
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Military wings worn by unqualified politicians

I have often heard disparaging remarks from Pakatan supporters about the above two ministers (former PM Najib and former DPM Ahmad Zahid) as well as former Defence Minister (
Hishamuddin Hussein - below) for wearing paratrooper wings when they haven't earned the right to adorn those military insignia.

Bet they were probably gifted those ceremonial uniform wings by bodek-ing generals at some military ceremonies.

I fully agree. Paratroopers, pilots and submariners wear such insignia ONLY when they have qualified in their specialised professions. [note: submariners wear a double-dolphin shaped wings]

submariner double-dolphin wing
worn on left breast like pilot wing

pilot wing

always worn above all military or civilian decorations

on left breast

Strangely, unlike pilots or 'free-fall' qualified airborne troops, the Royal Navy pilot (not submariner) wears his or her pilot wing on the left sleeve cuff above the rank insignia  (2 bars of naval lieutenant = army captain)

but if the airborne soldier is not 'free-fall' qualified and just an ordinary paratrooper he or she wears the paratrooper wing on the right shoulder (military of former British Commonwealth nations eg Aus, NZ, Malaysia, India, Paki, etc) - see above

American paratrooper wings are worn on breast

a soldier qualified in 'fee-fall' wears the wing either on the left breast (like a pilot) or in some cases the right breast

omigosh, gawd, gosh, who is he with the paratrooper wing?

bloody setting bad example for those who came after him, wakakaka

what do you fCk-ing Pakatan guppies say?


  1. Replies
    1. You or cheebye kaytee or

      you/RPK/cheebye kaytee having threesome

    2. I did NOT fCk your mother so stop calling me your motherfucker; I am not your father so stop suggesting for a threesome of your mum, you and me

  2. It is clearly stated in the Armed Forces Act (AFA) that only serving or ex-servicemen are allowed to wear military wings or specialist badges bestowed upon them after undergoing and passing the specialist training and examinations except for Heads of Royalty of those military formations.

    The Generals/Admirals who bestowed such specialist honours by bodeking in contravention of the AFA should be hauled up and court martialed in contravention of the Act.

    Those found wearing such insignias, medals, ranks, uniforms etc in contravention of the Act should also be charged in civil courts for impersonations.


  3. Can I suggest that respect must be earned. No need to wear decorative pieces. In this manner, Chinese in Malaysia must learn what does it take to earn the respect of other races.

    To start off in a very simple and uncomplicated way, may I suggest that Chinese community get their act together in a simple process of keeping their toilets clean...especially at their eateries. Keeping things clean is a simple FIRST step of earning respect.

    Also good to see that some younger Chinese are aware of this necessity.

    As they say cleanliness is next to godliness.

    1. Some of the godliest people in the world must be in India, Egypt and Middle East, where the toilets are all spotless.

    2. He SHOULD repute Modi about his wasted effort in establishing clean & hygienic toilets throughout India!

      The money spent in upkeeping those already 'sparkling' clean public toilets, SHOULD channel into further raising the SOL lah!

      WRT Egypt & Middle East toilet scenes, obviously either he had travelled in his 'own' class or he has ever avoidances using those public toilets. Pure farts!

      Incidentally, what has he gotten to say about the forever smelliness of the bolihland toilets?

      Anything to do with that zombieic ritual of wasting water & causing spillage all-over the toilet floor?

    3. Should we go down to their level, stay stagnant or improve?

  4. Military uniforms turn Ktemoc on, hehehe, especially donned by women, wakkakakaka

    A million hexes on you, courtesy of Dean Johns, that good man, hihi

    1. Especially cheebye motherfucker kaytee has never been in the military

      Prove me wrong......cheebye kaytee.......Showing your credential, your IC....etc etc etc

    2. I did NOT fCk your mother so stop calling me your motherfucker; I am not your father so stop demanding for my credentials to prove you are my son

    3. Wakakakaka……

      Just a continuation of a dream from a failed fly-boy wannabe lah!

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Can someone check POTUS's military inform for that various insignia protocols.

      POTUS is the Commander-in-chief of the US military le!

      Or for that matter the Agong!

      Got teloq to tell the slumbering owner of yrs, crownish cur?

    5. casting pearls before a moronic swine - POTUS in uniform, wakakaka

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      POTUS in military uniform! He is the commander-in-chief le!

      Google it lah, since yr comment page doesn't support photos!

      Or better still, get a pic from the US embassy.

      BTW, what say u about the military outfit of the Agong? Is he meant gifted those ceremonial uniform wings by bodek-ing generals at some military ceremonies?

      Tell him as frank as in that boy shouting the emperor has no cloth lah.

      Kiasu bullshitter with artificial pearls to cast!

    7. Hahahaha....good one CK ! Ktemoc berani ke to tell off our Agong ? "Tell him as frank as in that boy shouting the emperor has no cloth lah." wakakakaka

      This shameless hexed two-faced can only point finger at others when truly he is himself the culprit in being a Kiasu Bullshitter and an obvious dedak mercenary who has no qualms spewing his toxins day in day out.

    8. Till now, Cheebye motherfucker kaytee refuses to reveal anything. You think he got cojones......I have doubt he ever fly a plane. Else he will be brandishing his cert.

      Cheebye motherfucker kaytee is more like a disgrace journalist from most probably malay male on the run from Malaysia authorities

    9. I told you I did not fCk your mother so stop saying I am your motherfucker

      and make up your mind whether I am Chinese, Aneh or Malay

  5. Can we also do a proper audit of politicians boasting fake degree and diploma mills? There are quite a few fake Ph.Ds around. These fakes wear ceremonious pompous graduate gowns and mortar boards that are worn only by postgraduates but these guys can’t even spell the word “thesis”. So did Najib ever graduate from university and earn his bachelors degree? He has often been credited as being an “economist”. Is that true I wonder.

  6. Yup, some of the cleanest toilets I’ve seen were in India and Egypt. Spotless.

  7. What can one say if people do not want to self improve?
