
Saturday, December 01, 2018

Housing shortage? (2)

FMT - What will be done to tackle Malaysia’s housing issues? (extracts):

Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin is expected to release the much anticipated National Housing Policy this month.

Key areas likely to be addressed in the policy are the incorporation of three categories of affordable housing as well as the streamlining of five housing entities, namely Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia, 1Malaysia Civil Servants Housing Programme (OOA1M), UDA Holdings Bhd, Syarikat Perumahan Negara (SPNB) and the Hardcore Poor Housing Programme (PPRT).

Other areas likely to receive focus include the option of rent-to-own (RTO) schemes where tenants will be given the option to plan and buy their house after five years of renting.

These areas have been identified as cornerstones in the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s execution of its manifesto ... [...]

With an industry already reeling from the affects of a market correction, the government now has to balance increasing the supply of mid-to-luxury homes where demand has been slowing against the low supply of affordable housing in urban areas where a chronic demand continues to grow.

It is clear that the government is attempting to counter this by mooting specific policies and measures that address both these segments separately.

Don't tok-kok lah - see my previous (last month's) post on Housing shortage?.

What low supply of affordable or low-cost housing, when people could ABANDON houses in, for example, Nibong Tebal, Penang.

In a state of neglect: Umadevi (right) explaining about the rubbish scattered at one of the fourth floor abandoned units of the low-cost flat to Jawi district special officer Low Shi Wei (seated left) as her children look on in Taman Bukit Panchor in Nibong Tebal

The Star Online had on 09 Nov (last month) reported:

Abandoned by owners who seem to have given up hope, many privately-owned low-cost flats on mainland Penang have become slums. [...]

Despite the high demand for public housing in Penang, many low-cost flats on mainland Penang have eroded into squalid homes for the poor.

Most of the owners had stopped paying maintenance fees, either because they had moved out and abandoned their property, or the units had been repossessed by banks and no buyers could be found.

Coordinating officers of the Jawi constituency service centre took The Star to visit the Taman Bukit Panchor flats to highlight the plight of the few remaining residents trying to turn their place into homes.

I had then penned:

Considering the wailing, whinging and whining nationally by the homeless or/and young home-starters, isn't it a humongous shame that these low-cost flats in Taman Buklit Panchor have turned derelict into what are now slums. And this Taman is only one of several low-cost housing that have gone south.

I am afraid I have to say it's one of our Malaysia 'nasties'. We don't seem to be able to MAINTAIN things especially housing and buildings in good order, but would also illegally scavenge (pilfer) any items on those deserted properties

The same old same old build brand new shining houses, then after a few years they would look like slums and possibly be abandoned. Podah.


  1. The Australian Resident Resident in Sydney takes one news report from one case in Nibong Tebal and extrapolates it to a conclusion about the situation in the entire country.

    The Minister is talking facts, though in terms of an entire country, you can always find contrary cases if you want to contradict him/ her.

    I am glad I do not have an employee of such capability....or lack of... I would have been forced to fire him long ago.

    1. we know you are a dedak makan-er of and for Mahathir - 'nuff said

      The Penang State Government has since 2008 made it a priority to build affordable homes because ther is a LONG waiting list.

      You think the Penang Administration are talking-cock ?

    3. And what r u?

      Champion of the B40¿

      Where? Oz ke!

    4. Amd the Australian Resident in Sydney ignores the fact that the Nibong Tebal case was in a private development.
      It's a problematic private property, unrelated to the government.

      The Government has only been asked to intervene because the other unit holders are lower income folks, who cannot afford to revamp the property themselves.

    5. dei,. what happened to Pakatan's famous BS "holistic assessment"?

  2. This is Zuraida’s first attempt as Minister to present the National Housing Policy.

    Give her a chance shall we. Belum dengar sudah condemn.

    Unless she presents that all new low cost houses must be painted black, like Education minister Mazslee in shoes and socks. Him you can condemn.

