
Monday, September 10, 2018

Mahathir's UMNO Baru Baru-er

Further to my post this morning on Mahathir recruiting Malays for his Pribumi, which I posted as a sequel to my previous post Hanif Omar & his fairy tale beneath another fairy tale beneath other fairy tales here is another piece of evidence Mahathir is building up his new Pribumi party into an UMNO Mark III:

He said the party needs to strengthen itself and increase its membership, but added that they must have "quality and leadership".

"While we accept Umno members into Pribumi, we must vet them so only those who are good and willing to fight the good fight can join us," said Mukhriz


  1. What a piece of shit!

    Pribumi, as a race based political party, has ONLY the melayuy to recruit as members!

    If these melayu happen to be (ex-)umno leftovers, just like mamak & many others, SO BE IT!

    Umno mark3, as u wished!

    It could happen after mamak's gone & the Dökkálfar Dwarf resurrects it from our pkr.

    Pribumi would be a nobody when mamak's gone. & that's WHY he is so eager to identify potent successors.


    Ooop… when mamak's gone IS manmanlai yr favourite of the time while jibby/hippo STILL out of yr defuncted solo radar?

  2. Just a few weeks ago, Cha Bor was praising MCA, another race-based party which only accepts members who belong to a specific race.

    So...Cha Bor's values are rubbery ?

  3. Why create unfounded rumours and intents on TDM and his party PBBM whether in the present or future?

    To most PH leaders, parties and the public, it is a known fact that TDM won't be able to outlive what is alleged he plans to do. And all these can just be easily squashed if AI, the next PM intends to do so with a new gameplan.

    Unless TDM believes in his own immortality like Shih Huang Ti (First China Emperor), instead of rebuilding his empire like when he was young and able, it would be best and more beneficial if he spend more time with his family and close friends before meeting his Maker.

    Uniting the country now as his last job would make his legacy be better remembered by all Malaysians rather than continuing his own personal agenda.

  4. I can believe if lawyers do pro bono work for individuals or parties that have little money or who are not part of the establishment. However, Malaysians have to decide if UMNO/BN or Najib need pro bono work or if the work is rewarded either in cash or kind.

    Najib paid Shafee out of his own bank account, because, he said, the UMNO President is responsible for handling the parties finances.

    Strangely, Najib did not pay the money in one cheque. Shafee received one payment RM4.3 million in 2013 and a later payment of RM5.2 million in 2014. That RM5.2 million received in February 2014 came just a fortnight before the Appeal Court overturned the earlier acquittal of Anwar, after Najib had specially brought in Shafee to handle the prosecution case.

    Shafee still says this was not a payment for those services however. He still claims that he did that bit of work for UMNO for free – or rather he claims he did it “for the country”.

    Pascal Najadi, the grieving son of the murdered banker Hussein Najadi, former Chairman of AmBank, has pointed out that the payment in September 2013 came just a month after his father was shot dead.

    Shafee appeared outside the hospital to handle the Najadi murder.
    Najadi has claimed that his father had attempted to make a police report and to notify the banking authorities about the mysterious billion dollar payments that had entered Najib’s account at his former bank shortly before his assassination.

    He also says that Shafee had mysteriously appeared at the scene as his father’s body was transferred to hospital and had aggressively taken over the handling of affairs, including a swift burial before he could reach his father’s side. He has asked if the two matters might be connected and who paid Shafee to turn up at the mortuary to take control?

    Malaysians have been left to digest Shafee’s own explanation of events and the fact he has admitted now to lying in public about the whole affair. In the end they will have to see how he fares in court.

  5. So ?

    Every political party in the country is recruiting new members.

    MCA is recruiting Chinese ( only Chinese), because many "Lifetime" members no longer support the party.

    PKR is recruiting because it sees itself as the Core ruling party.

    PUS is recruiting because it sees itself as the Future ruling party, as Malay demographics dominate all other races, and Extreme Islam becomes the mainstream religion in Malaysia.

    Even bloated UMNO , with its claimed 2.6 Million members is recruiting because it is obvious many of the "members" on its books don't vote for the party.
