
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pakatan Chinese worse than mice? - Who moved my cheese?


Cheese #1

Pakatan Harapan has reneged on its PTPTN pledge, unable to allow those earning less than RM4,000 a month to defer their loan repayment.

Finance minister Lim Guan Eng said Jho Low is to blame for this.

"If Jho Low had not taken away RM50 billion, it definitely can be done."

So, any problem is Jho Low's problem!

This answer appears to have oversimplified the issue, and this kind of attitude cannot help the nation resolve the many problems it faces.

I'm not implying that Jho Low is innocent. Like everyone else, I believe he stole huge sums of money from the country. I hope he will be arrested and brought to justice.

But, they are two different things. The PH government cannot blame all its problems on Jho Low, or Najib.
Remember Who Moved My Cheese?

Two mice and two little people were living in a maze. They found one big chunk of cheese and were enjoying it very much.

But after some time, they discovered suddenly that someone moved the cheese!

The mice quickly moved on to look for new cheese, while the two little people stayed put, grumbling that someone had stolen their bounty.

Very soon the mice found a new cheese and the little people, unwilling to venture afield, almost died of hunger.

Now back to PTPTN. The real problem does not lie with Jho Low, but the attitude of borrowers and government policy.

Because of default, old money cannot be recovered and new loans cannot be disbursed. It's like a giant black hole where the government will keep dropping cash into the unfillable hole.

PM Mahathir said PTPTN arrears were higher than 1MDB's debts.

PH in its election manifesto promised to defer the loan repayment of PTPTN borrowers earning less than RM4,000 a month. This promise has indirectly encouraged people not to pay back their dues.

Earlier publicity by some PH leaders claiming that PTPTN debts would be struck off has further emboldened such "care-not" attitude, thinking that they don't have to pay back their loans if PH becomes the government.

This kind of populist politics has spawned gross irresponsibility.
PTPTN is an unsustainable operation. Even if the government eventually manages to get Jho Low and get back the money from him, it will not be able to sustain chronic drain of government funds.

Stop blaming others like the two little people. Learn to solve the problem instead like the mice.

Cheese #2

The 2019 Budget has made RM12 million allocation for independent Chinese high schools, much to the joy of the local Chinese community.

As for UTAR, only RM5.5 million has been set aside, vis-à-vis RM30-60 million during BN's time.

Has someone moved the cheese?

Someone explained that RM5.5 million is only for development purposes and the government has yet to announce the rest of operating allocations.

I hope Lim Guan Eng can say something and tell us clearly how much exactly for UTAR.

Indeed UTAR was founded by MCA, but its students do not have to hail from MCA families. Nor are they required to pledge loyalty to the party.

The students it trains will become an asset to the Chinese community and nation. For children from less well off families, affordable UTAR is their only bet for further education.

In no way should UTAR be politicized and become a victim of Malaysia's regime change.

Moreover, we all know that UTAR's students and lecturers are predominantly PH supporters.

Please, don't move the cheese of Chinese community and this country!


  1. lge is lks son, thats all.

  2. Sin Chew Daily deputy executive editor-in-chief Tay Tian Yan is, of course, a long time BN man.

    The mantra of those who Remain BN supporters after May 9 has been , time to forget about 1MDB and focus on solutions.

    My take is different... yes PH has to focus on solutions to the country's financial problems, but we must not forget, must continue to pursue 1MDB's missing Billions

    1MDB has RM 42 Billion in Real liabilities, and no real asserts.
    The "monetisable Asset" in TRX has nothing to do with with the cash disbursed when the RM 42 Billion in liabilities was incurred.

    The cash is GONE, stolen, and those involved must face the full force of the law.

    1. most chinese newspaper people on the surface is govt friendly be it bn or ph. they dun have much choice. not sure if the act change under ph. however lge case is quite unique, most newsman still see him a snob that lack civility regardless he is opposition or govt.

  3. Crowdfund PTPTN anyone? It’s the IN thing. Can crowdfund buying house. Even Najib believes in it. His bail money was crowdfunded no? But what was the “return” for investors I wonder? Oh I forgot, he calls it donation.

  4. This tty from sinchew daily is a typical cinabeng who read too little into the philosophy of 中庸!

    He thinks that being acting 中庸 is to be fair & taking the middle path as if in the Western thinkings! A kind of bleeding-heartish Samaritan indulgence devoid of big picture.

    No…… no … no!!

    老祖宗 defined 中庸 as to resolve problems/disputes with the best approach to untangle the impasses.

    Best solution isn't necessary MUST be balance & fair. The circumstances vary with locations, customary practices & most importantly BIG PICTURE further down the road!

