
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Mat Sabu a disaster as Defence Minister

I personally like Mat Sabu. He's a jovial kind of bloke, the equivalent of Father Christmas.

But he's ever so stupid as to reveal that (reported by the Star): Only four out of RMAF's 28 Russian fighter jets can fly (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR: Only four out of the 28 Russian fighters jets owned by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) are able to take to the skies, says Mohamad Sabu.

The Defence Minister said that the RMAF had 18 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MKM and ten MiG-29 jetfighters.

"Only four of the Sukhois are able to fly well," he said, adding that the remaining 14 are under repair

Hasn't he been made aware of secret military information such as the ready-state of our armed forces?

He has not only reveal such a pathetic state to our neighbours and potential enemies, but also demoralise our fighting men and women. As a Defence Minister he is an unmitigated disaster.

Additionally, coupled with the recent revelation of a Malaysian secret intelligence letter to the CIA, undoubtedly for treasonable party-political benefits (to demonise the past government), how will our military allies and friends ever trust the pitiful standard of Malaysian confidentiality?

The only excuse I have for Mat Sabu is he's new to the job and doesn't realise there are military stuff a Defence Minister does NOT ever expose, even to his own family.

But Najib wasn't far off when he described Mat Sabu unflatteringly as a cartoon and a joker.

In fact, for lesser mortals, Mat Sabu would have been arrested for revealing secret information.


  1. Our Sukhoi sudah lama lah KT... a flying coffin/widow maker. Ask YB Mat Sabu to beli baru ya..

    1. that's a separate issue. A Defence Minister doesn't confess his armed forces is paralysed or ill equipped

  2. Hahahahaha.....najib submarine cannot sink is ok.....wakakakaka

    Kaytee is indeed cheebye motherfucker la

    1. the point is military secrets should NOT be revealed - BTW I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  3. Yes! Mat Sabu is very careless with the current military preparation of the country.

    But, this careless comment has very little impact on the peaceful state of the country. All the countries within the region where bolihland has a seat r in peaceful coexistence.

    Rather commercial espionages have much more impactful consequences about the well-being of the country than military espionages.

    So, look at the current regional sopo affairs lah before u criticize him as stupid!

    What I dislike most about yr farts r:

    1) recent revelation of a Malaysian secret intelligence letter to the CIA, undoubtedly for treasonable party-political benefits (to demonise the past government) - kt's tail wagging the jibby dog er!

    2) demoralise our fighting men and women - what demoralisation r u talking about when it's the impotency of the military commands that result in the pathetic state of the military readiness!

    Openly disclosure of the poor state of the military hardware, saves the lifes of these military personnel. Sweeping the ready-state of our armed forces under the carpet IS the real demoralizing factor for a long known issue amongst the military personnel.

    1. another are you should STFU on because you know buggerall about military preparedness, state of alert and readiness vis-a-vis foreign nations

    2. R u?

      STFU lah when u know the money for the military hardware is been pocketed by u-know-who & still want to talk about keeping military readiness as a secret when the hardware's r ALL in dilapidated states!

      R u really into military preparedness or u just want to cover up yrs of pilferage of military allocations!

      Syiok sendiri about yr claimed military knowledge, via yr various uncles. R any one of them part of the purchase gang?

    3. explaining to you matters military is like casting pearls before swines

    4. Explaining to you about military matters is when pigs can fly

    5. As a failed flyboy, kt thinks he knows how to fly a plane!

      Then, whereas that part about his failing?

      Wakakakaka… flying a plane like to hard trainings of a monkey via manual, w/o knowing the physic of flying!

      Wakakakakaka… military matter for WHAT?

      Just bcoz he has uncles used to serve in the military forces, kt thinks he knows SOMETHING about military strategy & security!

      What a syiok-sendiri bodoh sombong-ish military wannabe!

      "…military secrets should NOT be revealed …"

      1) m'sia is in peaceful coexistence with her regional partners for the longest of time. So what stage of military readiness MUST be kept?

