
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Raja Tembak

FMT - Singapore transport ministry denies meeting Azmin on HSR:

well done son, you tembak those cinapeks kaukau

thank you godfather, I learnt that from you

PETALING JAYA: Singapore’s transport ministry today denied Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali’s claim that he had met with senior officials from the republic to discuss the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project.

Today Online quoted a spokesman from the ministry who said no meeting was scheduled between Azmin and the Singapore officials overseeing the project, nor had any meeting taken place.

“As of Aug 6, 2018, the Malaysian government has not provided the clarifications sought by Singapore and has not communicated its proposed dates for such discussions,” the spokesman said in the report.

Yesterday, Azmin said he had met with senior officials from Singapore to discuss the project during a visit to Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in the city-state on Sunday.

“The meeting went well,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby


  1. Who do you belief? Your own Minister from Malaysia or the Transport Ministry of Singapore?

    My bet is Singapore officials after agreeing to Ceasar's demands on the HSR does not want to look like Kiasu with Singaporeans. The ultimatum by Ceasar to them via Azmin must have been "Take it or leave it. Malaysia can live without the HSR."

  2. Lets see how the Wayang / Peking Opera plays out...
    Azmin may be lying....but...
    Sing is not necessarily an honest player in this game , either....

  3. The senior Singhapore officials/officers were all females!!!!Hopefully the meeting did not take place at any happy club over there.

    1. Not only rd otakrosak lagi deeply misogynist!

      Oui…… u MYST be born out of something else!

  4. The background on the HSR is in overall terms Sing stands to benefit more than Malaysia, while shouldering a fraction of the cost compared to Malaysia.

    So HSR is an incredibly good deal for Sing. The Dunno Melayu have been outmaneuvered and outnegotiated by the Sing Chinks.

    Keeping that in mind , all the Dog and Pony show that Sing is putting on about how much it is losing from project cancellation has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt.

    It PAYS for Sing to be dishonest and misrepresent the situation.
