
Friday, November 16, 2018

PKR - same old, same old - PKR and Malaysia's future political landscape:

While this appears to be a wholly internal problem of PKR, it may have implications for the position of the PH government as well as the country's future political landscape. Photo courtesy: Sin Chew Daily 

The dust has almost settled on PKR's heated elections. Azmin Ali is confirmed to be re-elected as party deputy president, while his challenger Rafizi Ramli has failed to unseat him. The party's election committee will make the official announcement during the party's general congress this weekend.

Based on the results released by the election committee so far, coupled with the fact that there will be no fresh election for the highly controversial Julau division, it is almost certain that Azmin is the ultimate winner in the tightly contested race.

There have been a fair share of irregularities taking place during the course of the party's elections, seriously tarnishing the image of the country's largest ruling party and hurting the credibility of the new Pakatan Harapan government.

Incoming president Anwar Ibrahim, who is prepared to take over the premiership from Tun Mahathir, has not demonstrated a respectable level of leadership in the midst of confidential crisis arising from the elections.

The elections have been marred by suspected vote-buying and technical issues but the election committee's approach in resolving the problems has been crude and inconsistent. The legitimacy of election results in some divisions has been questionable, and this has dealt a severe blow on transparency and credibility of the elections.

Take the Julau division in Sarawak for instance, some argue that an invisible hand was behind the overnight surge in the number of eligible voters. Others complained about the tablets used in e-voting, although such technical issues have later been denied by the election committee.

In addition, the election committee has also failed to address the problem of missing ballots in some divisions.

As a consequence of the election committee's inefficiency and incompetency, PKR's party elections have been full of irregularities which are sadly ignored by the party's political bureau and top leadership.

The PKR leadership must not remain in a state of denial but must seriously look into the complaints of all party members and rectify the weaknesses in relation to party elections while offering full cooperation to the investigation authorities in a bid to restore the party's credibility.

If incoming president Anwar Ibrahim who is also the PM-in-waiting, and his wife outgoing president cum deputy PM Wan Azizah, have both failed to demonstrate a high level of leadership, their roles and abilities in the government will be questionable.

They must let the voters see the real strength of PKR as a component of the ruling coalition. Otherwise, they cannot convince Malaysians that Anwar is capable enough to take over as PM within two years.

Anwar must have the ability to put together a party that is on the brink of division because the party's future is closely associated with his hold to the PM post as well as the stability of the PH government.

Following the re-election of Azmin and major party posts won by his team mates, it is anticipated that his position in the party will get further boosted, threatening Anwar's position in party and government.

How is Anwar going to handle such an intricate relationship between him, Azmin and Rafizi? While this appears to be a wholly internal problem of PKR, it will nevertheless have implications for the position of the PH government as well as the country's future political landscape.


  1. perhaps pkr is a mess, but quite astonish rafizi could pose a serious challenge to azmin, thus despite it fault, no one could actually guesstimate who would win in the end, n we really cant tell who is playing dirty here. the problem is perhaps pkr sec gen did a bad job, shd fire him n appoint a new one.

    azmin is no doubt a better n mature politician among ph, in fact he is much outstanding than lge. the one that could match him is perhaps anthony n khairy. rafizi is at vast difference, he is a bit naïve n idealistic n dun really looks like a politician, however we r glad to have people like him around, he make our political landscape more interesting, noisy, shine, optimistic n full of hope.

    1. To some people he is full of sh*t too..

      HY.. musical interlude:

    2. Just like both of u r the members of the sekawan farts!

    3. another similarity, both of us know confucianism more than u wakaka.

    4. Definitely the bastardized confucianism where feudalism is the core ingredient!


    5. at least u get something right, confucianism is feudal, n that's the reason y many intellectual anti confucius, even jiang n mao cant breakaway from this feudal belief, the one that see tis problem is perhaps jiang jingguo n deng, that try to change how leader being elected.

    6. Then, WHY r u so deterministic about monopoly in idealogy?

      Only a rd moron WOULD write a thoughtless phrases as

      "u cant anti confucius n at the same time tell us how great is zy. if u r not anti confucius like ccp did, then tell us y ccp adopt the western concept of marx capitalism n adam smith capitalism as their economy policy but not lunyu n zy?"

      Communism has no monopoly on the idea of classless society. Neither has capitalism has the sole claim to laissez faire marketing force!

      Idea evolves to suit the time & circumstances by standing on the shoulders of the previous giants.

