
Monday, November 19, 2018

HRH Sultan Selangor on Chinese road signs

FMT - Sultan of Selangor wants road signs with Chinese words replaced (extracts):

PETALING JAYA: The Sultan of Selangor today decreed that all road signs in Shah Alam which used both Malay and Chinese languages should be removed and replaced with those that only feature the national language.

The instruction was relayed by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah’s private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani in a letter dated Nov 19, to the Selangor government.

“The sultan has decreed that all road signs which are written in the Chinese language must be removed and replaced with signs in a single language, which is the Malay language.

“The change must be done immediately and should be completed before the Selangor Sultan’s 73rd birthday on Dec 1,” the letter stated

HRH must have been really upset to make such an order. To make matters worse, the road signages in Shah Alam in Selangor, were initially in the Malay language and Jawi script. Reports said those were changed to the Malay language and Mandarin, which was only partially true (not completely true).

The Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) explained via its official Twitter account that it was in fact the Selangor government (of 2017) who decided to use dual-language signages based on the local community. That would have meant the state government then had comprised PKR, PAS, Amanah and DAP politicians.

The key phrase was that the road signages would be "based on the local community".

Thus, the Selangor government’s local government executive committee had on January 13, 2017 decided that besides using Latin script for (dual language) signposts for road names, the road names in traditional (or Malay) village areas would use Jawi script, while those in 
in new villages would use Mandarin characters - thus the signages would be in line with the community in that area.

New villages are a historic legacy of the nation’s fight in the past against Communists, when Chinese communities were forcibly resettled by the British into these “new villages” that have now evolved into areas where the Chinese are still often the majority.

So it's NOT as if all the road signs in Shah Alam were changed into Latin-scripted Malay & Mandarin langauges. To reiterate, t'was only roads in "new villages" (Chinese-majority areas) that would see Mandarin characters as well. The majority of Shah Alam would have road signs in Latin-scripted Malay and Jawi.

But I suspect someone didn't brief HRH comprehensively, thus HRH might have been so irated that he had to step into a municipality administrative domain.

I also wonder about the constitutional "reach" of HRH, as to whether he has such a constitutional role in road signs? He might have a preference but a preference is somewhat different from a power that issued orders to effect new changes to road signs.

Personally (and yes, I may be wrong), I feel the matter is so beneath the royal dignity of HRH who needn't step in at all.

But HRH has.

And in Malaysia, there are three (3) factors which are "sacred cows", to wit, (1) Agama, (2) Rajax2 and (3) Malay Privileges.

A "sacred cow" means an idea, custom, or institution (eg. Islam, HRH Sultan, Malay "privileges") which are held to be above criticisms.

The term came about with reference to the Hindus' respect for the cow as a holy animal beyond criticism.

Thus once HRH steps in, unnecessarily as I feel, there's nothing the ordinary rakyat can do about it, even if HRH was not comprehensively briefed.


  1. It's seditious to support Republicanism...however In will say this.
    The reality in the 21st Century is there is NO Royal Family in this world which can assume they have an unconditional grip on their Royal positions.

    Constitutional monarchs who overstep the "Constitutional" bit put their long term survival at risk, no country is immune.

  2. is it necessary to have road sign in chinese?

    1. i live in chinese kampong for few decades, from batu arang now serdang.

    2. A conditionalized (conditioned?? wakakakaka) cinapek mah!

    3. n unlike u, i dun have superiority complex problem.

    4. I would recommend a great read about India..."The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga...about a man's 'dark' quest for freedom but the writer hit the spot when he likened the majority Indians as chickens so cooped up that even when the door to the coop was open wide, none of them even have a thought to walk out. Would we ever get our own Adiga to brilliantly do Malaysia what this writer had done India ?

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      What a cockaroo!

      Haven't u displayed time & again about yr Taiwanised demoncracy as far superior to the China mainland's bastardized communism?

      Ain't that a superiority complex?

