
Monday, September 24, 2018

Latest rumours on Peh Mor

Heard he has done a deal with you-know-who, for immunity from prosecution by authorities, by stepping down from his current post, and surrendering some of his wealth.

The grapevine says you-know-who believes it's more convenient the rumoured way because the alternative will be a long long trial.

But rumours sahaja.


  1. Better for Pek Mor to settle with TDM while he is still PM. Window is open for only 2 years. After he leaves no telling what will happen.

  2. Pek Moh , being TYT YDN Sarawak , still wielding tremendous PBB power in the background is going to be tough nut to crack.

    Look at the difficulty and complexity of the effort to prosecute Najib. Look at the sheer number of people , who continue to sing the song on his innocence. It will be 10x more difficult to bring Pek Mor to book.

  3. Wakakakaka……

    News from the graveyard (intentionally):

    FeiLow wants to work out a deal with mamak to tell on jibby on 1MDB deal.

    But the ketuanan freaks within the mamak pact WON'T accept that proposal as jibby MUST falls together with that cinapek dalang wrt 1MDB debacles.

    Nothing less will do!

    W/O the insider inputs from FeiLow, the search for the complete truth of 1MDB sapu-all malfeasance WOULDN'T surface.

    Should take a lesson from the commercial crime investigations of the US. Nail the prime culprit quickly by giving negotiated immunity to the culprits lieutenants for vital criminal Info's. Save time & money to solve an otherwise convoluted criminal investigation. Then move on to strengthen the preventive procedures to prevent future occurrences!

    This refusal to collaborate , make one wondering whether thought of protecting the maruah bangsa IS more important than cleansing the tongkat cancer cells from mind of the melayu!

    Ditto, wrt the news of deal with pekmo!

    Or they r just egoistically blur!

    1. If Jibby is a non Malay, you can bet your last ringgit that the Ketuanan freaks will strike a deal with Fei Chai faster than you can say 'It's not a donation', wakakakka

  4. Just wondering who will be the next TYT? Hmmmm... someone who is simple and fairly religious, perhaps?

    1. Wakakakaka…

      SHOULD be a true Sarawak native in the mould of Stephen Kalong Ningkan.

      Cry yr hearts out, ketuanan freaks & zombies!

  5. This cheebye unknown fucking muslim not beri welcome in sarawak.....ask him to fuck off la before the dayaks come and gut him

  6. Going by "majority rules" which is usually insisted upon in other states, Sarawak TYT should be appointed from the Iban ethnic group.

  7. Peh Moh will likely pay compensation to avoid being brought to court.

    The Finance Minister may have a few hundred billions RM extra for his Tabung Harapan.

    A few hundred billions RM now is definitely better than bringing Pek Moh to court.

    The richer you are, the better the deal.

    So, Jho Low may be next?