      2) with nincompoops appointed as top military commanding officers when ketuanan agenda is been emphasized, ANY hostile enemy of m'sia can EASILY gather vital military info's w/o proper espionage training - vis-a-vis the 2013 Lahad Datu invasion by the improvised duly militants.

      So what military preparedness & readiness r yr farts?

      Ooop… one-liner reply!

      Indeed the pigs can fly if u really know military strategy!

  4. Which is better? A Defense Minister who to him, everything can be bought or sold including the Nation's sovereignity because "Cash is King" or a Defense Minister who everyone knows his soul can't be sold to the Devil at whatever price.

    And what gibberish rubbish is Ktemoc blabbering about the new Defense Minister confessing to enemies or whatnot etc.

    Do you know or not who drafted the Defense Minister's statements and replies in Parliament? Are they all cartoons and have no sense of National Security?

    Ktemoc trying to be clever like the MIEO boss trying to look patriotic now after knowing she has been caught for Treason for cooperating with the mother of all Spy agencies, The CIA. I wonder how many Russians/Palestinians/PLO/Hamas/LTTE/ISIS
    /DAESH/AL QAEDA/Saudis etc etc secrets have been sold to the CIA?

    When is the Shooting by Firing Squad going to begin?

    1. explaining to you matters military is like casting pearls before swines

    2. Where are your credentials? Cheebye motherfucker kaytee? Show us.

    3. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  5. Let’s face it, Mat Sabu and Kak Wan are not Minister material. TDM knows that. They were appointed to appease PKR and Amanah. After all Kak Wan is DPM he had to give her a ministry so she got the girl one. Mat Sabu heads Amanah so had to be given a top-tier ministry, so he got Defence. But as backup TDM wisely appointed two strong deputies: they are the real ministers: Hannah Yeoh and Liew Chin Tong. They were also selected to appease DAP who felt shortchanged because they got only 6 Ministerial posts.

    I have doubts about black shoe Mazlee but Bersatu have so few MPs to choose from. Wan Saiful would have been a better pick but he lost in GE14. I think Mazlee may wilt when the going gets tough. But again TDM wisely gave Mazlee a strong fiesty deputy in Teo Nie Ching.

    Syed Saddiq is another poor choice from Bersatu. He will be eaten alive by the crocodiles in his ministry. Steven Sim better be a good deputy.

    Kula is also lucky to become Minister; there are better picks from DAP.

    Never mind, all these can be corrected via a reshuffle later.

    1. I only that kaytee is a cheebye motherfucker who deserved to have his kukuciao cut off

    2. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  6. Mat Sabu was trying to get back at Najib who called him “cartoon”. But he shot himself in the foot in the process. He wanted to make the point that when he (Najib) and his cousin Hishamuddin were the preceding Defence Ministers they did such a poor job keeping our jet fighters air worthy. He should have checked on the Scorpenes which Najib procured instead, find out if they are sea worthy.

    Also he finally figured out the difference between Scorpenes submarines and Scorpions the heavy metal band.

    1. 'Also he finally figured out the difference between Scorpenes submarines and Scorpions the heavy metal band.'


    2. "He should have checked on the Scorpenes which Najib procured instead, find out if they are sea worthy."
      Why bother when he could have just walked to LGE and asked him on his experience inside when KD TAR took a dive?

    3. It was then - newly mint masih bolih pakai.

      If u try now, u die u business. Sama2 macam the Russian jet fighters, no doubt!

  7. Exactly the kind of transparency we wanted when we voted Bijan out of power ! Bravo Mat Sabu !

    The real act of treason was the supposedly non-political Civil Servant who treacherously wrote a politically-motivated letter inviting a foreign power to interfere in Malaysia's political process in case the election outcome was negative or borderline negative to Bijan. In the act demonising the then-His Majesty's loyal Opposition.

