Malaysia’s total area for oil palm is capped at 6 million hectares. Focus should now be on increasing the yield, ie tonnes of oil per hectare. This is a good move. She also launched recently a programme to plant one million forest trees in Sabah, a reforestation effort in conjunction with oil palm plantation companies. This is another great move to improve sustainability of our natural resources, ie the green lungs. Thirdly her senior officers are negotiating very hard for China to buy big from Malaysia again, as part payment for the ECRL and thereby reducing inventories of oil palm. This will help greatly to improve prices. She is also pushing hard to increase use of palm oil as biodiesel.

    Efforts are also being made by her ministry to open new markets for oil palm in the Middle East and North Africa. We can no longer rely on Europe & NA as a consumers. They will continue to use misleading facts like environmental impact and health issues to discredit oil palm and use these as trade protectionist tools to protect their own crops like canola, corn, soy bean, sunflower etc.

    1. it was recently reported that the R&R section of Felda has developed a smaller size palm oil tree but which can produce 3 times more oil than the current palm

    2. Exactly, shorter trees means easier to harvest, less foreign labour. Also increase yield. So to say Teresa is doing nothing is being ignorant and unfair. Armchair critics.

    3. teresa is hardworking, she even suggest to tap rubber during monsoon, she is no armchair, she told the voters to lock their foreign maid at home in election day, i presume she practically did it.

      i usually limit my comment on dap to dad n son, but if one prefer to expand the topic, i am more happy to reciprocate.

    4. Wakakakaka…

      Reciprocate with what?

      First past the mouth diatribes!

      Superficial farts about topics of limited knowledge!

      Better go & taking good care of yr pet cat. This time round it WON'T be just been stepped on. It WOULD be stampped on!

    5. hehehe teresa is a stupid, like u.