      Maybe a f*cked-up kind that even u yrself DON'T notice!

      Just like 龙应台. Write beautifully, speak elegantly but when given a real practical task 败事有余.

      Superiority complex mah!

    6. its not, i am against authoritarian whether in msia, spore or china, i am consistent n nothing to do with superiority. all the three countries in fact uphold democracy, begin tak serupa cakap though, refer to their constitution.

      u r diff, u got manyak std depend on who rule. u often demonstrate yr superiority towards malay, muslim n even chinese that live in village, its a indication of complexity to make use of this superiority boost to conceal yr inferior knowledge in most topic.

      pity la.

    7. one more, scholar rarely make successful politian, look at hu shih, fu ssu nien, tsiang ting fu. those under communist rule lagi teruk, see what anti rightist campaign n cultural revolution did to them. to pinpoint long yingtai show yr ignorance wakaka.

    8. So u have superior knowledge in most topics vis-a-vis against mine!

      Wakakakakaka… is that distinction yrs or from the readers?

      If it's yrs, then ain't that yr superiority complex showing?

      If it's the readers, then let them indicate the comparison lah!


      Who r u to play judge & accused?

      Or u think this forum is yr father's. What u said go - an authoritarian trace!

      Then again, ain't that go against yr declared support for democratic process?

      So, mana yr consistency - begin tak serupa cakap!!! Wakakakakaka…

      Me against Muslim?

      Hahaha… one of my freelance islamic 'advisor' is an uztas from Ningxia(宁夏). His family's Islamic credentials r older than the Malacca sultanate!

      Against Malay?

      I highly enjoy reading Pendita Zaaba's books & I admire his deep sopo insights about his people. Maybe azmi sharom & mamak 2.0 too.

      Chinese from village?

      Only those 自鸣清高 type like u!

      Oooop… also Chinese from city like 小民的智慧 龙应台 & pommie-licker 陶杰!

      BTW, haven't I been very direct & open about what I like & dislike?

      Or u expect everyone to be like u - twisting & diverting?

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Scholar rarely make successful politician!!!

      1st, what's yr definition of scholar?

      2nd, those u named were just those 自鸣清高 in the mould of 山东大儒 who have never understand 接地气. Hence can never understand politic. But that didn't stop them to fart around for showing off their "士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远"!!

      Mid way scholar like Mao zedong can be a successful politician bcoz he can be more attractive to ordinary peasants.

      WRT the f*ck in yr "those under communist rule lagi teruk", haven't u forgotten what kmt had done to those pro-communist scholars, within/without China & Taiwan?

      So one sided & yet want to claim fair play!!


    11. dun limit yr reading only to those that sound critical to the malay, we cant assume luxun n boyang writes depict all chinese correctly. perhaps u can start reading usman awang as well to lessen yr prejudice? from a malay pov?

      wrt islam, try read n listen to wang meng, he aptly elaborate how muslim go thru the anxiety n awkward facing modernity, similar to chinese in the earlier 20 century.

      i dun have definition for scholar, i try to chose one that similar to lyt ie become a servant under kmt, study in the west, writes thesis n some books, an intellectual, or to apple. if u dun know who they r, u can google. i try not to write in chinese. btw mao is foremost a politician, again apple to apple ok kah?

      n communist never treat one that close to kmt any better. see what happened during cr? i try to be fair. in fact i sympathize towards ccp more than kmt, just that when i encounter a bigot like u, i cant help it wakaka.

    12. Bigot like me???

      Haha haha… wakakakaka…

      Another one of yr 套帽子 act on play lah!

      To a diedhard 鸣清高的鼠輩 u never learn!

      Hence yr continousc pitfalls, one after the others.

      Usman awang, wang meng - u didnt know HOW to classify them!

      They r yr 'scholars' of bleeding-heartish type in the mould of 屈原 lah. (Maybe, I have upstaged them too much.) Instead of doing something sensible, out of the box, to change the circumstances, he chose to close his mind in & jumped to drown! A 脑痴.