    Treason by a Civil Servant.

    You can bet every last sen you have that Any real enemy of Malaysia already knows that the Sukhois have lousy readiness. All the government was doing was to keep the fact secret from the Malaysian public, which is a dangerous act if a real hot war breaks out.

    The Obama Administration kept secret from the public that America's Armed Forces combat readiness was at a historic low.
    Donald Trump , whatever his other faults, was right when he ordered the problems to be aired, and immediate corrective steps be made, including Multi-Billion Dollar orders for critical spare parts to be placed on suppliers.

    Similar criticisms like what Ktemoc makes on secrecy were made by Obama Administration officials who participated in the cover up. Defence Secretary Matthis , a fighting general's answer to that was - "You can bet the Russians and the Chinese already have a pretty good idea of whatever readiness issues we have. All You are doing is just hiding it from the American people".

    1. explaining to you matters military is like casting pearls before swines

    2. Where are your fucking credentials? Just like how lge tortured wee wee boy...

      Simple us your credentials.....cheebye motherfucker kaytee

    3. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  8. Why is Ktemoc acting as a Ventriloquist dummy for Bijan ?

    1. Dedak has overtaken over his brain and soul. All he sees is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....his passport to champagne and power thighs, wakakakaka. He will defend Chief Thief to the hilt. All these rascals only care about $$$$$$, their common denominator....big chief deals in billons, the minions deal in millions. All their highfalutin rants about fulfilling manifesto, about sanctity of Islam, about honour and integrity are sheer bunkum. These hypocrites are full of shit.

    2. I say....expose kaytee and quarter him till mampus.

  9. I doubt it makes a difference. South phillipines rebels can just walk in and take tawau/sandakan at a whim so that's there to be secretive about..
    Everybody knows its a pushover.

  10. Ktemoc clearly displaying his Bijanised "Kaber Up" mentality.

    A problem either doesn't exist or is solved when it is "Kaber Up"
    No such problem , right ? Wrong !

  11. "demoralise our fighting men and women" ?

    It is unusable equipment and low readiness capability which demoralises the servicemen and women.

    Just like the Russian military for many years after the fall of the USSR.
    The sinking of the submarine Kursk, the cover up of the accident and its root causes, and the inability of the Russian navy to rescue any of the survivors was a major morale disaster to the rest of the Russian navy.

  12. The poor service levels of Malaysia's Mikoyans and Sukhois is not news. They have been whispered among retired Air Force personnel , especially those who have joined the Opposition.
    My drinking buddy (he's a Muslim...wakakaka...) was trained with the US Air Force, but initially was very impressed with the Mig 29 and Sukhois. Aerodynamically superior dogfighter to both the F-15 and F-18.
    But as the Germans unfortunately found out in World War 2, wars are not won just by superior spec weaponry.
    Reliable equipment is a huge factor, and most of the Mikoyans and Sukhois ended up as "Hangar Queens" - an American term, as my contact was American trained. Its got wings, but cannot fly and cannot fight.

    By contrast , the FA-18s, with full support from Boeing, are still in fighting condition.

    I have run a (mostly) successful business for many years, I know a thing or two about human motivation and morale.

    Most people come to work every day wanting to do a good job.
    People get demoralised by dysfunctional work processes and dysfunctional equipment.

  13. how one know mat sabu is telling the truth? maybe he learn well the art of war?

  14. As Menhan, this clown is probably the worse that we ever had. He might as well pin on Google Maps, where our strategic assets are located exactly and daily tweets on their movements by the hour.

  15. Considering the huge funds needed soon to upgrade MinDef’s hardware, a bi-partisan Parliamentary Select Committee is needed to review procurement needs (jet fighters, tanks, ships etc) and selection of suppliers. Malaysians do not want another Scorpene disaster where procurement decisions were shouded in secrecy and all power to decide rested with the Defence Minister, advised by a so-called consultant called Perimekar.
