
Friday, December 07, 2018

Koon T'au Boe (3)

MM Online - Suhakam moves Human Rights Day event to Sunday:

Related: Koon T'au Boe


  1. UMNO/PAS are asking for a gunfight. Blood spill would be their plan.

    But dont jump the gun.

    It’s not always the army with the biggest balls that win the war. That’s Neanderthallic.

    Sun Tzu -The Art Of War

    The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

    Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

    A leader leads by example not by force.

    He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.

    All warfare is based on deception.

    1. Yeah... We will, we will rock you.

  2. Rallies are a great way to get the peoples’ message across. Democracy At Work. Let the Rabble Rousers Let Off Steam. We should have it every weekend, like in NYC.
    For every cause and purpose. Make it a tourist attraction like following kavadi.

    I’m Lovin’ It.


    PESERTA perhimpunan dari Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Jaalan Tun Perak diarahkan berhenti berarak ke arah Dataran Merdeka yang kini penuh.

    Mereka diminta duduk di mana sahaja yang boleh ketika sukarelawan memasang pembesar suara bagi membolehkan mereka mendengar ucapan dari Dataran Merdeka.

  4. As I said, rallies like the one today should be a way of Malaysian life. Democracy at work. Let our voices be heard. Don’t just have it in KL. Spread it around the country. Every weekend.

  5. KUALA LUMPUR: More than 30,000 converged on the Dataran Merdeka today for the anti-ICERD rally. ~ FMT

    Wakakaka... Well, at least it is more than 10,000 that Monsterball predicted.

    1. Wakakaka...The previous BN Government surrounded Dataran Merdeka with razor wire, fired 957 tear gas canisters into the peaceful crowd and shot 20 truck loads of chemical laced water cannon into the crowd..yet more than 6x more people came.

      All the violence at the time was initiated by the police.

  6. Today’s rally and the Chinese response to the rally is evidence that the Malay-Chinese racial divide is permanent and can never be repaired. In fact, the Malays and Chinese no longer filter or control their comments like in the past. Both sides of the divide are now very open and vocal about their hatred for each other. ~ RPK

    Yes indeed, I agree with RPK. It is all because of DAP (through fitnah) most Chinese are no longer supporting BN/MCA.

    I wonder what would happen in year 2050? Most Chinese/Nons would have have left the country, and I think about 90% of the population would be Muslims.

    1. rpk is wrong. its umno that push the chinese away. there are many chinese that dun support dap. but i do hope what rpk write pertaining to gerakan is achievable.

    2. It will be. But honestly, I think, Malaysia needs more Chinese like the late Datuk Lew Sip Hon (actually he founded TARC). His daughter is now managing Sri Sempurna International School. For tonight, this song below is especially for you my dear HY.

  7. Wakakaka ........ but 10,000 is nearer to the truth than 500,000 the number declared by a man who is supposed to be close to god. Either god didn't whisper to him or didn't listen to his request, why? Guess god not happy because he lives politic more than by His words, fighting for the Constitution first before His teaching. Betul, betul "he-boleh-great"

    1. There really, really were 500,000 at the anti-Icerd rally yesterday..... The other 450,000 were "Makhluk Halus". wakakakaka

    2. F*ck lah - a clear sign for the god!

      For the towel-heads, there were thunder & raining started when that hadi-pus began his speech!

      What u guys made of this?

      Yr god was angry?

      Yr god was applauding?


    3. Allahhuakbar, He provided divine "cooling", wakakaka

    4. Cooling as if when the lightning strikes - the core of lightning zone has million degree temperature!

      Ya-loh, rain water to make chicken soup out of the bunch of zombies/ketuanan freaks/blur-sotongs, while waiting for the barbecue prepared from the towel-heads by their god!

    5. stop silly fantasising, wakakaka

    6. Wakakakaka…

      I'm just expanding a little bit fact on yr own fantasy lah!

  8. The New Malaysia shows “civilised” France how its done. Peaceful rally, peaceful expression of speech. No violence. Government of the day must listen. TDM must listen. Opposition must listen.

    Police in Paris have fired rubber bullets and tear gas as a fourth weekend of anti-government protests across France turned violent.

    The French interior ministry said 118 people had been injured in the protests in several cities, including 17 law enforcement officers.
    More than 500 people have been taken into custody.

    The "yellow vest" movement opposed fuel tax rises but ministers say it has been hijacked by "ultra-violent" protesters.
    An estimated 125,000 demonstrators gathered across the country during the day, with 10,000 of them in the capital, where the scenes were the most destructive.

  9. some observation:
    1.najib/umno is against demonstration in the past but now okay while white associate pure n innocent? interesting.

    2.hadi/pas r given god right to declare which demonstration is haram n which is not? oso interesting.

    3.umno damn disgraceful to use 513 to threat chinese, now the cbmf lks take over umno role. equally interesting n disgraceful

    4.its mute to protest icerd which mahathir said wont rectify, i thot the demonstration would at least spare some time to talk abt national car, ptptn, ringgit, governance as well but seem none at all. instead we see no diff btw islamist n racist, indulge in racial talk. nothing interesting abt the event.

    1. 5. the demonstrators are all malays.

      6. when the malay sneezes the chinese catches flu

    2. 7. winner, mahathir again. we will hear more lks n cblim 513 talk, dap oso a winner, they have million excuse not to do anything on racial discrimination from now onwards.

      8. loser, umno again. their power base already shifted to bersatu n pas.

  10. According to Kua Kia Soong, PH is just as oppressive as BN.

    Ah Moc never ceases to call Mahathir a Dictator. Well he was, the last time around, but what is the true situation now ?

    Number of Tear Gas canisters fired :
    Under Najib during Bersih 3.0 : 987.
    Under Mahathir during anti-Icerd : 0

    Number of arrests
    Under Najib during Bersih 3.0 : 1,400
    Under Mahathir during anti-Icerd : 0
