
Friday, October 12, 2018

Mahathir admits Pakatan Manifesto were lies

MM Online - Toll-free roads not possible, PM says (extracts):

BALI, Oct 12 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says it is not possible to have highways without the imposition of toll collection.

The Malaysian Prime Minister revealed that he was against the toll-free highways pledge in the Pakatan Harapan election manifesto.

“We made the manifesto thinking we would not be the government. Now we are the government and this manifesto is a big burden

In plain simple kampung-talk, Pakatan bullshitted us because the manifesto promise was made thinking it didn't have to fulfil it as it had no chance of winning the elections.

And having won the election on many lies, which have been capati-ed, it is also saying F-O to the promise of no toll, demonstrating a Pakatan heady mix of lies and arrogance


  1. Even cheebye motherfucker kaytee is a fucking lie. So far, no IC, no document, no proof of residence. Nobody knows him in Air Itam, Penang......hahahahahaha cheebye la

  2. No free tolls understandable since Ahjib has stolen away too much money of the Treasury which could be used to implement some of the promises in the PH Manifestos and too many Govt. guarantees have become now become debts everyone has to pay.

    How about reducing the PH Manisfestos promises of "Free Tolls to Cheaper Tolls than an outright "Tak Boleh"".

    A half promise is better than a broken promise so people like Ktemoc can't say the promise is Chappatied.

    I still remember all the BN Manifestos promises made and broken over the past 60 years in power. Most were also chappatied after the election wins.

    BN/UMNO is now the already jilted girlfriend/wife of 60 over years. "Tiada Maaf bagi Mu for all the chappatied promises!"

    PH just got married, lah less than 1 year. Still getting to know each other and whether promises and love can be kept. So a little bit of "Maaf lah Bang and Maaf lah Yang" is tolerable.


    1. And who was it that introduced tolled highways in Malaysia back in the 1980s?

    2. Nothing wrong in INTRODUCTING tolled highways in Malaysia back in the 1980s by mamak.

      Remember, no free lunch, especially for a developing country.

      Though, the contract awarding parts were rotten to the core!

  3. For most Nons making janji palsu is ok. But for Muslims if we make janji palsu we are stigmatised as munafik.

    1. What do u call a janji u can't verified - such as the 72 virgins?

      Janji palsu yg terlampau lah!

      Hence, munafik anyone?

      Real tokkingkok!

    2. A study found the Irish the most Islamic, the true muslims hehehehe and these Irish are mostly praying to their matsalleh god, wakakakka.

  4. Phuckatan made loose election promises, now grab them by their balls until they deliver.

    1. If you had married recently a PH wife/husband in GE 14. Go ahead.

      If you did not, "Tak payah jaga tepi kain orang." Continue living with the old wife/husbands for the past 60 years and their promises.


    2. "If you had married recently a PH wife/husband in GE 14. Go ahead."

      FYI I only "married" a PH candidate at state level in GE14, "married" no one at federal level.

      Anyway, I can stillgrab themm by their balls and squeeze to get them to keep their promises.

  5. Ktemoc is anyway anti-Pakatan Harapan, so he can't say he's disappointed.

    1. Kaytee cheebye mock is a bastard son of Najib who craves for Najib's abandoned love la

    2. wakakaka, at least I don't have to lick Pauline like you do

  6. I believe if he live long enough, one day he will tell us that the 1 trillion debt is also a lie to cover their failure in fulfilling their manifesto.

    1. Name me what are the BN election manifesto chapatied during 9 years of Najib’s rule as PM. ?

    2. I hope you live long enough to learn that our national debt as at 31 Dec 2017 was 686 billion and as at 30 April 2018 was 700 billion. And I hope your kids will grow up before you die to teach you what are the composition of national debt as practised and accepted by international accounting convention including World Bank and Rating Agencies not by your clown Finance Minister.

    3. When mamak took over the govt in 1998, the gross government debt was RM103.77B.

      Sleepyhead started with RM216.64B in 2004.

      Under that kleptomaniac couple regime, the number ballooned from RM376.39B in 2009 to RM916.12B for the Q1 of 2017.

      Blur-sitongs WOULDN'T be able to compare.

      Zombies DON'T care anything in present life!

      Ketuanan freaks JUST want to continue the immediate windfalls by ignoring what the future m'sians r going to pay for.

      Meanwhile, spurious bleeding hearts cry father mother about ph NOT fulfilling election manifesto promises w/o wanting to know HOW empty IS the nation coffers !

    4. Fuck man.. dont talk abt govt debt only.. talk abt govt income also laa.. i already know u r studip but dont assume other as stupid as u..

    5. Another real rd wannabe coming out of the woodwork!

      Go & Google what's the rate of govt income increment over the same periods vis-a-vis the gross govt debt increment lah!

      U will fall off what ever u r sitting on before u even fart further!

      Then u will understand why over the yrs the govt has keep mute about that comparisons le!

      Ya loh, real stupid for other m'sians to pay for yr pathetic education.

  7. Tua Tiow Sai very angry. Now he is private citizen must pay toll, he feels pain, finally, as a common rakyat.

    He is also very free, can make police report every day. Yesterday he made police report against himself (?). Today he should make report against TDM for cheating the rakyat from toll-free roads, 100 Billion, at least.

    I'm Lovin' It...

    1. I don’t know whether he is angry or not but lately he made Lim Cunt Siang and son look very stupid and outright hypocrite. But it looks like LKS has got no problem convincing his dumb followers. Keep it up
