
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Not quite Kerling 1977 Redux

Shades of Kerling 1977 regarding the recent violence at the Sri Maha Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya?

Thank goodness NOT, though there was one casualty, fireman Muhammad Adib Kassim, but fortuitously the sole victim is still alive.

As most will agree, attacking an Emergency 1st-Responder, eg. firemen, ambulance, doctors, etc, is a vile crime.

Mind, some idiots gather the preposterous idea that the description 'vile crimes' must automatically merit capital punishment. Such have been their evil bloodlust that they wish for perpetrators of such 'vile crimes' the cruel death penalty - I have no time for such barbarians.

Kerling 1977 - Many young brats today have no idea what 'Kerling 1977' means, and I reckon for the good of Malaysia it's best NOT to enlighten them.

Regarding the current turmoil at the Sri Maha Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya, everyone is balming everyone except themselves, wakakaka, but in truth there is only one single root cause for the fracas, to wit:

The Sri Maha Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya was built on someone else's land, full stop.

As someone wisely put it, we seldom hear of similar socio-politico-religious problems, on such repetitive scale, with Christian churches, Chinese-Buddhist temples and Gurdwara.

That's only because churches, temples and gurdwaras were built mainly on own land.

Politicians have not been helpful, giving false hopes to devoted but blind acolytes who would naturally turn feral territorially, even on the temple's 'borrowed' territory.

Some preposterous promises and assurances have been issued, but thank goodness the PM, much as I don't trust him, has put his foot down firmly on the mandatory need to respect the court's decision on who has right of the land on which the temple stands.

And the final nail in the issue has been the Selangor MB nixing the calvary-to-the-rescue idea of Selangor buying up the land to bypass the owner's right to ask the temple to relocate.

The thing is that the land-owner has already allocated new land a couple of kilometres away for a new temple, with RM1.5 million compensation paid, with all participating parties agreeable to the settlement. Why has some from that temple now dissent and with such passionate ardour and disregard for a court order?

Cari pasal?

They won't get much sympathy, most of all from friends and relatives of fireman Muhammad Adib Kassim.


  1. Where is Ktemoc sense of fairplay and humanity before these questions are answered?

    Court Judgement in 2014. It's now 2018. 4 years has passed since the court judgement.

    Why wasn't the temple built yet to replace the one to be demolished? How long does it take to built the temple? Was the land to be given to the temple even transferred yet?

    Did the developer paid RM1.5 million and other sums as agreed upon in the judgement and to whom? Was it hijacked instead by anyone?

    And where shall the devotees go to pray if the eviction has been executed and the temple demolished on that Monday 26 Nov without even another temple built yet? Do you expect them to postpone their religious prayers and activities until their temple is ever approved and built?

    These should be some of the questions and answers given to the public to show who actually does not obey court rulings once made and whether who has abided by laws and who has not.

    A court sanctioned agreement is always made with a minimum of 2 or more parties. Don't just look at 1 party without seeing whether the other party/parties are also honouring their part of the agreement.

    Why paint the picture so fast that it is the Hindus devotees at fault for not honoring the court judgements?

    Is it because of your perceived biasness towards Indians in particular towards Hindus which was indoctrinated since young?

  2. First of all, the attack on the Fireman was totally uncalled for , and must be condemned.

    However, the initial attack on the temple by thugs must also be condemned. The dispute on the land and relocation of the temple is no excuse for the attack.

    As for the rest of the status, my response to the Australian Resident in Sydney is - Its not that simple.

    Simply saying the temple was built on someone else's land is chery picking on facts.
    The current concrete temple structure was built in 1974, but indications are there has been a Hindu shrine on the spot for generations. The then Seafield Rubber Estate, who were then owners of the land gave permission for the shrine - that was commonplace in Malaya.
    Your sneer at the "Hindu problem" of land for temples ignores the reality of Malaya / Malaysia's history.

    Before Merdeka, the British allocated land for Churches, after Merdeka, plenty of land was allocated by the Malaysian government for mosques, the Chinese business community gave generous amounts of land and money for building Taoist and Buddhist temples.

    The Hindu estate workers built shrines on estate land , with permission, but of course, the land ownership remained with the estate.
    With urbanisation, many estates in what is today suburban areas have been sold to Property developers.
    Prior to 2008, BN/UMNO government policy was hands-off, and most Property developers treated these as simple illegal structures to be demolished. To be frank, many government enforcement employees (100% of a certain religion) relished the task of destroying the Hindu temples and shrines.
    All that changed with Hindraf and the 2008 Tsunami. The Pakatan Rakyat (then) state government put an end to the treatment of religious temples as simply illegal structures. A mechanism for resolution was worked out.

    It looks to me the WAS a solution worked out, and should proceed. But the violence must stop.

