
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Mahathir Machiavellian-ish Merajuk

Malaysiakini - Source: Infuriated over exco reshuffle, Dr M mulled quitting (extracts)

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, infuriated over the Johor executive council reshuffle, had considered stepping down, according to a source.

The source said the Bersatu chairperson revealed this during the party's supreme council emergency meeting on Monday night.

"He was disappointed and taken aback because the new menteri besar (Dr Sahruddin Jamal) did not follow his advice to keep the cabinet as it is," the source told Malaysiakini.

According to the source, Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, who is also Bersatu Youth chief, had managed to convince Mahathir not to relinquish his post.

Malaysiakini could not reach Syed Saddiq for comment, but a source close to him confirmed this.

The source said Mahathir told the meeting that he was so incensed that morning – when the three new exco members were sworn in - that he wanted to resign.

This led other supreme council members to express unhappiness over the menteri besar's apparent insubordination

As I wrote two days ago in Johor MB Sahruddin Jamal in deep poo, Sharuddin Jamal won't have a brilliant political future, unless you know-what, wakakaka.

What has saved him at this stage is probably the scarcity of Pribumi Party ADUNs in Johor State, wakakaka.

As for Mahathir threatening to resign in disgust at Sharuddin's insubordination, he won't lah. Just merajuking.

What's the point of working his way into the PM's position (by rubbing shoulders with the hated DAP and arch-foe Anwar) if he just throws it all away with a mere merajuk-ing? He hasn't yet achieved his Grand Design.


  1. Mahathir had made it clear we cannot go on the slippery slope of giving in to attempts at absolute monarchy.

    Ah Mok is just acting out a Deep personal hatred and vendetta.
    Nothing to do with any objective, rational assessment of national affairs.

    1. to protect Mahathir (and earn your dedak) you accused anyone who criticised him of hating him, wakakaka

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      If that's criticised him or hating him, based on yr numerous guessworks, farted sopo conjectures & pure fitnah, then u should come out from yr closet & show yr anehness!

      No ball.

      At least yr sifu WOULD targeting mamak in such hot persuades, like u, even though he is a known garbage news machine!

    3. Ah Mok attacks PH and Mahathir even when it is doing the right thing - in this case insisting on Constitutional Monarchy.

      Attacks PH on issues it inherited from the Najib Administration - and he was completely silent as a graveyard during the Najib era, either supportive of Najib's actions or uninterested looking the other way e.g. immigration exit blacklists, Child marriages, enforced disappearances such as Amri and Pastor Koh

      Attacks PH on issues it is trying to resolve - albeit imperfectly - when he was either silent or supportive of the Najib Administration.

      In my book, that is probably a combination of a lucrative secret arrangement and Deep hatred.

    4. wakakaka, your hatred against me is astounding

    5. nobody hates you kt, in fact we think you are funny the way you keep flogging a dead horse hoping to mount it again, in case you miss the news, maddy is again in charge of the calvary, looks like you have to leak your wound and think of new strategies instead of the stale criticism to dismount the old fox, otherwise you will just look like a sore loser

  2. Wakakakakakaka

    Grand Design? How? Without a Grand Armee? His Presidential Imperial Guards are also as old as him and falling one by one in the Russian Snow. That's the problem of believing oneself as Immortals.

    Poor Ceasar, surrounding himself with so many aspiring Brutuses.