      One plays with poetries of inconsequence as their influence is limited in this day & time. More so, when most of his people DONT read extensively. Most of his kindred prefers zombieic doctrine/fantasies than his literature rants!

      Ha! wang meng!

      He only want to justify zombieism with his version of Islamic understanding!

      That's all I want to comment about this confused f*ck!

      U want to be fair - only in yr OWN bloody definition.

      Ooop… btw, yr rd is showing! Apple to apple?

      Yr f*ck is scholar don't make good politician!

      My take is bcoz yr 'scholars' can't be bother to 接地气 - close to the people u want to work with. Hence, they were failures through & through.

      In order to be able to relate to the peasants, then one has to lose that altarish attitude - eventually one loses that scholarish aura. That's how Mao did. Ditto 周 & 邓.

      But u can't read into that lah, in our habitual 钻牛角尖!

      With yr help, believe me, I will die standing le. So keep it to yrself!

    13. yr reading skill still not improved much after so long wakaka.

      i mentioned ua n wm so that u can see thing from various angle, wm stay in xinjiang for 16 years, maybe he know something we dont. ua is a bit on the left, but up to u la.

      all the name i stated is scholar, in chinese is either 文人 or 学子. this people might still persistent on something we cant find in politician. thats y.

      mao zhou deng is politician or revolutionist, not scholar. mao is oso a poet n philosopher but still not a 文人 or 学子 in true sense, he never go through proper university life, not a phd holder n never publish any dictoral dissertations.

      ayoyo, how to compare like tat wakaka.

    14. So one sidedly, owning to yr chant!

      How do u know I haven't read ua n wm?

      R my takes about them coming out of thin air, like u so 断章取义 about any quotes u fart about?

      If u think my comments about them r bulls, show some of yr 'substabces' lah.

      Instead, like usual, twist & turn - talking about inconsequential f*cks that u think u know well.

      Ha…… wm! (I despite pseudo-scholar like him)

      So what about his wasted yrs in Xinjiang. He sees what his bleeding heart wants to see - always as a victim. He forgets there r the other sides views too!

      Perhaps, he thinks that other side is the oppressor, hence their points r irrelevant.

      Talk about Xinjiang, how diverse is wm's gathered views about Islam vis-a-vis from the Hui, the Uyghur & the others from the ummat?

      Can u read that in wm's confused farts?

      My Ningxia iman friend can turn him inside out about his Xinjiang Islamic rant le!

      Please lah! Don't ever go into yr 自鸣清高 文人 or 学子 definition of scholars lah. Malu sahaja le!

      Reread my takes about Mao, Zhou & Deng vis-a-vis scholar!

      Yr f*cked up scholar MUST go through proper university life, preferably with a phd n publish any dictoral dissertations like those bolihland kangkungs!

      How altaristic can u be?

      Name me how many TRUE scholars, both science & literature, WHO have not gone through yr f*cked processes & yet achieved fame & respect!

      There r modern day Nobel laureates among them.

      Wakakakakaka… those famed learners/teachers from ancient time, both western & eastern, must be redefined in yr f*cked-up 'scholastic' definition lah!

      Indeed, how to compare like tat !!??

    15. apply same logic again, how many read zaba n azmi sharom? n at least million times reader know who is wang meng if compare against yr hmmmm who the hell is that?

      my basis of choice wrt scholar is long yingtai, the criteria is clearly spell out, if u choose to rebut me, u can tell which scholar, a chinese in kmt n ccp china with similar background n profile made it as successful politician. i believe i read mao zhou deng bio write n whatever more than enough to tell u its not a fair or relevant comparison.

      tell la, dun running round in circles.

    16. Wakakakaka……

      This fart of yrs reminds me of that John clown's cut&paste writes!

      "at least million times reader know who is wang meng if compare against yr hmmmm who the hell is that?"!!!!

      Repeat that AGAIN!

      Million times reader(s) know who is Wang meng!!!

