
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Which political party started 'cheating'?

Malaysiakini - MCA 'cheating' rakyat by using own logo in Balakong, says Nga (extracts):

Perak DAP chairperson Nga Kor Ming has chastised MCA for “cheating” the people by using its own logo rather than BN’s in the upcoming Balakong by-election.

According to Malay Mail, he said the move proved MCA had lost faith in BN and was now trying to fool voters into thinking it was no longer part of the former ruling coalition.

“MCA is still under BN, but they did not want to use the BN logo. Instead, they want to use their own logo.

“This indicates two messages: First is that MCA is not confident with BN and second, they use their own logo so that the people will think they are no longer with the coalition,” he was quoted as saying

Today and as proven in GE14, BN is a despised brand. It's no surprise MCA wants to return to its own party logo.

But hold on, along the same argument put forward by Nga, didn't DAP abandon its own rocket sign (a steadfast brand amongst Chinese) to adorn the PKR 'Blue Moon' logo so as to assume a more Malay hue (which the DAP lacks)?

It was then so confident of it Chinese support that it decided to forego the Rocket in order to put on a more Malay sarong and songkok in order to entice Malays in voting for its non-Malay candidates - aiyoyo, if it had its 'wants' it would have even put on a hijab.

Can we then chastise the DAP for “cheating” the Malay people by using PKR's logo rather than its own (Rocket) in the last GE14?

Surely what's good for the goose should be too for the gander.

And don't forget, in GE14, the DAP in Sarawak used its own party logo instead of the Pakatan Harapan's adoption of the 'Blue Moon' because over there, the Rocket is a trusted sign among Chinese Sarawakians, the core base of the DAP Sarawak.

Didn't it do exactly what the MCA proposes to do in Balakong?


  1. Political strategists had been advising Pakatan for years that they had to contest under a common logo to give credibility to voters as offering an alternative government.

    So DAP and others contesting under a common logo was a logical and welcome step.

    Dacing or Ma Hwa logo won't make a difference. Both are despised.

  2. Ktemoc is parroting more and more as an UMNO shill day by day.

    It was exactly UMNO's and Najib's claim during the GE14 campaign that DAP was making an attempt at cheating the Malays by not putting forth the Rocket symbol during campaigning.

    1. parroting? any copyright reserve? I am just stating facts that the DAP disguised itself under a Malay logo

    2. PKR's logo is NOT a Malay logo.

    3. PKR is EFFECTIVELY a Malay based party with some fringe multiracial window dressing

  3. We are all making the same mistake. Malaysian voters are not stupid. We know who stands behind every logo.


    Praba in Batu used an unknown Key symbol and still slaughtered the Dacing, because voters knew it was Harapan.

  4. PPBM n Amanah also used the Blue Moon for GE14 ley. Come on. Hehehe

  5. Let's analyse to see which political party cheats the most as far as this topic goes.

    UMNO a full fledged Malay party cheating saying they are the only protectors of Race and Religion. Then throw in Royalty, Bahasa Melayu once a while while it suits their taste. Their aim is actually to enrich themselves, their leaders and supporters undercover of Race and Religion while throwing crumbs to others of whatever is leftovers.

    PAS a full fledged Islamic religious party cheating saying they are an Islamic party protecting Religion when what they are actually doing is upsurping the powers of the Rulers and Constitution and trying to make a democratically diverse Nation into an Islamic State and making Syariah Laws the ultimate Laws of the Nation. Their aim is to use religion to gain power just like in Indonesia, Morocco, Libya, Iran etc by overthrowing Royalty, change the Constitution and the country to be ruled by Mullahs.

    MCA a full fledged Chinese party using BN symbol to win elections since they needed non-Chinese votes while standing in constituencies where Malay and Moslem votes formed a sizeable part of the voters. Their aim is to trick Malay and Moslems that a vote for BN is a vote for UMNO. They have long lost the majority of Chinese voters confidence once they were seen as not equal partner but lapdogs of UMNO.

    MIC a full fledged Indian party using BN symbol to win elections since they needed non-Indian votes while standing in constituencies where Malay and Moslem votes formed a sizeable part of the voters. Their aim is to trick Malay and Moslems that a vote for BN is a vote for UMNO. They have long lost the majority of Indian voters confidence once they were seen as not equal partner but lapdogs of UMNO.

    And this has been going on and on for about 60 years.

    As far as I know, the only parties in PH which try to practise what BN parties do in future are PBBM and Hindraf. PKR and DAP are all multiracial, multireligious parties and can contest anywhere without resorting to race and religious issues.

    Those who continue this way of politiking cheating are finally dead ducks as the Malaysian populace becomes wiser and more liberal in their thinking.

  6. There is no evidence at all to indicate a single seat where DAP's majority was cut due to not using the Rocket logo

    Voters are not stupid.

    1. so why is Nga Kor Ming so against MCA using its own logo if Sarawak DAP could?

    2. Nga is NOT against MCA using its own logo....He is just exposing MCA's deceit in trying to trick voters into thinking MCA is now independent of BN.
