
Saturday, September 15, 2018

First of the Mohicans

MM Online - DAP’s Chin Tong backs Anwar over PD Move (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 15 — DAP lawmaker Liew Chin Tong has come out in support of PKR’s move to intentionally trigger a by-election for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and urged the people to understand the rationale.

The senior DAP leader and deputy defence minister stressed that Pakatan Harapan’s long-term strategy was for Anwar to eventually replace Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister.

Both allies and rivals criticised PKR and Anwar after they announced that a by-election will be forced in Port Dickson for him to contest.

“I support Anwar's decision to contest in the by-election. Hopefully, more people will support him. I hope Anwar’s participation will stabilise the entire political scenario,” Liew told the Malaysiakininews portal.

“When the prime minister succession plan between Mahathir and Anwar is firm, it will stabilise the government,” said Liew, who is also the deputy defence minister

Insofar as PKR-DAP alliance is concerned, Lim Chin Tong can now be considered a reliable ally of Anwar Ibrahim and of PKR, a man to be conferred the praiseworthy title of 'Salt of the Earth' as Chin Tong plays faithfully to the spirit of alliance.

Maybe as chief strategist of the DAP, he either has to set an example of DAP sincerity-honour or he knows something we don't, wakakaka?

But what about Lim father & son? Why are both so quiet about Anwar's by-election in PD?

Have the rest of the so-called DAP stalwarts deserted Anwar's sampan like some of Anwar's own PKR stalwarts to remain comfortably on KD Maddy?

Thus, will Chin Tong be the ONLY DAP person to support Anwar's by-election or is he just the First of the Mohicans?


Finally this late afternoon:

MM Online - DAP endorses PKR’s PD Move


  1. Lim Kit Siang is now an honorary Pribumi member....LOL..

  2. DAP sure has a good political strategist in Liew C T. He speaks on behalf of LGE and LKS and the party DAP.

    LCT is the first and will not be the Last of the Mohicans from other coalition parties of PH. It just needs to start the ball rolling for other coalition partners to come out and prove their sincerity and honesty in honouring the pact made by PH parties before the GE14 to their own parties and supporters.

    If an important but simple promise of honouring to execute the succcession plan to make AI the eventual PM is not forth coming from other coalition parties, what then will all the other PH voters and supporters think of their leaders and parties in honouring those promises made in the PH manifestos or future promises made when elections comes around?

    Elections are not won by just voters from party members. It is the other public voters who decides who the winners eventually are. In deciding who gets their trust and votes, honesty and trustworthiness of parties and their leaders are ingredients high on their priorities list followed by other political, economics, social issues they have.

    It's a New Malaysia now in an open information world and voters are more discerning and more informed and gone are the days when just debating skills, rhetorics of racial and religious bashing, information manipulation, false image building, lying and cheating etc are able to sneak in via politicians campaigning and try to win an election.

    Political awakening among voters has happened espeicially after GE14 when they discovered most politicians are the least trusted among all the professions when given power and the country and their lives and future nearly got destroyed in the hands of the previous BN regime and their conspirators. The ultimate pain must have been seeing the honesty and trust betrayed by crooked and kleptocratic politicians.

    The final Mohicans would be all the ordinary voters in Port Dickson in determining the future PM for all the rest of Malaysians.

  3. AI should not enter parliament now. It is only just over 100 days that he was pardoned for committing sodomy. As it goes today, it is unlikely that things will get resolve if did it TDM's way. Let 1MDB 42Billion and Kleptocracy be closed by TDM/LKS/LGE. Don't get involved. Don't hurry or hasten it. Enjoy your freedom AI. When the time comes and opportunity knocks for you to be the PM, then you grab it. For now, it is suffice that your wife and daughter are in the government. The best ultimate is when your wife steps down and pass the PM baton to you.

  4. DAP threw away democracy in the name of politics. Yet another entity with "Democracy" in its name but doesn't practice what it preaches. A party of hypocrites.