  3. It becomes clearer day by day that concerted attempts by political parties using Malay gangsters (1st night) and Indian Gangsters (2nd Night) to create racial clashes at the temple grounds in Seafield, USJ seems to have gone wrong and backfired for the plotters when they lost control over the appearance of vast hordes of Hindu devotees which turned up by the thousands when only hundreds were expected and the execution of planned insidents by the plotters only at the temple grounds has instead spread elsewhere and gone out of control.

    Throw in the whole mix of other related news of Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) being also shareholder of MCT (one of the Director being the brother of the previous LTH Chairman) of which owns also One-City (the developer and owner of the temple land), thugs hired by One-City lawyer, Indian gangsters appearing only at the temple grounds on the 2nd day, delayed response and quirky press statements to the general public after public uproar over incompetance and the plot becomes clearer.

    All those who are staying in and around USJ/Subang Jaya/PJ/Shah Alam knows who are the Malay and Indian gangs involved and also knows which authorities and politicians and political parties are complicit and affliated with gangs and gangsters in this plot which was made out to be just like a normal developers, court and temple devotees fracas.

    I am pretty sure the PM and Home Minister were briefed by the SB of PDRM and Military Intelligence on these matters of who are involved whether gangsters, politicians, bloggers, instigators. politically linked Malay or Indian Gangs and even those among the enforcement authorities.

    It's just a matter of time all of them were rounded up soon to prevent such plotters and their collaborators all over the country to plan for their next even bigger plot on Dec 8 to topple TDM and his legitimate democratically elected PH Govt.

    Someone has to blink first and it ain't going to be the Master Politician.

    Next movie title after the previous "Pahlawan Bugis vs MahaFiraun" should aptly be titled "Pahlawan Jawa vs MahaFiraun". Following that we may see the final blockbuster movie of "Ayahtollah Rhu Redang vs MahFiraun".

    1. In this case it will be a necessary round up of troublemakers, but Ah Moc will be going bananas over "Ops Lallang 2"

  4. I think the Kerling tragedy was in 1979 not 1977. That wasn't a racial issue either. It was because of over indulgences to 'tarekat'; an 'ajaran sesat'. Four died and one who survived had repented.

    1. 1977 mate

      see this

      the court case was in 1979

  5. Latest: (1) Teresa Kok may have got an interest in One City Development Sdn Bhd through her nephew who sits on the board, who is also a shareholder? (2) Vincent has initiated a crowfunding with RM500K to purchase the land for the temple? Wakakaka..

  6. Dengan izin bloghost: Be prepared! Crude oil drops to below $50 per barrel. Bravo.. with thanks to shale oil. KLSE ended for the week at 1679. Perghhh! Palm oil below RM2K per tonne. OMG. How would you be addressing those issues, HARAPAN?


    2. Ain't fgv, formed by that kleptomaniac jibby aimed to help these oil palm smallholders?


      The money for the rainy days has gone & disappeared!

      & yet u CLEARLY want to blame a world commodity market demand/supply issue on PH!

      PH can ONLY help if Felda, originally setupped to help the smallholders in this trying time, has a solid reserve.

      But where r the reserve?

      As a self proclaimed business tutor, u tell me lah!

      Or u buat tak tau?

      Out of ignorance & or truly blurred!

    3. Ask China to buy our palm oil again. Teresa Kok is enhasing the commercial usage of biodiesel. Focus and think BIG. ANAK must be apolitical and work hard for Felda Settlers NOT for HARAPAN. I wanna pinjam KT's - nuff said.

    4. Real rd moron!

      As u yrself pointed out - low palm oil price!

      Asking China to buy our palm oil again, WOULDN'T help to reduce the financial dire strait facing by the smallholders. China's procurement of palm oil wouldn't instantly push up the international palm oil price.

      These smallholders need fund to tie them over this difficult period. That's where the cash reserve of Felda comes in handy. But WHERE is that cash reserve NOW when it's needed so urgently.

      Squandered, wasted & pocketed by their kleptomaniac blood sucking elites!

      INDEED, nuff said by all u cbmf retards!

    5. Felda, as at today still has cash over RM1.0 billion mah!

    6. Teresa Kok should go to China and appeal to each Chinese to swallow at least a table spoon of palm oil every morning. If not, just burn away all the palm oil reserves, stop production and convert the oil palm plantations into orang utan haven. Invite the tourist to come to homestay with the orang utans. Cantik eh? Wakakaka..

    7. This is the moron that my seed money had been used to educate!

      Lagi teruk, expecting him to use his straining to bootstrapping his still blurred kindred to modern life!

      Tough… instead he is preaching zombiecism to forced match the blur-sotongs back to stone age.

    8. Wakakakakaka… blurred 'business' tutor, let me teach u HOW to count lah.

      "Felda, as at today still has cash over RM1.0 billion mah!"

      Wow, u must have confused Felda with Fgv.

      "Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said Felda was facing a critical cash flow problem, but the Government was committed in revitalising the agency for the well-being of settlers in line with the Land Development Act 1956 goals.

      The immediate focus of Felda’s new board and management is to strengthen the agency’s cash flow through discussions with creditors in order to restructure the agency’s loans.

