
Thursday, October 04, 2018

'Unity Government' may be likely

In my previous post Questions for Wan Azizah on UMNO's 'unity government' with Pakatan I raised some anxious questions for DPM Wan Azizah to answer.

Her rather equivocating response to UMNO's 'unity government', by its degree of tap-dancing evasiveness, bespeaks what appears to be her intention to reserve options on UMNO's sluttish sinister shrewd overture to ostentatiously Pakatan but in reality to PKR.

Yes, her evasive answer gave and still gives me the creeps, the heebie jeebies, the shits so to speak.

UMNO president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been reported to have repeatedly broached the topic of a 'unity government' with PH parties, but instead of saying 'F-O' to him, Wan Azizah said Pakatan Harapan has not yet considered UMNO’s bid.

She stated discussions, if any, would need to wait until PM Mahathir returned from abroad.

Why is there a need for that when Pakatan already holds a comfortable majority rule in government? 'Unity Government' (usually a slogan of Malay-Islamic parties) is only attractive when a ruling party or coalition holds a marginal edge over the opposition or even when in minority rule.

When Mahathir was out of country, The DPM becomes the acting PM and thus, Wan Azizah could have made a decision on such an UMNO proposal, unnecessary to Pakatan comfortable rule.

As mentioned earlier, for the DPM (Wan Azizah) and acting PM not to reject the UMNO proposal straightaway, would seemingly have been to accept it in principle or to consider it as a future option. I don't feel comfy with such a potential betrayal of the voters' trust.

A 'unity government' will mean whoever in Pakatan accepts that proposal, is prepared to allow an already defeated UMNO to return to government and to benefit from power-sharing.

As 'TS', one of my blog visitors, commented: Allowing UMNO into the government, even as a minority, would be like infecting a body with HIV. The virus will multiply and spread. In fact we are seeing this already in Bersatu [Pribumi] and PKR, where past UMNO people are Trojan Horses.


UMNO might appear desperate and stupid but while it is indeed desperate it is not stupid. It knows that eventually Mahathir (Pribumi) and Anwar (PKR) will come to a final showdown. There cannot be two tigers on one mountain, especially when they detest each other.

But both are respectively weak, with Pribumi commanding only 13 seats while PKR is fractured long the Cats-Dwarfs Divide, thus each PKR faction can rely on around (as a simple guess-timate) 23 seats.

Dwarfs above (Latheefa Koya not in photo)

Cats below 
(Nik Nazmi not in photo)

Each in turn (Pribumi and PKR) will be desperate for any additional help, and since no one knows how the DAP will throw its weight in favour of, Mahathir and Anwar will each look for Malay help, which can only come from UMNO or PAS, and in Mahathir's case, some PKR elements as well, wakakaka.

If we rule PAS out because of its non-comprising religious ideology, UMNO remains the only bet for each to fall upon.

Thus UMNO has to wait and I believe it needn't wait long. Was that why Wan Azizah was equivocating in her response to Zahid's overture?

1 comment:

  1. Keep dreaming Ktemoc and hashed out more and more conspiracies. It is entertaining and good for reading pleasure.

    Who knows, it might lead to the miraculous rescue of all the warlords in UMNO, PAS and BN. Also might save all those previous corrupted govt officials, corporate bigwigs, judges, police, MACC, GLCs, GLICs etc etc

    Ktemoc better hurry before even murders and conspiracies to murder charges are coming next.