  3. In addition to my comment in the earlier post; the Commissioner of Building (CoB) is just a glorified postmaster sending letters from the owners to the management corporations of apartments and flats, and vice versa. There is no action from CoB on grievances. The only advice CoB gives is to ask the agrieved party to file case to the Strata Management Tribunal, who gives award but cannot enforce the law. Wakakaka... Macam mana lah flats/apartments tak jadi busuk dan buruk. My advise: Don't build flats, build lots of affordable terrace houses, or houses like felda houses. No need for CoB or Strata Tribunal services. There is still plenty of land. Sell cheap cheap.. one family one house. Jauh sikit tak apa la. Anthony Loke must improve the KTM Komuter services.

    1. Built far away from the CBD?

      Can work ke, in a country where telecommunication & transport infras r so archaic & poorly manned?

      In the developed West, there used to be a trend to decentralized the urban.

      They could do it THEN bcoz of their well-planned infrastructure. When their economy went downhill, everyone wanted to move back to city central where those limited jobs could be found. Back to square one!

      One possible model is the current ongoing China model, where the e-commerces r thriving with good vehicular & telecommunications infras, leading to many younger generation going back to the rural to be entrepreneurs.

      These help to revitalise the rural, ease the housing problem in the cities & reduces the urban pressures on the general populace.

      This is the model that Jack Ma proposed to help regenerate the decaying US outbacks via his Alibaba e-commerce platform.

      Bolihland CAN do it, ONLY in a very long shot lah when PH is preparing to go through a drastic rework of EVERYTHING that r rotten!

      Fat chance, with the zombies crying for their afterlife al-jannah, ketuanan freaks for their tongkats & blur-sotongs for their me-layu mentality.

    2. dun bull la, there r more people in china that cant afford to buy house. tats y they cant let go of xinjiang n tibet so that one day this tuan han can move there.

    3. Wakakakakaka……

      RD syndrome cum communist shadow schizophrenia fool ranting incoherently to still himself!

      Tsk… tsk…

      I live mist of the time in SA & to be Frank, I don't mind going back to Lanzhou for retirement. Thing has been so so much better now.

      There r even Taiwanese business outlets & factories!

      Eat yr heart out lah!

  4. Aaahhhh, now we know why got housing shortage and poor maintenance ....previous government sapu the allocation.

    RMR1M subsidy used for other purposes without MOF’s approval
    Published on 03 December 2018

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 — A total of RM279.2 million in government subsidy allocated for the construction of 13,690 units of 1Malaysia People-Friendly Houses (RMR1M) was used for other purposes without the Ministry of Finance’s approval.

    According to the Auditor-General’s Report 2017 (Series 2) presented in Parliament today, an audit also discovered that the number of RMR1M houses constructed as of Dec 31, 2017 had not reached its target.

    “RMR1M has not reached its target as only 24,057 units have been constructed, while 8,145 were being built, instead of the 44,152 which should have been constructed.

    “Payments to contractors were not according to the schedule and the quality of the RMR1M houses also did not meet the specifications set,” said the report.

    The RMR1M is one of the two categories of houses built under the People-Friendly Houses by Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd’s subsidiary, SPNB Mesra Sdn Bhd.

    According to the report, SPNB Mesra Sdn Bhd’s overall governance practices was satisfactory and its overall financial position was stable, although the company recorded losses between 2014 and 2016.

    “However, there is still a need to improve in terms of the composition of its board of directors, the preparation of business plans, payment of fixed allowances, meeting allowances and chairman’s perks,” it said.

    The report also suggested for SPNB Mesra’s board of directors to consider using the subsidies for the purpose of RMR1M’s construction to reach the target.

    “The audit would also like to suggest for a review of the prices offered to the contractors in accordance with the latest market prices and to pay the contractors to achieve the objective, which is to help develop and empower Bumiputera contractors,” it added. — Bernama