    Thus, in cheese#1, the blaming game IS just the politikus' norm.

    The FACT is the current govt has no money to fulfill the ptptn manifesto pledge.

    Equating ph's rant for the country's financial quagmire as the inaction of the little man of that cheese story is just easy fart.

    The problem is still need to be resolved. & how did tty know that ph wasn't doing anything about it but just doing rhetoric?

    Cheese#2 for juggling with the (Chinese) educational allocations.

    The monies to the primary&secondary vernacular schools r more urgently required than the money to utar.

    Besides, things r not clear yet as that RM5.5 million is only for development purposes and the government has yet to announce the rest of operating allocations.

    It's too early to say that the financial allocation to utar has been politicized.

    Perhaps someone has not been acting/thinking 中庸 (hopefully it's just misinterpreted) for the best of the prevailing circumstances facing the country.

    Maybe it's also personal lah!

    1. so yr version of zhongyong is to cheat the voter first then see how?

    2. Clarify further lah, 井底之蛙.

      Or is that what u have learnt from yr 小民的智慧 enlightenment?

    3. tantianyan a taiwan graduate, taiwan embrace confucius while mainland anti confucius, u a authoritarian regime lackey know what abt confucianism ie the middle path?

      lge a anglo that cant write his mother name in hanzi, what he know abt zhongyong?

      士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远 can understand kah? blame fatty blame robber whats the point?

    4. Wakakakakaka……


      Can u look it up & digested further about the origin of this phrase before u fart?

      Don't understand ke? Ask!

      Trying to interprete its deep meaning with yr 小民的智慧 will get u nowhere!

      That's preciously most of the Taiwanese graduates' pitfall. I blame it on the influences of the Yankee culture of altruistic superficialism.

      U want to understand Confucianism? Let me suggest a simple analogy happened during the Tang dynasty.

      山东大儒 against the regime of 李世民 bcoz superficially of 玄武门之变 but in actual fact 李世民有鲜卑血统,山东士族注重纯汉族血统。

      Hence, those 山东大儒 r playing with Confucianism to hide their bigotry!

      Many blur-sotongs then (not those bolihland types) accept that superficiality & join in to a political struggle of unnecessary bloodbath.

      Long story short - eventually Tang dynasty turns out to be a golden period of the Chinese civilisation.

      So, 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远, again?

      F*ck lah, if ever those 山东大儒 were successful!

      What's yr branch of Confucianism, again?

      The bastardised western one or the true original 华夏 one?

      BTW, when r u going to get rid of yr habitually inclination of 套帽子? It shows yr deep f*cked-up 李登輝 influences!

    5. i guess yr point is it is okay to cheat, as long as in line with the big picture, bec lishiming oso did much worst before he lead tang to become one of the greatest dynasty. i can sort of agree its kind of imperial politics (道和术), the problem is when u at the same time wan to talk middle path, or confucianism which shown u r so disingenuous.

      u just ask lge a simple question, is it a good idea to allow deferment of loan repayment even if govt have money? lge cant even tell the people what is the right thing to do but take the easy way to blame it on fatty n najib? show that he dun even know what zhongyong is abt, but that is fine bec i never expect him to know, my issue is when u wan to whitewash by talking middle path. dun make me laugh la when u know nothing abt right n wrong but still wanna lecture us on zhongyong.

    6. Wakakakakaka……

      My understanding of yr f*cked-up 中庸 has proven RIGHT!

      The idea of 中庸 DOESN'T come from Confucianism! FYI, it predates the birth of Confucius.

      BTW, I didn't talk Confucianism, u did!

      So, what the fart about my 中庸 clarification with yr "taiwan embrace confucius while mainland anti confucius, u a authoritarian regime lackey know what abt confucianism ie the middle path?"???

      Yr proven skill of 套帽子 to get yrself out of a mess u created, RIGHT?

      What a disingenuous of u to twist that the concept of 中庸 comes out of 论语,hence is part of Confucianism! F*ck lah! 论语 was a compilation of old 华夏 wisdoms by 孔夫子 - remember that till u decay lah.

      Either u know NUTS about Chinese history & the 老祖宗的智慧 or u just want to show yr syiok-sendiri ignorance!

      About yr blur2 question about lge, do reread my takes about tty's cheesy farts. More likely, both of u r confused (mmm…… by Confucianism??) due to both yr personal disliking of lge than anything else!

      "… whitewash by talking middle path" to cover lge!?

      "lge cant even tell the people what is the right thing to do but take the easy way to blame it on fatty n najib?"??!!

      Do tell what lge hasn't done anything about the financial quagmire besides his politiku-ish name blaming game?