      1st, how do u get that number? Yr spurious survey aka 李登輝 style to cheat the blurs? I'm sure u know very well about what he did to boost his popularity survey - good learner er!

      Maybe number of his books printed? How about reprint. >5k copies, with zilch reprint. Wakakakaka…

      Moreover, know, doesn't imply agree. Tau tak?

      I know him, just like u. U agree with his farts BUT definitely not me. So what's yr point here?

      Do remember WHO's that moron that brought up the issue of reading ua & wm. So now u pull a fast one - too bad on yrself lah, rd moron!

      WRT the popularity of my iman friend from Ningxia. Let me teach u how to count le.

      Every muslim goes for Friday prayer (for simplicity, just consider this one & ignore those others) under the 'guide' of an iman they like (keyword).

      Each Friday congregation has ∼300+ attendance.

      Using this as base, assuming he started conducting the friday sermons when he is 30, he has under him at least 50yrs of sermon services under his care.

      Using 1 yr with 52 weeks → 52×50=2600 sermons over 50yrs

      Total number of attendees over 50yrs=2600×300=780000.

      That's how many time that Ningxia iman is been known to the people.(even though there r repeat countings).

      Better than yr wm figure from the sky, right?

      Ditto, with azmi's readership. Just count the star circulation per article over the duration under consideration - million is just an EASY estimate!

      Finally, wrt definition for scholar - wakakakaka (what a cheap excuse to blame it on yr lousy writing skill), I think it's only fair this issue should be raised on a neutral social platform like Reddit. There will be more knowledgeable participants & it will also be fair to kt's blog.

      Many eyes will be watching WHO'S the clown that is running round in circles.

      Do it NOW!

    17. wm pov is easily understood, he counter the western worldview bec he believe there r many similarity among muslim n chinese, in historical context, u cant rebuke the west narrative but at the same time concur with their view pertaining to muslim. its not "consistent", a word that never come across between yr ear.

      n my point is to ask u to see thing from multiple perspective, not interested to boost who is more popular, n I could not understand how a ustaz is definitely more knowledgeable than a minister cum famous writer, msia oso got many ustaz what, only yr version possess the truth kah, to each his own la. fine if u disagree, its a free world. million is merely an adjective, wm did appear on paper, book radio tv etc etc.

      there r "scholar" that did quite successfully as politician, but very rare, the one come to my mind is wellington koo (顧維鈞). hu shih not too bad, chiang senior dun touch him was due to his great reputation as a scholar n one of leaders in chinese renaissance.

    18. Reddit!!


      U call getting just one man's f*cked-up silo views as against the outside world narratives AS consistent!

      Wakakakaka…… u again give a new definition to 'consistent' vis-a-vis 'scholar'!

      What a moronic rant!

      U failed to understand how an ustaz is definitely more knowledgeable than a minister cum famous(??) writer?

      As simple as bcoz u DON'T understand what's “接地气” while looking down up in yr make-believe egoistical ivory tower.


      "msia oso got many ustaz what, only yr version possess the truth kah, to each his own la."

      Remember, I call them zombies? And I am consistent, RIGHT?

      RD f*ck, who refuses to 'digest' words before farting everywhere!

      What a dying grip to yr last breadth - "million is merely an adjective, wm did appear on paper, book radio tv etc etc."

      My iman friend does that do! But I just want to simplify the calculation so u CAN understand lah!


      "there r "scholar" that did quite successfully as politician, but very rare, the one come to my mind"

      Be a man & admit yr wrong. I have others (Eastern & Western), besides 顧維鈞, in mind. Guess I just have to let u go on this one.

      I won't response to u on this subject anymore, unless u do it in Reddit forum.

      Final word:


      Who said that?

    19. zombie or no depend on if they agree with u right?

  3. that said, i think this selengor mb is useless. one term is more than enough.

  4. Wakakakaka… indeed the matter is so beneath the royal dignity of HRH who needn't step in at all.

    Ain't our sacred Constitution forbid the interference of government administration by the blue bloods?

