
Friday, September 14, 2018

New Old Malaysian 'Big Brother'

MM Online - Activist to be questioned for making statements that could cause public mischief:

Fadiah said the police will be questioning her on September 21

Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 14 — Human rights activist and lawyer Fadiah Nadwa Fikri said police have called her to record her statement following a statement she made at a forum recently.

Fadiah said a police report was lodged against her and the cops are probing the matter under section 505 of the Penal Code for making statements that could cause public mischief, she posted on her twitter account @FadiahNadwa today.

“The police will be questioning me on September 21 and I will be accompanied by lawyer, Ragunath Kesavan,” she said.

Ragunath was the former president of the Bar Council.

Fadiah was previously investigated under section 4(1) of the Sedition Act and section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act regarding an article she had written questioning the role of the monarchy.

Zaid Ibrahim advised Lim Kit Siang not to sue Hanif Omar for the former IGP's slander, about police incarcerating Lim KS for allegedly calling for a Chinese secession from Malaysia by taking over the West Coast of Peninsula. Instead Lim should talk things over with Hanif over a nice cup of tea (Darjeeling please) and preferably served with buttered cucumber sandwiches, wakakaka.

And in other cases, we have been counselled to do things differently in a "new Malaysia".

So WTF is going on in Fadiah Nadwa Fikri's case where she will be given the old Mahathir-style treatment of being hauled into a police interrogation for her talk at a forum that "could cause public mischief"?

Previously she was also investigated under the Sedition Act and the Communications and Multimedia Act for an article she wrote.

Won't what many clowns including Hanif Omar said "could also cause public mischief"?

Why has Fadiah Nadwa Fikri been hounded relentlessly by secular authorities as Nik Raina Nik Abdul Aziz was by Islamic agencies?


  1. Why not be like Thailand and pass a Law specifically for Les Majeste?

    That would reduce abuse and misuse by any Govt. authorities and no arbitrary interpretations as to anyone's whims and fancies.

    That also reduces the Royalty factor being used as a political tool by any parties.

    And this should also include Religion and Race issues so that these do not become political tools also.

    It would also see the demise of political parties playing up issues of Race, Religion and Royalty instead of good governance.

  2. Nik Raina's and Fadiah's case are totally different, and the merits or lack of the case should be made clear, not just making cheap shots at Pakatan.
    Fadiah was alleged to have written and spoken statements whuch were disparaging of Royalty.
    The Police have a right and responsibility to investigate. You cannot stop the police investigation.
    If it develops into unjust charges and prosecution, then we can talk.

    The injustices in Nik Raina's case were multiple.
    A. The books had actually not been banned at the time of the raid (yet). Charging someone with an alleged offence retroactively is bad law and an injustice.
    Law 101, as my lawyer friend says.

    B. Nik Raina was simply just an employee of the bookshop at the time.

    C. Jawi's continuing insistence to keep pursuing her prosecution even after courts dismissed the case amounted to harrasment.

  3. PH using the same Sedition Act that they publicly whacked but now they are silently using the same instruments. What happened to Bar Council? Still being muzzled and balls being gripped by Mahathir? What about the human rights NGOs and other democracy activists? Still dreaming of a better Malaysia in Mahathir's Malaysia? Hohohohoho!
