
Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Pakatan government fails to protect its citizens

From FMT:

Portraits removal: Klang MP tells PH govt to walk the talk

Charles Santiago says the removal of the portraits of LGBT activists from an exhibition in Penang shows the Pakatan Harapan government has failed Malaysians who voted for a new Malaysia.

Klang MP Charles Santiago says every citizen’s rights should be upheld

KUALA LUMPUR: Klang MP Charles Santiago wants the portraits of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists Pang Khee Teik and Nisha Ayub to be reinstated at the Stripes and Strokes exhibition in Penang.

He said the removal of these portraits showed the government had failed to protect the rights of all citizens, including those in the LGBT community.

“These are human rights activists whom I feel privileged to call friends,” he said, adding that it was “outrageous that George Town Festival organiser Joe Sidek and photographer Mooreyameen Mohamad were forced to take down the portraits of Pang and Nisha.

“Everyone featured by Mooreyameen represent the values we hold dear in Malaysia: courage, hope, justice, determination, strength,” he said in a statement.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mujahid Yusof Rawa admitted in Parliament today that he had ordered the portraits of Pang and Nisha to be removed “as they were promoting LGBT activities, which were not in line with the Pakatan Harapan government’s policies”.

Santiago said not too long ago, Malaysians were outraged by the “targeted persecution” of cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, better known as Zunar.

“But how different is that from removing photos of Pang and Nisha? This incident is indicative of a larger issue, where we continue to deny the LGBT community their rights, opting instead to marginalise and discriminate against them.

“As Pang aptly said, it’s as if ‘there is no space for them in Malaysia’. This is heartbreaking as we all believe that we are now citizens of a New Malaysia or Malaysia Baru.

“We may have different sexuality and gender identities but that doesn’t mean that others whom we perceive as different from us are denied a space in our country, especially as we prepare to celebrate Merdeka.”

He said Malaysians, including Pang and Nisha, voted in the Pakatan Harapan government believing it would uphold the rights of all its citizens.

“But we have failed them, yet again. Whether it’s because of a directive from the Prime Minister’s Office or due to pressure from some LGBT-hating people, the photos must be reinstated without further delay.”


PETALING JAYA: After portraits of LGBT activists were removed from an exhibition to showcase Malaysian patriotism, activist Marina Mahathir said she was standing in solidarity with them, and instructed organisers to also remove her portrait.

“I am asking for my photos to be taken down in solidarity with Pang and Nisha,” she told FMT today, referring to Nisha Ayub and Pang Khee Teik, whose pictures were removed at a photography exhibition titled “Stripes and Strokes”, which forms part of the George Town Festival.

“I am personally very sad about this. When people say they are not treating LGBT Malaysians as second-class citizens, this is exact proof that discrimination exists,” Marina added.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mujahid Yusof Rawa defended the removal of the portraits, saying it was justified in line with Putrajaya’s policy not to promote the lesbian, gay


  1. This religion does something to your brain.

  2. It is Humans trying to play God's role to punish LBGTs like what is told in their holy books (Abrahamic Faiths) thousands of years ago.

    Be careful of them because when humans play the role of God, it is a sure sign of a hypocrite(Munafik).

    Luckily, we have not reach the stage yet where LBGTs are thrown off high buildings, stoneed to death, hanging, beheaded, chopped of limbs like in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc.

    Why so interested in LBGTs but not Paedophilia?

    Which is worst? Protecting LBGTs or Paedophiles?

  3. You can't fight every battle, can't fight every war.
    My advice to Pakatan is LGBT rights are not worth the fight.
    There are far more important priorities to spend political capital on.