      Only moron would claim unchanging flow of ideas as in zombieism & in yr current state of f*cked mindset.

      One more thing, how leaders r been selected/elected (know the differences?) ISN'T the issue. The state of governance IS!

      But can u see that?

    7. when did i assert monopoly of ideology? r not both communism n capitalism from the west? its a well known fact the weaken china learn from the west, be it science, democracy, socialism, communism etc? u mean the moment u evolve (copy) n rename a ism with chinese characteristic then it is no more a western communism n capitalism? dun bs la.

      taiwanese elected their leader after jiang era, china i dun know. i guess hua is selected by mao, deng is via power struggle, hu, zhao, jiang is selected by deng i guess, those after jiang could be either selected or elected by a small group of people. r u telling me the right for people to choose their leader has nothing to do with governance? r democracy not enshrined in ccp constitution?

      confucianism is feudal, the concentration of power in the hand of emperor is one reason y capitalism never happen in china no matter how business minded of the chinese, it is also the reason without proper check and balance, dynasty rarely last long in term of strength). however confucianism do possess some great idea for eg "there should be education for everyone without distinction", which might lead to the creation of imperial examination that start in sui dynasty, the one that was defeated by lishimin but copy over most of the sui practice. the greatness of imperial examination is to improve the mobility of the commoners to upper class in society instead of selection by govt officer, and indeed historical china is one that have the most fairer system where people have more opportunity to move upwards, relatively speaking. however in the end, the west that imitate the china examination system seem to appreciate education n knowledge more.

      what i see is we must acknowledge our own weakness n deficiency in order to move forward.

    8. Real retard infested with rd syndrome!

      "…then tell us y ccp adopt the western concept of marx capitalism n adam smith capitalism as their economy policy but not lunyu n zy…"

      Read what u have written lab, green fart!

    9. u have the habit to gloss over the wrong that done by party n people u support with vague term like big picture, zhongyong etc. n u could become very specific when the topic is on islam n melayu. i am here to expose yr double n triple std.

    10. Exposed more & let the readers decide lah!


      Or u r just showing yr diaper (don't understand the meaning, use Google/baidu).

      Wakakakakaka… yr depth of yr selective bastardized 'knowledge':

      "…r not both communism n capitalism from the west…"

      F*ck lah!

      Ain't this a spurious claim of monopolies by the West, under yr limited understanding of humanistic behaviours? Capitalism & communism/socialism r the outwardly displays of the humanistic behaviours. They r the two sides of the same coin. Nobody can claim to invent them, ooop, maybe snake oil seller can fool the blurs.

      China has a long history of marketing commercial activities & compassionate social indulgences (long before Marx or whoever consolidated & formulated those ism u fart about!

      诸子家训 r a good start for u to clear yr f*cked-up doubts about capitalism cum socialism.

      Further readings on various commercial & social policies of the various dynasties, predated the birth of yr fart-ism, will also expose the deep understanding of both capitalism & socialism by the various schools of thought!

      Governance vs leadership!

      Haha…… look at yr beloved Taiwan lah. What has those 'elected' presidents had done to Taiwan 民生 as compared to the 'selected' chairmen done to China 复新WITHIN the past 40 yrs?

      Wakakakakaka…… be very careful about the temporal implications that rd, like u & kt, would always confused about!

      Ooop… double check about 民生 & 复新 before u fart about le.

      NOW, who has that habit to gloss over the wrongs that done by party(?) n people(?) u support with vague terms (just say u don't understand lah, finite!)??

      Don't twist or divert, ok?

      Many eyes r watching!!!

    11. follow yr logic, confucianism is not from china n buddhism is from africa.

      taiwan most prosperous period was during jiang jingguo reign, can i therefore claim military regime is best for economy? capitalistic economy is a cycle, the 4 dragon 4 tiger did went thru the boom like what china having now, the slow down will come one day n historically the peasent will revolt against the central govt if not properly managed, a democracy is more dynamic as compare to a authoritarian to counter revolution bec people believe u dun need a war to overthrow a govt, a vote will do.

      finally u must understand whats capitalism before telling me there is capitalistic element in history china. go back to basic, interpret history using facts, not fancy n myth.

    12. Real saihe!!

      Want to understand the intrinsics of capitalism & socialism as embedded into the ancient Chinese understandings?

      Go & read 诸子家训 (know what r they??) lah!

      They r mostly non-political, with many texts passing down as 祖宗言训.