      In 2009, FELDA’s net debt stood at RM1.5 billion, which translated into a gearing of 14%. However, as at June 30 2018, borrowings stood at RM8.025 billion or a gearing of 46%."

      Felda has zilch cash reserve lah, bolih baca tak?

      Fgv is in even worst financial dire strait. It is 33.67% owned by Felda. FGV — which is FELDA’s main revenue generator — produced 4.26 million tonnes of FFB and processed 15 million tonnes of it to produce 2.99 million tonnes of crude palm oil (CPO) and 0.8 million tonnes of palm kernel from 450,000ha of plantations last year.

      Average CPO production cost (ex-mill) for last year was RM1,592 per tonne while OER was 19.83%. It is noteworthy that FGV’s oil palm average age profile is 14.5 years. According to analysts, the planter is not as efficient as some of its peers.

      At its close of RM1.22 last Thursday, FGV had a market capitalisation of RM4.45 billion. With FELDA’s 33.67% stake fetching a market value of almost RM1.5 billion.

      Indeed, FGV has performed poorly, largely due to its plantation profile and weak CPO prices. In its six months ended June 30, it suffered a net loss of RM21.9 million on revenue of RM7.04 billion. It had deposits, cash and bank balances of RM1.64 billion, and short and long-term debt commitments of RM3.1 billion and RM1.13 billion respectively.

      FGV also owed RM109.28 million to a significant shareholder. In the six months ended June 30, it forked out RM95.13 million in finance costs.

      Fvg has zilch money too!

      Felda has 90511 smallholders cultivating oil palm. The average Felda smallholders farm size was shown to be 4 ha which recorded an average yield level of 15.85 t/ha in 2000.

      Here's the math to blow yr fart-infused mind.

      Current price of CPO is RM1,867 per tonne

      The average Felda CPO production cost (ex-mill) for 2017 was RM1,592 per tonne while OER was 19.83%.

      Thus average Felda smallholders' net income = 4 × 16 (1,867 - 1,592) = RM17,600 per annum

      Which is RM1,450 per month.

      Less their repayment loan of Fgv shares they were 'conned' to purchase + some other management commitments, they can only take home less than RM1000.

      One can see how deep is that financial hole they will 'forced' to jump in for a family of 4!

      The only remedy IS when the world CPO price rises above RM2,000 per tonne. Otherwise, Felda has to dig into her capital reserve to help these settlers to tie over this difficult period.

      The 'manna' that Felda has to come out, assuming each settler(family) get RM300 per month:

      90,511 × 300 = 27,153,300

      Holly cow, extra RM27M per month on top of its existing operating overheads.

      Thus, azmin's urgent proposal to revitalize Felda & Fgv.

      Most likely the Joe M'sians have to chip in, while the Sydney blogger buat tak tau & keep farting everywhere (he doesn't pay m'sia tax mah)!

      For the lust of a few bloodsucking elites, the B40 has to suffer while the tongkat-addicted section of the M40 - mata buka besar2 tapi tak nampak!

      CBMF, memang cantik eh!

  7. Now, would the Hindus from India be coming here to give support? Wakakaka..

    (A right-wing Hindu politician from India has made startling claims over Monday’s violence at the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple in Subang Jaya, saying the temple had been “flattened” while women and children were brutally murdered.)

    1. Don't play-play.
      India is no longer the sick, weak man of Asia.

      Upcoming economic and military superpower.


  8. Who got that RM1.5 million? Wakakaka..

    (.... One City had, in 2014, already given RM1.5 million to the temple’s – who are now claimed to be not the temple’s true caretakers – and had even set aside an alternative site for the temple’s relocation.)

    1. all done with approval of the court

    2. The court only acted as an approval stamp.
      The actual process was carried out by people under control of the Developer, and it is now coming to the surface that the RM 1.5 Million sudah lesap.

      Nasi dah jadi bubor.

  9. It is up to the police to investigate what happened at the temple and who committed crimes.
    However, the objective evidence is that in the aftermath of the riots, the ICs and other identification documents of dozens of Malay men were found in the temple compound as their owners fled. The cars torched in the temple compound were found registered to Malay men - based on their chassis numbers -, as well as one or two registered to people linked to One City , the developer.


  10. It's a matter of time before new videos emerge by those ordinary Hindu devotees who were there on those 2 nights and are not affiliated to political parties, Malay or Indian gangsters, developers or temple committees to start showing the public who are the real culprits initiating and instigating on the scene, covering up evidences after failed plots and trying to divert attention from the actual corruption, crimes committed and plots hatched for a bigger even plot for their paymasters.

    Based on TDM's past history and records of executing "Ops Lallang" using all the powerful instruments and institutions available to him, there will be of course be also collateral damage to serve his politiking. It's called killing 2 birds with one stone.

    Now, "Who will be those unfortunate collateral victims which will serve his political interests to be rounded up and kept quiet and let his dynasty be safe?"
