
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Pakatan sinister flip-flops

FMT - Activist Hits Out At PH ‘Flip-Flops’ Ahead Of 100-Day Milestone:

A prominent activist today accused the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government of flip-flopping on a number of issues, just days before the administration led by Dr Mahathir Mohamad marks its first 100 days in power.

Giving the example of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), Kua Kia Soong asked why it would take five years to recognise it when PH had stated in its manifesto that it was ready to accept it.

In 1975, when the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools (MICSS) decided to hold its first Unified Examination (UEC), the Chinese education leaders were summoned to Parliament by then Education Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and were told in no uncertain terms to cancel the examination “or else…!”

The Chinese education leaders carried on regardless of the consequences and the UEC has been held every year since. To date,there has never been a leak in any UEC examinations and the curriculum and marking of exam scripts are carried out every year with professional precision.

He said other issues included the oil royalty promised to East Malaysia and the abolishment of highway tolls.

In July, Mahathir announced in Parliament that Putrajaya would honour its promise to provide 20% royalty to petroleum-producing states.

But he later clarified the statement, saying the 20% payment would be based on profit instead of royalty.

The Suaram adviser said it was also unacceptable that local elections could only be held after three years.

“Delaying reforms in unacceptable. A really important reform we want to see concerns the redistribution of wealth,” he added.

Kua was speaking at Suaram’s presentation of its report card for PH’s first 100 days in government.

He said following the election, Putrajaya seemed more interested in playing the blame game than getting down to business.

Father & Son diam-diam saperti tikus
takut kaukau the Holy Ghost

“We read news of the missing goods and services tax (GST) money, yet there has been no movement. Have the police or attorney-general acted on it? We should be told what happened to the money within a week,” he said.

He also took issue with Tabung Harapan Malaysia, a fund established to help settle the country’s RM1 trillion debt, saying he could not accept “sob stories” related to the initiative.

“It’s about the management of the economy to plug the leaks, not the piggy banks of little boys,” he said, referring to the story of a youth who donated his savings to the fund.

As for the government’s war on kleptocracy, Kua asked why authorities had yet to zoom in on former Sarawak chief minister Taib Mahmud, who was accused of corruption in the past.

Ragad Waleed Al-Kurd's ruby necklace reputed to cost RM50 million - she's also a Malay bumiputera (from Syria, wakakaka)

“And why haven’t Mahathir and his children declared their assets?”


  1. Raja Tembak Ktemoc Daily 6-shot Post # 3

    Bridget Welsh's assessment of Pakatan Harapan as either half-full or half-empty is fair and objective.

    Kua Kia Soong has Vendettas to pursue against Mahathir...and Lim Kit Siang....of course...wakakaka...
    The two men for different reasons virtually destroyed Kua's previous life and career....and they are now combined on the same platform..

    so his criticisms are itself possibly having sinister intentions.....

  2. The same Suaram forum also highlighted good actions which have been taken by the Pakatan Harapan government, within 100 days, addressing problems which had been festering for 10 years or more.

    Of course, Ktemoc Konsiders, which only has only 100% malice towards the Pakatan government ignored that portion of the forum.

    1. I wonder how much dedak Mahathir is paying you


      I am semi-retired with a very comfortable I spend my time Hentam Ktemoc.

    3. that's what you say, dedak-makan-er, wakakaka - your devotion to Mahathir's resurrected sinister actions signals your dedak characteristics

    4. AND yours, with jibby!

    5. Monsterball is semi-retired thanks to sufficient dedak from Mahathir. He haven't fully retired because he still needs sustenance from Grandpa Dictator.

    6. Monster.....keep up the good work
      My mission is to expose this cheebye motherfucker kaytee publicly and guilltone him by hook or crook.

      This cheebye kaytee has been getting away scot free for more than 18 years. Time to shut this blog down with the deaded kaytee

    7. Hahaha....Ktemoc and his mud-brained choirboy echo outdid Joseph Goebbels....a million hexes on both of you. Podah !

  3. On hindsight, actually it doesn't matter whether Ktemoc only highlights part of or fully what is said or not of whether PH fail this or that in 100 days.

    Neither should anyone get upset over Kua Kia over what he says or whatnot.

    They are helping indirectly PH supporters in keeping track of what their leaders has not done while PH supporters also keep track of what has been done. It makes life easier for everyone also to keep track of everything and keep PH leaders on their toes.

    It's because all these noises etc won't change any equation to the current ruling Govt, when everyone can actually see and observe the progress day by day and month by month and polls showing the PH Govt. still moving along nicely on the right track.

    Should we thank people like Ktemoc who helps keep PH leaders on their toes by highlighting one issue after another daily?

    1. I dont really give a damn about kua kia siang. However i got a feeling that anil netto knew this cheebye kaytee.

      Notice kaytee has been writing a lot about christianity that implies that.......
