
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Lim KS ignores "To every thing there is a season"

MM Online - Kit Siang: No less a Muslim in giving festive greetings to Christians (extracts):

Lim Kit Siang takes the view that discouraging Muslims from wishing Christmas greetings went against the teachings of Islam

Picture by Firdaus Latif

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 25 — DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang today said discouraging Muslims from wishing Christmas greetings went against the teachings of Islam.

While calling upon Malaysians to turn the country into one of the world's foremost nations for interfaith dialogue, understanding and tolerance, he criticised the view of PAS Youth leader Mohamad Khalil Abdul Hadi who yesterday warned Muslims not to celebrate Christmas.

“It is a primitive view which is alien to the Constitution, the Rukunegara and all the precepts to unite multiracial, multilingual, multi religious and multicultural Malaysia,” Lim said in a statement.

Lim said when notable figures such as Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, PKR President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim extended their Christmas greetings to the rakyat, it did not make them become less of a Muslim as a result of such greetings to Christians

Sometimes Ah Pek should just keep his mouth shut instead of voicing his non-Muslim views on Islam to annoy especially the Muslims.

If he knows that their Majesties of Johor, PM Mahathir, his daughter Marina, Anwar and wife, and even PAS sec-gen Takiyuddin Hassan have all wished Merry Christmas to Christians, then what further need is there for a Chinese, already despised and targetted by PAS and UMNO, to butt in to sermonise to Muslims on the tenets of Islam?

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan has sent out festive greetings to all Malaysians in conjunction with Christmas.

"I wish a Merry Christmas to all Malaysians who celebrate it, may we all be in peace and harmony in our beloved country.

"A large number of my classmates at the Universiti Malaya law faculty are non-Muslims, we are still friendly to this day as a family, and frequently contact each other and meet for reunions.

"Differences of opinion are a blessing in Islam," Takiyuddin said in a statement on Tuesday (Dec 25)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (KJV) tells us:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace

Well, obviously Lim KS was out of sync with Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (KJV), opening his blardy BIG mouth when there was NOT such a need, and when his sermonisation to Muslims on Islamic virtues especially in the current climate would produce adverse results, by making Muslims dislike Christian greetings and festivals even more.

Yet when his voice was needed, for example, when Mahathir announced his intention to re-build the 'crooked bridge', create National Car No 3, taxi-sapu-ing of UMNO frogs into PRIBUMI Party, Lim KS would by contrast be Silent as a Laampah-less Lamb.


  1. When Ah Kit supposedly didn’t speak up against Bersatu (eg when they accept UMNO members) and continue to play dumb Sudoku we wallop him, now when he speak up against PAS’s view on Christmas greetings we also wallop him. This is

    “Leaving No Turn Unstoned”.

    Even this blog instigatingly korek the PAS-Christmas issue by inviting Muslims to watch the John Lennon’s “And So This Is Christmas”, a rather violent video when it was totally unnecessary. As stated, many politicians, including from PAS, and the Sultan and Sultanah of Johor had already wished Christians “Merry Christmas”. So let’s follow our own advice.

    1. To this blogger, there is a season to fart, a season to play provocateur, a season to play tak tau.

    2. i have to agree with kt on tis, most of the time, keep silent is the best approach wrt religion n race topic when the motive is political.

      tat said, we oso know lks n dap have nothing much to talk nowadays except najib umno pas n mca.

  2. Still, Takiyuddin's greetings were belated damage control after Hadi's son Taliban- style warning Muslims that it was Haram to wish Christians Merry Christmas.

    By the way Ah Moc "when Mahathir announced his intention to re-build the 'crooked bridge" , would you be able to actually prove he said this ? I do not see any such announcement anywhere.

    Osman Sapian's statement strictly only speaks for himself.

  3. Even PAS President Hadi Awang made a huge faux pas (pun deliberately intended) when speaking at the Kelab PAS Ireland, presumably in Dublin.

    When speaking at the lectern, to his left, stood a giant Christmas tree. The local PAS organiser should be praised.