    Unless, there is FedConst & there is that ketuananized fedconst!

    Blurred blue blood?


    Not rightly!

    The simmering is coming to overboil with the resurgence of mamak in control. Sooner & later, the show that ever M'sians have been waiting for WOULD happen!

    I just hope that mamak DO it before he meets his maker. That will be his BEST legacy to expunge ALL his past misdeeds to the nation.

    Manmanlai will not do it AD he is a politikus through & through - sail with the prevailing wind & thus no game-changer as expected.

    1. If you happen to visit Manmanlai's house, you would not miss one very important feature in his house, or to be more precise, the feature at the TOP of this roof. It is the weather vane...every day, our slowly-slowly-come man will consult his vane for wind direction...this is very important for him to know how the wind blows...lalang will bow to the dictate of the wind, in order to survive, to live long.

  5. Why create a problem by having signboards which cannot accomodate all the languages common to an area or for visitors?

    Wouldn't it be more sensible to have 5 of the main languages widely used by the current diverse population and foreign visitors to Malaysia ie. Malay (bigger font size), English, Mandarin, Tamil and Arabic/Jawi for all road signages and places?

    Is that also a problem?

    1. It is a problem. Especially to the likes of one Edi Rejang who told off a Chinese girl beer promoter...." Ini Bumi Melayu, you kena cakap Melayu" and when she stood her ground, cool as a cucumber, he got so pissed off that he showed her the finger and in front of his wife and child, told her to Fuck Off. Yes, this is a problem la.

  6. How about market demands as in many other countries?

    Many countries NOW canvassing for Chinese tourist money have put Mandarin signs at various tourist destinations.

    This is the populist demands as determined by marketing forces. Go back to school lah!

    But to the ketuanan freaks who fear shadows everywhere, it's a definitely no no. Blue blood included!

    Oooop… stone age dwellers have not even reached agrarian activities. What about modern marketing techniques? Wakakakaka…

  7. HRH should also abolish all Chinese schools. Every child must study in National Type School with Malay as language and English for science and mathematics. Mother tongue and Islamic studies classes should be made available, optional, not compulsory and non-examinable.

    1. Mfer, reestablishing a feudalistic sultanate AGAIN before u fart all over the place lah!

      Or perhaps, u do act tak tau about the role of constitutional monarch.

      Eat yr heart out, u don't need that organ as a zombie.

    2. @Kiet, So that ONE superior race will have full advantage to excel due to language advantage?? Well, NOT really as we all can see that ALL the other races despite having their own harder to learn languages had excel excellently. ALL through HARD WORK, not languages. Yet the One language people obtained 1A, and with RACISM's help to get into Uni?? Where others with different languages had studied hard obtaining 7-10As and yet being side lined from main Uni..? Shame on u!

    3. This mfer@kiet keeps claiming he is a m'sian Chinese currently residing outside bolihland le.

      So, how could he understand what u r trying to explain. Besides, he is mindlessly blubbering about the lost tongkat opportunity after 509 & his bn 'sacrifies' been flushed down the toilet!

      He is not even one-tenth of that female beer promoter in character lah.

    4. Maybe he is the eldest son of that Chinese race basher Ridhuan Tee Abdullah ? hehe. His hatred of all Chinese and all things Chinese is very reminiscent of Ah Tee, no ? But if this Kiet fella is too long in the tooth to be the son, maybe he is the brother of Ah Tee who was somehow brainwashed to masuk Melayoo after seeing how well the convert brader is doing arselicking his way up the orang kita hierarchy, hehehe.

    5. Btw..whatever happened to Ah Tee ? takde bunyi more useful to Umno ? still teaching crap to the poor captive students ? Garbage in, garbage out...this is Malaysia la...old or new.

  8. I see!! BRIM BRIM BRIM.. If he is worthy of being given that would be alright. But what he is suggesting what he obviously lacked of, is definitely not acceptable.
