
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Wan Azizah must go

FMT - Sarawak politicians shocked by Wan Azizah’s remark on aid disbursal (extracts):

PETALING JAYA: A Sarawak lawmaker has taken Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to task for saying that voters from the East Malaysian state did not vote for Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the May 9 polls which swept the coalition to federal power.

Wan Azizah, who is also women, family and community development minister, had made the comment in response to Kota Samarahan MP Rubiah Wang’s question in the Dewan Rakyat about allocations for disaster aid.

Rubiah had asked on the status of aid for Sarawak from an emergency fund known as Tabung Kumpulan Wang Amanah Bencana Negara (KWABBN).

“Wait for a while, be patient,” Wan Azizah said. “We have only just said we want to disburse the funds to be channelled there.

Sarawak already did not vote for us, did not give us support. For your information, in the 11th Malaysia Plan there are flood mitigation projects for Kota Samarahan,” she said, adding that these projects cost RM10 million

What a stupid divisive and highly politicised statement to say "Sarawak already did not vote for us, did not give us support". It will give the Sarawakians and Sabahans, already-annoyed and unhappy-at-being-treated-like-stepchildren, just more ammunition to strafe the Peninsula-based federal government.

We know that Wan Azizah has been a political joke but we didn't expect her to say such a moronic statement in parliament. It's very reminiscent of a divisive UMNO who once treated opposition states and constituencies like dirt.

It once again reminds us of the UMNO DNA of PKR (and of course Pribumi). The bangsat langsat sure as hell didn't fall far from the langsat tree.

The sooner she's removed from any position of authority in the new government especially its cabinet, the better it'll be for her husband and PKR party. She's an absolute disgrace to everyone in her own PKR, and naturally a delight to the opposition (and Mahathir's Pribumi).


  1. “I help you, you help me”

    Is this a stupid, divisive and highly politicised statement?

    Who infamously said it to East Malaysians prior to elections?

  2. I am going to stir up some shit here. I am a little tired of Sabahans and Sarawakians who constantly complain that they are being ripped off by Peninsularians.

    They are being ripped off by their own.

    Since the 60s until today the tycoons and politicians who have been ripping them off, the Tings the Tiongs and the Laus, not to mention the Taibs and the Yusufs, all Sarawakians.

    The arrest and charging of the ex-Sabah CM with logging crimes....and the countless timber concessions....all for the benefit of local tycoons and politicians. Imagine the CHIEF MINISTER ripping off his own people. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    Then these very politicians fool the locals, saying that Sabah and Sarawak are poor states, that Peninsularians are ripping them off and Putrajaya should give 20% oil royalty. But they themselves keep 100% of the money from timber, land grab and countless government contracts. They have been doing this since the 60s.

    Sabahans (until recently) and Sarawakians simply believe their politicians and elect them back into power every time.

  3. If you read the statement carefully, she was not arguing about the emergency funding disbursement, which is already approved and in process.
    She was making a dig at the polemics of the Kota Semarahan MP... "Wait for a while, be patient....Sarawak already did not vote for us, did not give us support. "'s political sarcasm...but people who already pre-set to attack her won't get that...

    1. a DPM should NOT ever said such politicised slants. A PKR presidnet would be OK, but not a DPM. It's not sarcasm but her Freudian slip

    2. “I help you, you help me” was uttered by an experienced PM, not a novice DPM. The implication is if you don’t vote for me you will not get funds. Veiled threat.

  4. Wakakakakaka

    Wan Azizah forgot Sarawakians voters are just dumb and they vote based on how much RM$$$ is given before each election and forever elections after elections will vote in those who can bribe them the most for their votes. Otherwise, how do you explain the Sarawakians voting in PPBM and their proxy parties as their State Govt with a kleptocrat year in year out for so many years.

    It's only after elections when they sober again and will then again rise up and keep chanting about their rights, lands, religions, works, jobs, infrastructure etc. Election comes around, they get drunk again on RM$$$ dished out and distributed. The ones going to enjoy the Moolah for any projects after elections are the politicians and their parties and never to the ordinary folks where most projects are high costs but built with the least quality if ever they are built or implemented. Some projects just disappear into thin air.

    She should have just said "We are keeping the monies to be distributed to voters later when election comes."

    That at least would sound cruel and undemocratic but more forthright to the people of Sarawak.

  5. The lmao mandarin sure as hell didn't fall and land far from the mandarin tree too..
