
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Mahathir's BLACK pocket notebook

FMT - How Dr M’s pocket notebook keeps ministers on their toes (extracts):

BUTTERWORTH: A federal minister has given a glimpse into what goes on during Cabinet meetings chaired by Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

According to Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, the 93-year-old has left his younger ministers in shock and awe with his sharp mind.

He said most of the Cabinet members are amazed at how the prime minister at his age could still be on top of things, from small issues to big ones concerning the world and the economy.

He said at every meeting, the PM would begin with a preface session, where he talks about all matters local and global.

Saifuddin said during the meeting which could last between 60 and 90 minutes, ministers would be anxious and on their toes about one thing: a pocket notebook the PM carries in his pocket.

Saifuddin said that book contained Mahathir’s astute observations on his surroundings and all matters.

“He would take this book out of his pocket and he will talk about all and sundry.

“For instance, he would read out: ‘I was driving along the Putrajaya Bridge and there was one one street lamp with this particular serial number that was not lit up. And then at one junction, there is a garbage bin loaded with rubbish, but uncollected. I also saw a spotlight at the (Putrajaya) lake, which was supposed to be lit up to beautify the lake, but was not lit up’.”

Saifuddin said Mahathir would then look up and ask, “Which minister is responsible?”

“Then we would all look at the federal territories minister, and put him in a spot. Our PM is one that micromanages,” Saifuddin said with a laugh

Keeping his ministers on their toes is indeed the correct expression, and exactly what Mahathir intends to do at every cabinet meeting.

BUT is it fair for Mahathir to ask the minister responsible to answer questions about this street lamp, that rubbish bin and a spotlight at Putrajaya Lake?

One gets the impression Mahathir's tactics are to terrorise rather than elicit answers.

Next he'll be asking Mat Sabu to provide him with a daily DETAILED state of RMAF aircraft serviceability, or Guan Eng to provide explanations on, say, why looes74 hasn't paid his income tax since 2004? Wakakaka.

But far more worse will be the start of any detailed police dossiers on the peccadilloes, private lives and personal sins of his ministers.


  1. Your idol was instead, too busy filling up his personal bank account to the tune of Billions of Dollars.

    KaChing !!

  2. i prefer mahathir to place his attention on his cabinet in a detail manner like what he do now in this post rather than venture on his wet dream thingy. what we lack is implementation n execution, n make sure every task no matter how small is done completely n properly. at tis moment, what we need is a manager, lets the younger generation be the leader. mahathir is too old to be visionary.

  3. Effective CEOs will do some level of micro managing on key critical areas.
    Attention to detail is a crucial part of driving an organisation to success.

    1. Australian managers have an expression for such ridiculous micromanagement - descending down to the weeds

  4. Reminds us of the time Chetiars and shopkeepers keep those Buku 555 and holding their customers to ransom every month after payday.

    You wonder why, he does not used his handphone or notebook?

    The action of taking out the Black Book is nothing more than to instill Fear to those working under him.

    1. isn't he "related" to the Chettiars? wakakaka
