
Saturday, March 02, 2019

What 'persuaded' Clare Brown to reveal Hadi's compensation payment?

One issue in the Hadi Awang-Clare Rewcastle Brown legal suit puzzles me.

If a 'settlement' out of court was in place and money (compensation) had exchanged hands as part of the deal, the glue that holds together the agreed settlement would be 'confidentiality'

It's no different than what have been practised in Australia or most Western countries, that neither parties in the so-called 'settlement' can reveal details of the compensation, especially of sums exchanged, and even of the issue of 'compensation'.

What puzzles me is Clare Rewcastle Brown now revealing Hadi Awang paid her over RM1.4 million. Does that mean she has violated the resettlement clauses? Will that RM1.4+ be retrieved by Hadi Awang?

That seems likely so, and if that would be the case, who has in turn encouraged and 'compensated' Clare Brown to violate the out-of-court agreement?

Furthermore, in the face of protestations from PAS sources, Malaysiakini reported that Rewcastle-Brown's lawyer Americk Sidhu told Malaysiakini that the cheque was written in front of him and that it had cleared into the Sarawak Report editor's account.

Indeed, very very very unusual for a lawyer to reveal such confidential information in an out of court agreement.


  1. PAS broke the confidentiality agreement first by publicly denying that any compensation was paid by PAS / Hadi.
    It is standard common law principle that once a confidentiality agreement is broken by one party, the other party ( Rewcastle ) is no longer bound by the agreement.

    1. that's only your BS, Denying did not breach the confidentiality agreement

    2. That is your BS , which is favour of your Bossku's buddy Hadi.

      The correct legalistic form of confidentiality is No Comment, or to neither Confirm nor Deny the existence of the transaction.

      Outright denying that such a transaction exists is a statement of fact.

      Statements of fact are a breach of confidentiality, regardless whether or not the statement is actually true.

    3. wakakaka, can't help falling on your underhanded weapon of BS fabrications and unsubstantiated allegations

    4. Denying payment of compensation is breach, because it is confirming the amount of compensation - zero.

    5. And Americk countered that it is not zero but 1.4 million. Fairs fair.

    6. Told you guys oredy,...Ah Moc has some serious comprehension problem and the 'grasp' ability but this is not the worse part... he will turn into a most stubborn abusive mule when corrected wakakaka

  2. Wakakakakaka…

    BS-ter, u r one-step slower than yr sifu, who is now into twisting the RM1.4M payment into a mamak/anwar conspiracy to con the zombies!

    About confidentiality:

    Sidhu (Claire's lawyer) defended his client, saying she did not breach the out-of-court settlement confidentiality agreement as she said she had no comment to several news agencies who approached her on the matter shortly after PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim revealed the fact.

    Rather, he pointed out PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyud­din Hassan had denied that funds were paid to settle the case, which he said left Rewcastle-Brown no choice but to defend herself.

    Did such explanation used in yr Australia or most Western countries about the right to violate the out-of-court agreement?

  3. [ The RM1.4 million cheque expose appears to have backfired on Anwar Ibrahim. The RM1.4 million that was allegedly paid to Clare Rewcastle Brown was not paid by PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang or the party. It was paid by Rameli Musa. And neither Hadi nor PAS are aware of this payment. ]


  5. What is puzzling and intriguing is "Why did TGNA agree to drop the legal suit and agree to compensate Claire?"

    Why did TGNA started it by bringing the case to court in the first place by suing Claire and then dropping it?

    Why did TGNA spokesman Takiyuddin say "No compensation" was paid for dropping the suit and it was by mutual consent? Isn't that a breech of confidentiality of the consent judgement on confidentiality? And another PAS leader even came out with an incredulous spin of saying bank account of the cheque issued from is fake even after it has gone thru the world banking clearing system.

    No amount of spin from RPK or any other blogger is going to change the answers to these basic questions which are simple, clear, not ambiguous and definitely not trying to do damage control or preventing a political fallout.

    Any other person caught telling lies (whether permitted or not by their religions) and later twisting and manipulating answers to wriggle out should be condemned for what they are.

    And they are definitely not worth the salt to become leaders of any party or any Nation.

    They are a disgrace to those who have faithfully supported and allowed them to lead them.

  6. it all started with Holy had_it doing a number on anwar with that hare brain no confidence plot and manmanlai decided to return the favour

    when anwar threatened to reveal they paid sreport, they should have kept their mouth shut but when they deny it that ang moh chabor concluded that holy had_it broke their confidentiality clause

    a simple "no comment" would have saved them the blushes

    moral of the story don't mess with the ladies. . Russell says you hurt real bad

    fog the frog

  7. Be patient. RPK working hard. Please submit any theories to him, no matter how laughable. Currently too busy spinning on Penang Tunnel corruption.

    P/S...but of course the real reason Clare already explained on her blog.

  8. its confidential when the recipient refuse to divulge the amount in most cases, i dun think the settlement amount is confidential in legal aspect. in tis episode, my reading is, everything seem come from only one side, to sue or to settle.

    pas is getting weirder n weirder since hadi throne, it sound like umno, act like umno, n more umno than umno. n rpk lies n ridiculous argument make pas n hadi looks very comical. r they really want to continue tis way?

  9. im puzzled dat u r puzzled about it. seems like there is selective censorship of sites 4 u 2 read 2 b left in e state of puzzlement.

  10. [ THE money used to pay Sarawak Report for its legal fees to settle PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s defamation suit came from the bank account of a person named Rameli Musa, said former Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli.]

  11. [Why Did Rameli Pay Clare RM1.4 Million And Why Did Anwar Leak The Story?]


    1. Read the Third Farce at your own peril, wakakakakakaka.

  13. Poor Rameli. Sekarang nobody wan to fren him.

    1. Rameli is going to be unemployed very soon + an income tax investigation into his sources of Income ....RM 1.4 Million don't play play.

  14. Wakakakakaka…

    Who to believe?

    Rafizi: GLC boss implicated in 'RM1.4m payment' not Anwar's best friend

    Look more like digging more holes to veil those existing holes with already insufficient covers!

    But, zombies mah. Mana ada otak? Sama2 macam suing Claire in UK court.

    Along the way, tambah a grandfather's story of to avoid letting jibby out of the country, to be as UK court witness, mamak/anwar has to get someone to pay to settle a out of court settlement!

    But then again, ONLY zombies can buy these stories, lot stock and barrel.


  16. I woke up at 4.00am this morning to pray hajat and munajat to Allah. I took my sahur at about 5.30am. I am fasting today and waiting for iftar. Terima kasih Allah for showing me the truth on this RM1.4 million issue. Aamiin..

  17. Hadi: "Remain Classic Stay Real".

    1. Ya-loh!

      "Remain Classic Stay Real"

      That's the true way to continue the farcical exterior to tipu the deen of zombiecism & ketuanan freaks.

      Kaum otak kosong memang senang diperlembukan, diperanjingkan dan diperkudakan oleh orang Islam sendiri yang taqleed buta.

      BTW, u think yr prayer haha & munajat works?

      Wakakakakaks… suggest to continue for the next 4.5yrs to fast. Then that fast for the fall of PH might get hold of water from yr god!

    2. 4.5 years fasting? Good suggestion. David fasted every other day.

    3. David wanted to live, thus the alternating fast!

      For u, been a zombie, u r ALREADY dead!
