
Monday, November 12, 2018

Thanks JAKIM for bringing us closer to Nur Sajat

I really must thank JAKIM for conducting its one-month long "gender-check" on Nur Sajat.

Mind you, kaytee would have done all of that in a mere 10 seconds, though I have to admit I might have been slapped or kissed by Most Sayang-est Nur.

Yes sir, kaytee's Ayer Itam kampong style macho-tactic would have been very dicey, to say the least, though at times its effectiveness surprised me.

I have to grudgingly concede JAKIM did the right and safe thing by taking a one-month long sweet and juicy study. Aiyah, why didn't I think of that dragged-out pleasure, wakakaka?

Be that as it was, now why did I thank my favourite organisation JAKIM?

Ever since the media told us about JAKIM's "gender-check" for Nur Sajat, many many many men in Malaysia have shown incredible and immense interest in gay lifestyle.

I suspect it's just a coincidence as Nur Sajat has nothing to do with influencing those naughty men (including kaytee).

Nonetheless, kaytee is no longer alone in my love, adoration and ........ for sweetie Nur [mind, not that I want competition, but I remember my late mum telling me to be generous in sharing something (or someone) wonderful, sweet and delicious around].

Thanks JAKIM, for once you have done a swell job.


  1. Hi-yah!

    Don't u know about the classic 'pious' act of - before confronting evil directly, one must cleanse ones thought/mind in deep self-reflection, preferably in a religious setting.

    This is WHY jakim partakes in a 30-day of 'painful' soul-searching dissertation of

    (الْمُؤْمِنُ مِرْآةُ (أخيه) الْمُؤْمِنِ)

    “A believer is like a mirror for his brother.”


    At the end, brother she isn't BUT a lowly sister!

  2. He/she is certainly very pretty to look at, but things may get very complicated and difficult for anyone to have a close relationship with Him/Her.

    Platonic friendship OK, but anything more than that gets very complex and messy hahahahahaha...

  3. JAKIM has got it's priorities all wrong and wasting monies (nearly 1 Billion RM yearly) on unproductive work on enhancing the system of Islamic Administration.

    What is the percentage of Moslem LBGTs in the Moslem population in Malaysia compared to Moslems who are Paedophiles, child rapists, have incest relationship, have child abortions or conduct illegal child abortions, drugs addicts, prostitution, ISIS collaborators and sympathizers, Mat Rempits, irresponsible Moslem men who abandoned their families etc etc?

    Is JAKIM's main priority to promote missionary work /DAKWAH thru getting public attention by enforcement against LBGTs which is considered the biggest threat to Moslem Malaysians?

    It clearly shows most of the religious bodies and authorities in Malaysia have all got their priorities wrong for the betterment of the Moslem population.

    Revamping JAKIM and the various State's religious authorities by more learned and better administrators instead of religious bigots who are more keen in using religion for their political masters aims or self promoted Dakwah work must be carried out for the betterment of the Moslems in the country.

    And the stories of how much monies these religious authorities collects each year whether thru Govt. allocations or thru Zakat collections and misuse for the right purposes are still all waiting to come out of the woodwork.

    When it involved millions of RM and see no real improvement/progress in the Moslem ummah for years with the same problems year in and year out, you can be sure those in such religious bodies are as corrupted as those in other wayward religious bodies like temple, church etc or self created welfare organisations like orphanages and religious schools.

    There are just too many corrupted Malaysians nowadays whether in Govt or ordinary public who knows the Achilles Heel of religion can be used for purposes of religious politics, self agrandisements, getting rich, highly paid jobs, shows, lectures, sermons, sales talks, ponzi schemes etc etc in Malaysia.

    And it all just involves frightening or appealing to those devout religious believers to give them the opportunity and loopholes to continue their bastardisation of religions.

    Waiting for God to punish such zealots is not the option.

  4. I was at a wedding in Bahau, Negeri Sembilan, a few months ago. We were sitting at the same table with Sajat's parents. I did ask the father, where is Sajat? Dia pergi bercuti he said.

    Now, is Sajat a hermaphrodite? If she was, then it is possible that she had gone through a natural sex change without undergoing any sex reassignment surgery.

    But if she is now a woman, after undergoing a sex reassignment surgery, then it is not a natural sex change; thus, she cannot marry her man.

    That's why the authorities need to do a gender-check on her. If she was born a hermaphrodite, and she is now a natural woman, then I think (I said I think ya..?) she should be allowed to marry her man, as her transformation was natural.

    Check the tunnel yourself KT. Do let me know eh! Wakakaka...

    1. Trying to play God's rules on another human being life by equating what is and what is not allowed for her/him?

      Or as custodians of human morality?

      Look first upon your own morals and intentions before even proposing what is right or wrong to live by in this world for those born unfortunate as LBGTs.

      God should be blamed instead for defects of his supposedly perfect creation of each living thing on earth.

  5. Interesting facts....from the wonders of the World Wide Web....Natural human Hermaphroditism is defined medically as a person born with both male and female genitalia. So , it actually does happen... hahaha...

    According to medical records (in countries which keep such records) the actual incidence is 1 in 20,000 births. Very rare indeed.

    Solid research data is obviously hard to come by, but in all the cases that researchers have been able to track down, only one or the other biological gender is actually active, i.e. the person is reproductively either a male or a female.

    No cases of active dual reproductive gender i.e. a true biological He/She have ever been found.


  6. Meanwhile....Hamas and Israel trade deadly shots....for the umpteemth time.

    JAKIM is busy checking on Hermaphrodites.

  7. chabor don't go mucho macho on us, it won't work, we know you have a feminine disposition besides if nur was standing in front of you in her birthday suit with or without her bedak, your knees would probably go wobbly and for goodness sake pull yourself together