      Ooop…… he & mamak were/are RIGHT to blame this jibby mf*cker for the current financial quagmire imposed on bolihland.

      Or u have a better reason?

    7. zhongyong is part of confucianism, of course it is not really related to lunyu, who told u confucianism is limited to lunyu?

      u claim tty know little abt zy, however taiwanese or kmt never anti confucius like what ccp did so generally their/tty understanding of confucianism shd be better compare to mainlander, or u, a tongue in cheek.

      i suppose what tty trying to tell is ph can ignore n forget all their manifesto promise if what najib did could be used as a valid reason. i believe most r not interested to know the reason, they wan to know how ph would n could do to fulfill their promise.

      mahathir have a hand in the current financial mess, it is only right if lge blame both mahathir n najib. is tis not a much valid n better reason?

    8. So, what's yr understanding of 中庸?Don't just quote the phrase w/o enlightening us about yr '中庸' lah!

      Playing with circular argument ONLY proves yr ignorance about the true 老祖宗的智慧!


      " taiwanese or kmt never anti confucius like what ccp did so generally their/tty understanding of confucianism shd be better compare to mainlander, or u, a tongue in cheek."

      So far yr farts about Confucianism prove OTHERWISE!

      Blame mamak for his last misdeeds when he is working overtime, currently, to resolve/minimize the legacies of his past indulgences?

      F*ck lah!

      U should concentrate on monitoring how pkr is going to morph into another ketuanan mess with sycophants like u playing cheerleaders.

    9. To HY and CK:

      Try and translate those Chinese words for us, OK? Don't let your arguments become a two-men affair, wakakaka

    10. ≪中庸≫ zhongyong is a classic Chinese text of significant standing. It's NOT an easy text to understand, especially when its original content is written in classic Mandarin, 文言文. Many sino-scholars have spent long times to dissect & understand its content. Hence there r many disputes about some of its proposed concepts.

      The 中庸 I have mentioned is not the text but a long misunderstood embedded concept within the ≪中庸≫ - of how to resolve problems/disputes/disagreements as proposed within.

      Many modern westernized interpretations define 中庸 as taken the middle path, 50/50 give & take.

      Superficially it's correct in most cases. But, in practices such resolution only delay the inevitable until it flares up again further down the road.

      Reading deeper into the ancient text, 中庸 actually requires one to resolve the problem with the BEST approach of taking a long term view & encompassing big picture approach, as demanded by the prevailing circumstances - custom, numeric advantages, balances/fairness (the most difficult to apply) & the eventual desired outcomes.

      If these considerations r applied fully THEN the modern understanding of "taken the middle path, 50/50 give & take" IS wrong. This is especially so in political situations where the power undertones shift with time & the power-to-be!

      Middle path as required by the modern blur-sotongs cannot be the RIGHT solution to dissolve an impasse. It delays the impasse to such time that it eventually erupted tragically - as have been happened all over the world.

      But to implement the true 中庸 requires strong leadership of making unenviable decisions against the short-sighted crowds, who r dictated by current norms & silo situational demands. Especially, when the understanding of fairness has been silo-ised!

      That's where my example of the Tang dynasty's 玄武门之变, leading to 李世民's empeor throne.

      李世民 was the 2nd emperor of Tang dynasty. BUT the golden age of Tang dynasty as determined by his rules were despite by some, especially those 山东大儒 (Confucian scholars from Confucius home state). They expounded 李世民's killing his older brother as against the teaching of Confucius. In actual fact, there were indication showing that they didn't support 李世民 more bcoz the li family was not of han blood!

      "士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远" - the righteous shouldn't be afraid of death. Their duty is heavy & the road treacherous - was their irrational chant!

      HY's fart about "taiwanese or kmt never anti confucius like what ccp did so generally their/tty understanding of confucianism shd be better compare to mainlander, or u," IS just his irrational personal rant via his pet hatred of CCP!

      My takes of 中庸 has no Taiwan elements, unless he wanted to associate my dispute with tty's cheesy farts as an attack thing Taiwanese!

      Such r the understanding of some of these Taiwanese graduates - 不学而无术 可悲。 学而无术 可耻!

      Most of them r VERY good at the skill of 套帽子 (labelling opponent during debates) - a deep f*cked-up 李登輝 influences!

      老祖宗的智慧 has all been whitewashed by their misguided westernized altruistic superficiality!

    11. u r one that accuse tty know very little zy without any back up facts, whats wrong if i claim a ccp apologies ie ck oso know very little zy, somemore i state my justification of anti confucius which is a historical fact, who the one do the labelling here?

      i still dun know whats yr point on lishimin n how it relevant? i know lishimin can take criticism constructively, as a emperor though, if that is what u meant by zy, then i dun see tis quality in lge.

      now back to topic, pray tell whats wrong with tty writes? be specific n dun run in circles chasing yr own tail bolehkah?

