
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Women Minister thinks Safety of 11 year old girl NOT pressing enough

MM Online - DPM: AG yet to study papers on child bride case, still busy with 1MDB (extracts):

Help - save me please 

I have spoken to the AG and discussed the case specifically. He has been given the papers and has to study it, but at the moment his attention is on 1MDB, and the yacht. He is trying very hard

so you must wait

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 — Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said she has spoken to Attorney General (AG) Tommy Thomas on the need to expedite the case of an 11-year-old Thai girl who was married off to a 41-year-old Kelantan Muslim man.

In an exclusive interview with Malay Mail, the deputy prime minister denied that the government has not taken any action on the matter, clarifying that the AG is currently occupied with other pressing matters
. [...]

Dr Wan Azizah is under criticism from civil society over her handling of the Kelantan child bride case as no other action has been taken against the groom so far, apart from a RM1,800 fine for committing polygamy and marrying without court permission.

rally against child marriages in Bandar Sunway
August 18 2018

Wonderful, the minister HAS SPOKEN. Let's give her a huge applause for her USELESSNESS.

And as she has tried to impress upon us, the AG has OTHER PRESSING MATTERS like a super-yacht.

The victimised 11 year old girl MUST wait, and at best avoid getting raped by a predator paedophile (or is it too late?).

Sorry, the DPM-Women Minister is too busy and there are OTHER PRESSING MATTERS, unlike the plight of the victimised 11 year old girl.

The Women Minister must resign.

face of a teflonised predator 


  1. The only failure was not putting the child straightaway into the care of the Social Welfare Dept. in Malaysia to protect her from the clutches of a Paedophile and the unmoral and unprotective care of her own parents.

    Now that the child is back in the protective care of another country's Govt. which is also right since she is a Thai citizen, her safety is at least assured now while the Malaysian Govt. struggles with religious bigots in enacting laws banning Paedophiles from using religion as their God forsaken right based on some thousand years old customs and rituals to marry children to satisfy their beastly animalistic lusts.

    When even parents can't protect their children from Paedophiles and Govt. also fails to protect children from this inhumane immoral behavior it is a sure sign of a breakdown in civil society.

    If religion is the basis to justify Paedophilia, it will be used next to justify Harems and slavery since these were also practised thousands of years ago. What's next? Killing and throwing LBGTs off tall buildings or burning them like witches at the stakes? Or perhaps looting, raping, murdering, thieving, stealing etc since these were also committed and done by some holy warriors thousands of years ago in the name of religion.

    A person loses all sense of humanity towards fellow human beings once he/she knows how religion is to used as to justify to do immoral or evil deeds done thousands of years ago when societies were less civilised human beings.

  2. This is a supposedly provocative story from a pariah who runs out of stories to fart!

    1) child back to S Thailand with her parent.

    Can m'sia jurisdiction be legal across the border?

    2) if by chance the prohibition of child marriage law is passed, how to 'pacify' the zombies, which r likely to go amok first, then challenge the case in court?

    Dragging feet again, right? As the amokness & legal challenges mount.

    U got better solution? (Hint, go cry miao2ly with yr owners, crownish cur).

    3) the Malaysia’s first female deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail currently enjoys the highest approval rating among Malaysians when compared against six other ministers.


    Right - for a bat, which hears it's own echo but can't see!

    So yr 1st priority is to let go of ANYTHING links to jibby/hippo & work (farts, more likely) on piece-mealling issues as they arise!

    Plannings & strategies r unknown. Act as u like!

    Is that WHY yr Oz master employs u to do?

  3. Wakakka... Kak Wan he very high job approval ratings from the public.

  4. In other words, KT thinks most Malaysians are bloody idiots for ranking Azizah most highly of all the ministers.
    And for ditching Najib as well.

    1. don't think majority are not stupid, wakakaka

  5. I read somewhere in Yemen, someone became a nenek at 21. Pretty young indeed.
