
Monday, October 01, 2018

TMJ's dunce cap for Syed Saddiq

FMT - You’re too young to know Dr M, TMJ takes veiled jibe at Syed Saddiq:

PETALING JAYA: An article penned by Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman praising Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a “perfectionist” has not gone down well with the Johor crown prince, who delivered a veiled jibe on Twitter suggesting that the PPBM Youth chief was too young to understand the prime minister.

“Perfectionist? It’s either you’re delusional or obsessed,” Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, better known as TMJ (Tengku Mahkota Johor), said on his Twitter.

This comes just a day after Saddiq, 25, who is also the Muar MP, wrote a glowing tribute to Mahathir, praising the veteran leader as meticulous and “master of his own work”.

datuk mertua meh, mesti hormat lah 

“He writes his own speeches, he writes his own blogposts, he even does a lot of the research work on his own,” Saddiq wrote on his Facebook, dismissing claims that Mahathir’s recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly was scripted.

“I can only wish that I will be like him one day, insha Allah,” wrote the youth and sports minister, the youngest Cabinet member of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

TMJ was sharp in his response, although he did not name his target.

“You were still in your mother’s belly, kid. Do some research,” the outspoken crown prince, who has taken on both Barisan Nasional (BN) and PH politicians in the past, wrote on Twitter.

TMJ had also hit out at Mahathir a month before the general election in May, recalling the conflict between his late grandfather, Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail, and Mahathir when the latter led the BN government as the fourth prime minister.

“Don’t change the boat if the engine is not broken, don’t even change the skipper but allow HM The Sultan of Johor and I to work with the skipper,” he wrote in April, saying problems faced by Umno could be solved through the palace’s intervention.


  1. Wakakakakaka…

    "TMJ was sharp in his response, although he did not name his target."

    What happened if tmj comes out claiming been "misquoted" as he didn't named name?

    Is this a fake news propagation OR too clever by half by a wordsmithvtrying all out to spray black his current pet love?

    1. Good one......Will cheebye motherfucker kaytee potong his kukuciao in jest?

      Even Rumpelstillskin mampus in the end? Cheebye kaytee no angmo kauxai

      he is just a sai la

    2. aiyah, why do you keep calling me your motherfucker? I did NOT fCk your mother lah, so stop hoping to be my son

    3. y potong kt kukuciao? u used to live there man.

  2. The prince TMJ being of Bugis descent need to protect their "Pendekar Bugis" from invasion by Mahathirists once again.

    It all goes back centuries when Kings and Princes from Kalinga/Kerala/Chola invaded Malaya which was called Malaputra before the Malaccan and Johor Riau empire even existed.

    You wonder where the loyalty of the Minister of Sports lies now if he has to choose between King or Country?

    1. How did TMJ lineage get royalty hor? Hahahahaha

  3. Mahathir defanged TMJ's grandfather and father.
    The family has a Vendetta against Mahathir.

  4. Here comes one of Najis' supporters. When you support Najis what does that make yiou?

    1. You mean that cheebye motherfucker kaytee who is on hot pursuit by Pauline Hanson in Australia

    2. aiyah, why do you keep calling me your motherfucker? I did NOT fCk your mother lah, so stop hoping to be my son

      and stop boasting of your "connection" to Pauline - connection being your tongue to her whatever, wakakak

  5. I think he is too young to be made a full minister. Wisdom comes with age and experience. I would go along with HRH TMJ.

    Eemmh.. marvellous long black coffee or white coffee for only a ringgit at Village grocer today. Real hot. I had mine. Thank you village grocer. Happy International Coffee Day. Oops.. please add SST 0.05 sen.

  6. See what I have said, spurious mercenary wordsmith:

    Crown prince's lawyer denies Twitter post directed at Syed Saddiq.

    Pariah wordsmith, eat yr heart out le!
