
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

More of Hanif Omar or "Hans Christian Andersen" fairy tales

Further to my fairy tale series involving ex-IGP Hanif Omar accusing Lim Kit Siang of being incarcerated under ISA for wanting to split Malaysia into a Chinese part (West Peninsula Coast) and Malay domain (East Peninsula Coast) ...

[for more: see my (following) previous posts:

(i) A ketuanan fairy tale by Hanif Omar (former IGP).

(ii) Hans Christian Andersen a.k.a Hanif Omar - a true Malaysian fairy tale.

(iii) Hanif Omar & his fairy tale beneath another fairy tale beneath other fairy tales.]

... our dear Malaysian "Hans Christian Andersen", after being threatened by a law suit from Lim KS, has resorted to a so-alled Special Branch (SB) report which means in all likelihood that report would be classified under national security and not available even to the court.

in his indecent self-interest political obsession with winning the elections, Lim KS went to teh extent of being pally-buddy with MACC in the hope the MACC would nab Najib.

MACC has been the very organisation which was responsible for the unexplained death of a DAP member, Teoh Beng Hock who perished horribly when he mysteriously "fell" from the 14th floor of the MACC building in Shah Alam after being interrogated there overnight - Teoh died on his intended wedding day

Lim KS was not a racist to call for a racist & racial division of Peninsula Malaysia but he was certainly guilty of betraying Teoh Beng Hock and his family in his subsequent alliance with the MACC

MM Online has just published Ex-IGP Hanif Omar: Two Malaysia claim came from SB reports, extracts as follows:

According to Hanif, he said his remarks was not meant to discredit DAP but to share his experience during his tenure in Mageran.

“I do not even have a personal problem with Lim and shortly after he was released from detention, both of us even visited one another,” he said.

But "Hans Andersen" fCk-ed himself up kaukau when challenged that Lim was not aware of any such secession proposal.

Hanif or "Hans" replied that at that time Lim was imprisoned under the Internal Security Act for 18 months which had been why Lim was not aware.

My further query is that if Lim was NOT aware at that time because he was imprisoned then how was Lim able to propose the racial division of Peninsula Malaysia that Hanif Omar has accused him of.

You f-dumbo, you've shot yourself in your bloody foot. Wakakaka.


  1. u all realize lately we have many incredible revelations in e local news after e BN is no longer e gov? expect more shocking revelations 2 come.

  2. Najib asked Guanee: “Why am I charged SST if I am a consumer”

    Guanee: Because the pau seller recognise you as the one who gave him so much pain with GST lah.

  3. The ex-IGP trying to wriggle out of a syiok Ketuanan Melayu moment by now twisting and turning his statements.

    Why is he still director of Genting? And why is Genting, a gambling conglomerate harbouring such entitled racist rumour mongering individuals?

    All Malaysians who are disgusted with such sychophants of Ketuanan Melayu political games mindset should launched a Boycott of Genting for hiring such abhorrent personalities representing their company.

    And why is there no action taken against the organisers of the talk in UITM which did not even came out with a statement to deny or explain these controversial statements made? Where is the Minister of Education action? Launch a probe to find out whether UITM is providing sanctuaries to such persons to spew their poison venom.

    Those who wish to seek fame based on unfounded allegations and defamations should be sued kau kau to ensure such antics which were once protected by the previous BN regime are no longer safe from retributions by injured parties.

    1. you have a Pribumi PM and a Pribumi Education Minsiter, and soon "Hans Andersen" will be canon-ised

    2. No wonder "The Ides of March" is approaching so fast for Ceasar.

      "You too, Hanif and Mazlee with keris in your hands?"

      But Mark Anthony (AI) is around to seek retributions/revenge after Ceasar is gone.

      Hail the new Ceasar!
