
Sunday, September 09, 2018

The necessary kowtim-isation of Anwar Ibrahim

Malaysiakini - Rafizi: Azmin went to Turkey to ask for PKR presidency (extracts):

PKR deputy presidential candidate Rafizi Ramli has claimed that his opponent Mohamed Azmin Ali travelled to Turkey to ask Anwar Ibrahim for the party president post.

According to Rafizi, Azmin had told president-elect Anwar, who was in Turkey to receive medical treatment, to step aside and allow him to become the president of PKR instead.

"I can say here that he (Azmin) went to Turkey to meet with Anwar himself.

"Anwar was about to go for surgery, and he (Azmin) went to meet him to say 'You don't have to contest, let me become the party president.'

"If this story wasn't true, I would not say it live like this," he said during his ceramah at the Reformasi 20 Tahun programme in Kota Bharu last night.

Rafizi said he made the revelation to provide context to his rival terming critics who were not present at the birth of the 1998 Reformasi movement "little children."

"When the so-called 'young ones' question things like this, they say we are new from the forest, new from the estate.

"Now let me ask you, Azmin; you met with Anwar personally in Turkey to ask to become the president, is it wrong if other friends ask why you could not support Anwar as president from the beginning?.

Looks like Azmin lost his patience waiting for his turn, or he was "urged" to "take charge".

In my post yesterday Bombshell - how Mahathir kowtim-ed Anwar Ibrahim kaukau I wrote:

... it isn't implausible that Mahathir wanted to kowtim Anwar kaukau. He hates Anwar invincibly, thus I have often said, he won't give up the PM seat to Anwar.

One of the ways is to fCk up Anwar's chances in the coming by-election organised for the PKR Boss

Another is to have someone, a "selected" someone replace Anwar, forever.


  1. Rafizu was the Cat faction's intended Finance Minister.

    He may feel he was "robbed" of the position by internal party and external interference.

    What either side says for public consumption in the struggle for the future PKR leadership has to be taken with a Huge pinch of salt.

  2. Hahahaha....again....i am more interested when najib and rosmah must be beheaded. I know the see how cheebye motherfucker kaytee weep heavily for najib demise. More 爽

    1. told you before I am not your father because I did NOT fCk your mother

  3. I will say this again, Mahathir dynasty will hold sway over Malaysian rule for a long time if he can get Azmin to "finish off" Anwar. Once he is down, his family's grip on politics will go down with him as well.

    On the other hand, if Mahathir didn't succeed, Anwar dynasty will rule thru him, wife, and daughter (perhaps with a son-in-law as well). Mahathir & Sons will end up in jail if that happens, but looking at it if Najib & the might of Government wasn't able to do just that, what more can a wandering politician like Anwar do to succeed?

  4. Why don't PKR change their party constitution and have 2 deputy Presidents instead of just 1 post?

    Likewise, why can't TDM appoint 2 Deputy PM, one from Malaya and one from Borneo? It is his preorgative to do so if he wants to.

    That would be the first step towards respecting the East Malaysian rights under the PH manifesto.
