
Friday, September 21, 2018

Best 2018 Minister warns about PAS

FMT – Tread lightly, PAS not as stupid as Umno, PH told:

Klang MP Charles Santiago has urged the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government to exercise caution over the possibility of a political alliance between Umno and PAS, saying the Islamist party is “not as stupid” as Umno.

The three-term DAP politician said it was a given that Umno was now “finished”, and recommended that PH focus on handling PAS.

“Don’t fall into their trap, thinking it is Umno leading PAS,” he said in a recent interview with FMT.

“Even if they form a loose coalition with any of the opposition parties, Umno or otherwise, it is PAS that will be dominant. They’re not stupid.

“PAS is much smarter than Umno. Najib Razak may have cut off their hands and legs before, but it’s PAS that is taking the reins now,” Santiago added. “If we lose in the next general election, it will be to PAS.”

For decades, PAS and Umno were at loggerheads with each other despite being part of the same ruling coalition some 46 years ago during the Alliance days.

Ties between them began thawing last year, with Umno and PAS leaders sharing the same stage on several occasions. Their relationship further strengthened after the May 9 polls, most notably in the Sungai Kandis and Seri Setia by-elections where they made way for each other to contest and supported each other’s candidates.

Earlier this month, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and other leaders from the party and Barisan Nasional showed up at a PAS ceramah in a historic first. They also attended PAS’ annual general meeting several days ago.

Zahid said the cooperation between PAS and Umno was “not just rhetoric” but a surefire way to challenge PH in future elections. He also said the two parties would be working closely together in the future.

Santiago said it had become necessary to keep PAS in check now that PH formed the federal government. He added that the Islamist party had become “somewhat of an issue” in the states it controls.

“They’ve made it seem like their version of Islam is the one true interpretation. It’s not.

“This is why you need to keep them in check. At the end of the day, PAS calls the shots.”

Santiago, who is also a human rights activist, said PAS’ role as a “superpower” was clear in the recent caning of two women in Terengganu for illicit relations, which he said even the prime minister had not been able to stop.

The fact that the Prison Department which carried out the caning was under the purview of the home ministry underscored how powerful PAS was, Santiago added.

He said PH must become more stern in its decisions and not shy away from controversy.

“We can’t be worried about whether PAS attacks us or not. Just because it’s about religion doesn’t mean you push it to a corner.

“Do things by the rule of law,” he said.


  1. as long as hadi still at the top, noting to worry, hadi not stupid, he just lacks moral n ethics, that's the achilles heel of a religion party.

  2. The average IQ of the members of the merged UMNO and PAS would be lower than the average IQ of the component parties.

  3. UMNO still has demons lurking around hoping they can get back into government via Anwar or Mahathir schism.

    If their teams are evenly matched and they are unable toppled one of the other without killing themselves, that's when the unity government-friendly UMNO faction will sway to either side.

    But if one of the sides have a clear advantage when the royal rumble happens, then those UMNO factionist will quit the party and move to join the winning side.

    At that time, UMNO will be truly cleansed of their demons and will finally be worthy to be considered as brother in arms by PAS. This outcome coupled with PH fratricide will be the best case scenario.

  4. Charles Santiago, like most DAP leaders and members , are totally clueless about Malay/Muslim society and politics.

    At best, they only see the surface , and have no knowledge and understanding of what lies below.

    Malay socio-politics is more like an iceberg, what you don't see below the surface is the real thing.

    That is why DAP often completely misinterpreted events and intentions, as well as unnecessarily offended or angered Malay counterparts, including people who are actually friendly towards DAP.