    Merry Xmas.....I’m Lovin’ It....!

  4. When in a deep hole, stop digging. PAS now trying to explain themselves out of an indefensible position.

    Ah Kit no need to comment on this faux-PAS either but he may not be able to resist it. Many of his DAP colleagues (Hannah, Kian Meng etc) are on Xmas leave so he has to hold fort.

    PAS preacher defends ‘vice’ remark over Indonesian tsunami after backlash

    Published on 26 December 2018
    By Yiswaree Palansamy

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 26 ― Called out for being insensitive and opportunistic, Ahmad Dusuki Abdul Rani sees nothing wrong with his recent social media remark linking the Sunda Strait tsunami to vice.

    Rather, the deputy chief of the Selangor PAS Ulama wing insists he was merely reminding people not to indulge in immoral activities as “it courts Allah’s wrath”.

    “What I wanted to say was, don't indulge in vice. When you do maksiat, it courts Allah's wrath.

    “The reason the tsunami came was because of that reason,” he told Malay Mail when contacted yesterday.

    The Islamic preacher with over 1.3 million followers on Facebook drew thousands of views and hundreds of criticisms accusing him of insensitive proselytisation when he posted a video of Indonesian band Seventeen’s performance in Carita on Christmas Eve when a giant wave ripped through the stage and washed some of the members and audience away.

    But when asked to clarify if he meant the December 24 tsunami that hit the Indonesian archipelago was due to vice activities there, Ahmad Dusuki gave a firm “no”.

    “Meaning, when you are indulging in vice activities, suddenly Allah takes away your life. It is a reminder to all of us to not be involve in vice activities.

    “When you indulge in vice activities, Allah is angered. When Allah is angry, that is what causes things like this [tsunami] to come.”

    But Ahmad Dusuki strongly believes that the earlier tsunami that hit Palu on the central Sulawesi island of Indonesia, east of Kalimantan on September 29 was because of what he terms “vice”, though he was not specific about the activities there.

    However, he listed the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) culture as a general example of vice that would invite God’s wrath.

    “Like the LGBT, like in Palu. The issue that happened in Palu, it's the same. Let us not be brave in doing it.

    “In Palu, there are vice activities. I was present at that place,” he said.

    Ahmad Dusuki was also pilloried for including a link asking for donations to his tahfiz school in the same tsunami posting.

    Asked why he included it, he said that the donations collected would be channeled to the Indonesian tsunami victims.

    “Yes, yes, yes. We want to give to the tsunami victims,” he told Malay Mail when asked to confirm if he was using three bank accounts listed on his Facebook page to collect funds for the tsunami victims.

    The tsunami that swept over popular beaches on southern Sumatra and the western tip of Java and inundated tourist hotels and coastal settlements in the area, was triggered by the eruption of the Anak Krakatau volcano, setting off undersea landslides.

    The death toll has crossed 400. And estimated 150 are still missing and 16,000 have been displaced.

  5. my mum used to say, especially when dad is within earshot 'criticising is easy but praising takes a bit of heartwork'

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

    Who cares whether Moslems or whether whatever Abrahamic faith or non Christians or not want to wish or send greetings!

    It just goes to show how uncultured and uncivilised some people speaking for their God/Gods are, and their religious faith is so weak that even a Greeting or partaking in others festivals will weaken their own faith.

    Such uncultured and uncivilised people ought not to be greeted even in everyday life cos they only think and want to live among themselves in their own interpretation of a very small world.

    Surprisingly, there are many such unfriendly and insecure people who called themselves Malaysians.

  7. The right timing or bad timing, necessary or not, is only a matter of your opinion. Whether you are right or wrong, No one can conclude just like before May 9, more people including establishment and authoritive like the Merdeka Centre after spending time and money concluded that there will be no change of government. Fact of the matter is KT you maybe wrong on LKS just like Ahjibgor, John Hasan and so many Unknowns ...... wakakakaka

    1. Ah Moc is not wrong....
      He's doing this for lucre....

    2. wakakaka, attributing to me your sins