      BTW, u r right, if the local dwellers have reached that required level as enshrined within the humanistic PD, Confucianism (a collection of 老祖宗的智慧)& Buddhism (a collection of self-enlightenment) CAN come from ANYWHERE!

      But can u understand that?

      "taiwan most prosperous period was during jiang jingguo reign, can i therefore claim military regime is best for economy? capitalistic economy is a cycle, the 4 dragon 4 tiger did went thru the boom like what china having now, the slow down will come one day n historically the peasent will revolt against the central govt if not properly managed, a democracy is more dynamic as compare to a authoritarian to counter revolution bec people believe u dun need a war to overthrow a govt, a vote will do."

      What a conditioned Taiwanese irrational rant!

      I have had such a 'discourse' with a fellow airline passenger from Taiwan. I was on my way to SA while she was going to her USofA holy land.

      She mentioned almost the same fart as u have now.

      Suffice to day, my question of good/bad governance vis-a-vis democratic/authoritarian put her ranting tirelessly & irrationally JUST like u do now!

      U guy r just the same misguided (hopefully) bleeding hearts - thinking what's good for the Yankee must be good for the others. Along the way, keep ignoring the humanistic instinct of surviving!

      民生 thrives in surviving with the best approach to any difficult era w/o any possible comparisons. Those later day commentaries r just 马后炮 fart to syiok-sendiri, as she/u do now!

      Taiwan's current political situation is the result of her large portion of misguided populace by propaganda(kmt/Yankee). She has lost 20 yrs now in real sopo developments. She will lost more! More Taiwanese r NOW voting with their feet to China (hahaha… not even their usual good old USofA) where they see hope & pride!

      Thus, a final advice to clear yr fartish mind - the form of government IS irrelevant, the resulting governance IS.

      U can tagged whatsoever sopo-ism as u like. At the end of the day, it's the feel of the people that determines the legacy of the regime in question.

      Misguided fools get conned with a superficial democratic process, while zombies been played around as chess pieces with a doubtful piece of doctrine.

      Many Westernised translation of Chinese mandate (老祖宗的受命以天) has been wrongly interpreted as god given! The western scholars COULDN'T understand the Chinese interconnection of 民 & 天. These Westerners have been influenced by their intrinsic western theological influences(knowingly & unknowingly).

      It SHOULD actually be translated as supported of/by the people. & that populist support echoed out of the perceived policies (rightly & or wrongly) as contrast to the people's current stage of sopo situation.

      Fancy? Myth? Or FACTS!


      If u understand, u understand!

      Otherwise, it's best u remain in the dark to suffer yr own ignorances!

  2. UMNO now courting DSAI to save their party instead after being turned down by TDM when they refuse to let his son be the next President of UMNO.

    The question is can TDM live long enough to see his son being made President of PBBM and built it up with defections of MPs from UMNO.

    And is DSAI toying with the idea of a return to UMNO to fight for the PM post fearing TDM may renege on his promise to hand over after 2 years.

    Whatever the outcome, whoever wants to be PM after 2 years whether it is TDM or DSAI, they will still need the support of 3 parties ie DAP, Warisan, Amanah in any new Govt. coalition.

    PAS under a untrustworthy Hadi Awang will forever never be in the equation of whichever coalition forms the Govt. and be the PM. PAS members have a lot of soul searching to do to see why their party and leaders are now also going downhill and need rescuing themselves in the next coming GE15.

    1. GE14 is gone and GE15 is well out of sight my friend. PD by-election was a good indicator for PAS. No? It is either you're myopic or blinkered. Wakakaka...

  3. Replies
    1. All those who oppose ICERD r residuary stone age dwellers!

      How to learn modern HW cum SW le?

      Turning to zombies is their best chance of continue existence!

    2. [ALOR SETAR: Kedah kekal dengan pendirian menolak ratifikasi Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum (Icerd), tegas Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir.]

    3. I support the ICERD especially the DAP version which adds the following clause:

      All party elections shall be impressionistic; adjust final results in Excel according to Ketokongan Lim requirements.

  4. Party infighting, dissatisfaction and accusations of cheating in elections are the usual things that happen in any open democracy.

    So of course it is “same old same old”. It is the same old democracy, and democracy is MESSY, even UGLY.

    What do we want? All party members blindly loyal to one and only one faction or one leader? That would be the Communist Party or UMNO pre- GE14, where there was unquestioned loyalty to MO1. Dissenters were expelled.

    See the mess that got us into.

    The key here to see if PKR is any different from UMNO is what will happen to the winning and losing sides.

    Let’s see.