    12. Tty, indeed farted here & there about

      1) on blaming game

      2) disproportionated, or more correctly, the redistribution of the budgetary allocation to Chinese related educations

      1) lge has called name BUT has he not done anything about his portfolio under his care?

      Tty's take is lge has done NOTHING but has just wanted to cover up his inaction by name calling!

      Likening to yr favourite game of labelling - is this a typical Taiwanese graduates' deeply f*cked-up bastardized Confucianism understanding?

      2) based on the current financial status of the country, ONLY the humongous allocation to Mara can be reduced & thus redistributed to other institutions. But is this even POSSIBLE in the 1st thought?

      Or tty has a better solution that he keeps to himself?

      Instead of talking fact, tty farted about the reduced allocation to UTAR as if there was enough money & yet been withheld!

      He also didn't clarify that there is a possibility of future allocation should the need arises.

      On both counts, my take is tty has a personal grouse to shoot!

      So far, am I chasing my tail or u r been inundated with rd created by yr own self-denial?

      If u CANT relate my story about 李世民's Tang dynasty episode with the application of the 中庸 concept THEN there is nothing we can talk about!

      Indeed u know nuts about Chinese history. Keep to yr understanding of that westernized & bastardized Confucianism, so that u can continue enjoying yr egoistic CCP bashing of zilch consequences.


      "taiwanese or kmt never anti confucius like what ccp did so generally their/tty understanding of confucianism shd be better compare to mainlander, or u"

      U call that an explanation?

      & what has that got to do with my piece (do remember u r the one that brought Taiwan into this debate)?

      F*ck lah, I am REALLY dealing with a Taiwanese graduate of the type - 不学而无术 可悲。 学而无术 可耻!

      Subject closed!!!!

    13. 1) so what have lge done wrt ptptn apart from blaming jl n najib?

      2) y tty need to come up with solution? he is a writer, not fm. so whats the reason utar allocation reduce? did mara also reduce? of course u dun need to reply, we wan to hear from our fm.

      mine is a valid explanation, u cant anti confucius n at the same time tell us how great is zy. if u r not anti confucius like ccp did, then tell us y ccp adopt the western concept of marx capitalism n adam smith capitalism as their economy policy but not lunyu n zy? i suggest u seek help from shuzheng la if u cant answer, he definitely know how to twist.

  5. They are also Malays n other races that mengaji kat UTAR.
    And u also have Kolej TAR.
    There are also many independant Malay owned schools that adopt national syllabus and curriculum. These schools should also be awarded the development and operational $$$. We want it to be fair after all.

    1. U want to be fair!!???

      Already, majority of the education allocation has been 'given' to Malay owned schools/institutions & u r asking for more!

      What's yr definition of fair?

      Me, me first & last - all the way le!

      R u in deep hallucinations caused by twisted neurons misfired.

      Let me ask u a simple question of ROI (google & look it up).

      Which branch of the education has the highest ROI?

      Those fashioned under 135 or those supported by pama?

      Memang tak tau malu!

      Ooop… btw what kind of independent Malay owned schools r u talking about?

      Zombified sekolah tahfidz?

      Fly-by-nite ptptn sapuing outfits?

    2. 'Zombified sekolah tahfidz' ?

      You always bark (kong chiao weh) like a mad dog lah CK.. wakakaka

    3. Wakakakaka…

      There r sekolah tahfidz & there r zombified Isis incubators. Unfortunately, most of these Delilah tahfidz in bolihland belong to the later!

      Keep to our weed induced daydreaming lah.

  6. One of the risks facing the Pakatan Government is that while PH has promised not to interfere with the press, almost the entire ownership and senior editorial staff of the Malaysian Mainstream media remain in BN aligned hands.
    These range from Chinese dailies to English papers to Bahasa media.
    With the exception of Utusan , which remains totally UMNO aligned, mist of them have been relatively objective since May 10.. ...however, for the rest, I expect their BN DNA to bare their fangs soon enough..

  7. The effects of the previous BN Govt. looting and stealing thru corruption has cost untold misery now to millions of Malaysians.

    Why complain about this and that when most were just "Tidak Apa" attitude and continuously vote in the BN regime for decades?

    The billions and millions of Malaysian monies are all in the hands of those most corrupted and who have stashed it away and enjoying their luxurious lives everyday while the rest just have to learn to continue living their miserable lives in a country which is actually so rich and if managed properly could have given every Malaysian a decent life.

    Go get a life somewhere!
