
Thursday, August 30, 2018


MM Online - Young women angered by DPM’s stand on child marriage, survey shows (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 30 — A majority of young Malaysian women surveyed by Iman Research disapprove of Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and found her stance on child marriage weak, contrasting with an earlier survey that saw her become the most popular of six ministers in the Pakatan Harapan government.

The view was widely held by both moderate and conservative Muslim women who felt the deputy prime minister had done little to address the issue while hiding behind “religious excuses”, the survey by think tank Iman found.

Young men in the same focus group had little to say about child marriage but also found the PKR leader unfit to be a deputy prime minister.

“Many of them felt she should have taken more action and be [leaning] more towards protecting child rights instead of saying religion allows for this or that,” Vila Somiah, Iman head of research, told a media briefing on the findings from the focus talks.

Dr Wan Azizah, who is also minister of women, children community development, was widely criticised over the way she handled a child marriage case in Kelantan involving an 11 year-old girl and a 41 year-old rubber tapper.

Critics felt the deputy prime minister did not make her position about the issue clear.

They said while she did condemn the marriage, the PKR leader gave mixed signals when she dismissed criticism towards the authorities for not separating the child from the man.

Most participants from the focus group also viewed her as politically weak, Iman noted.

Many saw Dr Wan Azizah as a political puppet or a seat warmer who is not serious about leading, but one who merely acts on the instruction of her husband, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“She is seen as a puppet, a lot of her decisions are programmed/influenced by Anwar Ibrahim,” one of the interviewees were quoted as saying.

Other participants had different reasons for disapproving Dr Wan Azizah.

Some women, for example, felt she is “not a feminist” while others thought she was a poor choice as a minister likely because of her soft image, a perception generally held by many of her critics.

The honorable thing for her to do is to resign, NOW!


  1. This religion does things to your brain.

  2. hahahahaha......I am more interested in the beheading of Najib, rosmah and motherfucker cheebye kaytee

    1. aiyoh, I know you are desperate to call me Father but for the thousandth time, I did NOT fCk your mum so I cannot be your motherfucker and thus your Dad

  3. She is the President of PKR party and a component of the PH coalition.

    She is also the MP for Pandan elected by the nearly 65,000 voters of Pandan.

    Research company called IMAN (who?) came out with a report and Kaytee (who?) then called for her resignation.

    Wakakakaakakakakaka Quit dreaming. It ain't going to happen.

    1. Kaytee (who?) wakakaka.... classic statement...

  4. Esok kalau anak, mak dan bapak jadi menteri, camna? If like dat chiak buay liao, lah!

  5. Macam Najib, bapak PM, anak PM, cousin Menteri, bini FLOM dsb.
