
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Pakatan belt-tightening measures?

When Lim Guan Eng was appointed Finance Minister he announced belt-tightening measure due to a RM1 Trillion debt he claimed was caused by the previous government, a figure subsequently battered to smithereens by many journalists for Guan Eng's non-standard calculations.

Be that as it may be, recently he changed a few signs here and there (to reflect a new government??), costing half a million. It was NOT one million, just half a million okay? But belt-tightening measure spending money just to change unnecessary signs?

His cabinet (and DAP) colleague Anthony Loke was by far more efficient, saving RM38.5 million in dissolving SPAD.

But before I could send Anthony an email to congratulate him on his belt-tightening measures, he cancelled all unpaid automated enforcement system (AES) summons (3.1 million cases) prior to August 31 this year, that is worth RM465 million.

Wow, RM465 million - that's almost half a Billion ringgit.

(1) But isn't this is one of the reasons why most Malaysians have been Ch'ow K'ar pariahs with rotten self-integrity/honour when it comes to paying up bills, loans and fines (summons)?

Hanya nak cabut dari tanggungjawab sahaja, and Anthony Loke has just pampered them even further.

(2) Belt-tightening measure?


  1. Lightening the burden of the Rakyat is a laudable initiative.

  2. Wakakakakaka… a slobbery fart AGAIN!

    "……to a RM1 Trillion debt he claimed was caused by the previous government, a figure subsequently battered to smithereens by many journalists for Guan Eng's non-standard calculations."


    "Fitch retained Malaysia’s rating at A- with a stable outlook despite the government dismantling the goods and services tax (GST), reintroducing subsidies for petrol and raising its definition of national debt to include government guarantees that have crystalised.……

    Since end May, Malaysia’s national debt was re-stated to RM1.09 trillion compared with RM686.8mil under the Najib administration. Debt to the gross domestic product (GDP) ratio, an indicator of the strength of the government’s finances, had shot up to 80.3% compared with 50.4% previously. It is far more than the international norm of less than 55%.

    Fitch in its latest assessment, takes cognisance of Malaysia’s latest debt position. In its eyes, the debt to GDP ratio is about 65%, meaning the rating agency recognises that all government guarantees that cannot be serviced by the companies are taken as part of national debt.
    In the weeks to follow, the other rating agencies would probably take a similar stance as Fitch."

    Perhaps, u r better at writing fiction using yr self-claimed superlative education!

  3. Pakatan condoning law breakers. What's new anyways?

  4. When law enforcement is subcontracted to crony companies to make a quick buck under the previous regime did not went well due to huge protests of the amount of summons issued which fortunately does not distinguish between BN or PH supporters vehicles, a bailout using the soldiers EPF (LTAT) to take over was then undertaken by the previous BN Govt. to save those crony companies and the heat from the BN Govt.

    With the Govt. taking back the law enforcement duties and compensating back LTAT (The Chairman and board of LTAT should be fired for saving crony companies of BN and neglecting their responsibilities to their Funds role), any future summons issued will go 100 % back to the Govt. coffers and indirectly imposing no discounts will discipline more Malaysian drivers.

    What is more important is that it does not go to any more crony companies benefitting from doing subcontracted law enforcement which should be under the purview of Govt. and fines paid should go to the Govt. for traffic mistakes made.

    Another advantage is that it also curb corruption among the PDRM and JPJ Govt. servants where fines are being collected by arbitrary discounts offered on such summons issued.

    A one-off cancelling of outstanding AES summons is definitely better than being used as a political tool by the previous BN Govt. of offering discounts during pre-festive occasions.

    The PH Govt. should publicise the reasonings behind such controversial rulings to the public to prevent BN operatives from capitalising on those who are also disgruntled by the rulings to see them as holy righteous BN parties when all these shit were created/started by the crony BN companies and abetted by the previous BN Govt.

    1. have you read about the Makuwasa scandal involving EPF, so as to cover the Maminco loss

      Read here to see how Mahathir fCk up and used EPF funds -

      also here -

    2. Anything done in the National interest however fCk up and not personal or crony's interest is never a crime when no profits can be derived personally or to his cronies.

      That is the big difference.

      Was the failed MAMINCO scandal in the National interest?

    3. U talk to a kleptomaniac sycophant about National interest?

      Their national interest HAS always be sapugoing clean the national coffer lah!

    4. Makuwasa was 30 years ago.
      AES is Today.

    5. I only know that it's plausible that cheebye motherfucker kaytee was a disgraced journalist who is on the run from Malaysia authorities. Hence, why till now kaytee never really release his true identity

      Apart from cheebye kaytee having 3" dick

    6. Monster,
      Why don't you rename your idol as Mother Teresa? wakakaka

    7. looes, told you I did not fCk yr mum. The 3 inches are what's not covered by both yr hands, wakakaka

  5. Ya lor. Skrg u langgar undang2, bukan kena denda, tapi dapat reward.
    Apa yg u nak teach budak2 sekolah skrg? Langgar disiplin tak perlu takut lagi kena denda.
    New normal.

  6. In his 100-day speech last night TDM explained Felda settlers loan reduction / forgiveness, after they were loaded with debt over the FGV listing saga by the BN administration. Hundreds of millions too. Will we criticize this debt write-off too?

  7. Use your brains, MCA! Transport minister firing on all cylinders over AES

    Transport Minister Anthony Loke fired a vitriolic salvo at MCA for criticising his decision to cancel all unpaid Automated Enforcement System (AES) summonses up to Aug 31.

    He said this is because the problems surrounding the AES are a result of MCA's actions while in government.

    "I can accept criticism from anyone, except MCA leaders, because they are the biggest hypocrites.

    "It was your former MCA transport minister who signed this deal... it was a fool who signed this deal.

    "So use your brains before you talk, what you say today reflects badly on MCA ministers," he told a press conference in Putrajaya today.

    Loke was responding to criticism from MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong and Youth secretary-general Leong Kim Soon over the ministry's move to cancel AES summonses last week.

    The AES was put into place when MCA's Kong Cho Ha was transport minister in 2012.

    Loke said when MCA president Liow Tiong Lai took over the portfolio in 2014, he did no better and was not serious about enforcement as he made no attempt to collect 80 percent of the fines which remain unpaid.

    "Neither of them was serious about this issue," he added.

    Loke said because of the lopsided agreement, the government would not get anything from AES fines paid, after it was discounted to RM150.

    He explained that this is because under the agreement signed with AES operators ATES Sdn Bhd and Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd, the two firms were entitled to 50 percent of the AES fines collected, based on the original RM300 rate.

    "So if we collect RM150 now, it will only go to the companies," he added.

    Loke said the government was also supposed to pay RM16 for every summons issued by the two companies, regardless of whether the fine was collected or not.

    The two companies, he added, had already raked in RM129 million from these two-tiered payments.

    The minister said this far exceeded the total cost of the 47 AES cameras installed, which he estimated to cost RM250,000 per camera, or RM10 million in total, at most.

    "The companies had made huge profits already," he added.
