
Saturday, August 04, 2018

Mahathir virtually declares intention to stay on past 2 years

MM Online - Third national car launch by 2020, minister says (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — The government is set to launch the national car project 3.0 by 2020 as envisioned by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad.
Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Yusof said the current government believed that the move could revitalise the national automotive industry.

“We attempt to revive and grow the industry due to its tremendous potential. Besides, auto component manufacturing is also one of the sectors that drives small and medium enterprises (SMEs),” he told reporters on the sidelines of the TOC Automotive College Convocation Ceremony here, today.

Earlier in his speech, Mohd Redzuan said the government needed the support of the industry, as well as knowledge, skilled and talented graduates to succeed the dream

Mahathir is so confident of his PM position (thanks to mute ministers and adoring guppies) that he knows the silent mute moronic ministers can't do a single thing with his plan for Car No 3 despite the rakyat's objections. Thus he continues with his intended proposed expensive hobby.

No cabinet minister or senior Pakatan leaders has uttered a single word of objection to Car No 3, so don't blame him as/if he has been encouraged to make such a bold declaration.

WTF can you morons and guppies do? After all you have elevated him so high that he believes he is the new unchallenged Tokong. Recall, Proton over 33 years saw the nation and rakyat deprived of RM360 Billion (yes, Billion, not mere millions). And now, he has Petronas, Khazanah, PNB all under his belt.

And 2020 will supposedly be during Anwar Ibrahim's time as the 8th PM, which has been why Mahathir has slyly alluded to "staying on" if the rakyat wants him to.

history has been known to repeat itself 

And whether the rakyat wants him to "stay on" or NOT, he will not (never) allow Anwar to take over as agreed - after all, promises have been capati-ed by him and will be capati-ed.

Yes indeed, WTF can you do?

I came (again), I saw (guppies and Lil' Boy Blues), I konk her (Wan Azizah & effectively Anwar Ibrahim) 


  1. Wakakakaka……

    R u expecting a sh*tpie smashing into yr face?

    I have my reservation about ProTiga. If it's totally & purely PFI, what's the f*ck, let's put on the show!

    WRT mamak stays on longer than the declared 2 yrs period, wait & see lah!

    For someone who was willing to quit at the peak of his career, there must be something unique in his thinking.

    If he REALLY quits in 2020, ProTiga has to be a pure private play if it's going to be continued.

    Wakakakakaka…… snake oil clairvoyant, this will not be the 1st time pies land on yr face le.

    1. Hehehe that kaytee kukuciao would be castrated soon

      Come across this interesting news

      It could happen to kaytee you know

    2. As I mentioned, Watch out for Pauline's you-know-what - it can snip off your wriggling tongue, wakakaka

  2. Hah! Finally a bust of Ceasar.

    Who is that holding up his balls?

    1. KT.. I am just curious matey; if someone tickles your pickle, would it not blow your mind? Wakakaka..

    2. Wakakakakakaka

      So over simplication of assumption with just 2 headlines and assumption made Ceasar intends to rule for more than 2 years. I shudder to think when Ceasar plans to launch another project which may take 22 years to build. By then he would be 115 year old. He may then be the oldest PM and living being on earth.

      It seems to me now, all those younger MPs seems to die earlier than Ceasar or LKS depending on who hates them the most. So many by-elections and it will be even more
      by the day looking at the current scenario happening day by day.

      Looking at the state of minds and appearances of Ahjib and his army of corrupted supporters now and then, I can't help notice that they all seem to be aging faster than Ceasar and LKS. Is it because they don't sleep and eat well everyday not knowing when they will be hauled up next for some corrupted deeds done over the past years?

      It would be better to die young rather than live a life of worries like that, would it not. Anyway, for those devout believers of the Abrahamic faiths, heaven is always waiting for them rather than Sg. Buloh. That at least helps to console their troubled souls.

      Ask Dr. Zakir about all these corrupted souls and he may even segregate again who is eligible to enter heaven and who will not because he thinks he is the appointed Enlightened one in comparative religions. Pity those from MCA, MIC, STAR, PBS, LDP etc who don't have a backdoor to heaven. Forgot to mention, PAS have an express pass to heaven if one is a member.


    3. Wakakakaka……

      Can these father&son team does the trick? Or for that matter, all of the dap supporters (obviously jibby mole likes u don't count)?

    4. Najib corrupted supporters....hehehehe....surely that includes motherfucker kaytee.

      Kaytee is predicted to die horribly now

    5. told you before I did not fCk your mum so stop calling me your motherfucker

      you'll perish with your tongue trapping you in a horrendous breathless situation, wakakaka

  3. Eh...May 10, 2018 to May 10, 2020 is still two years. If TDM is still PM on May 11, 2020 then we can have this conversation. Until then.....

    1. Boh chap....dont care....i am concerned when najib and rosmah rot to die in sungai buluh prison

  4. Malaysians showed once again, this time in Sg Kandis which is predominantly Malay-Muslim, that they reject the racial-religious positioning of UMNO-PAS. TDM didn’t even have to show up, but Najib was there every day campaining. PAS tried to camouflage themselves in new wine bottle packaging, and gave 100% backing to BN. All to no avail.

    Next up MCA is shivering with trepidation in Balakong, and in Seri Setia UMNO fears another humiliating loss, so “generously” offers the seat to PAS. Clever no?

  5. KJ's delimma. Stay in UMNO, a racist party of religious bigots, or leave into the political wilderness and form a splinter "UMNO Cap 3". But building a new party from scratch will take years, and a lot of money. There is a third alternative: that alternative is staring him in the face from across the aisle every time he takes his seat in Parliament.

    Go West Young Man....

    Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin has taken a jab at Umno's use of racial and religious rhetoric, such as warning of a "Christian DAP" threat.

    "This is Umno's existential dilemma now. Some still use rhetorics like Christian DAP etc. But some are still sane," Khairy said on Twitter.

    He was responding to a social media user who urged him to admonish Umno campaigners who use racial and religious rhetoric.

    Last night, at the end of campaigning for the Sungai Kandis by-election, Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman urged voters to not support a "Christian-led” Pakatan Harapan government.

    Tajuddin further alleged Christian DAP politicians were using their positions in government to evangelise.

    Among those he named were DAP leaders Lim Guan Eng, Anthony Loke, Teresa Kok, Hannah Yeoh, and Tony Pua.

    Asked how he would overcome Umno's existential dilemma, Khairy said in a follow-up tweet that he would recruit a new breed of politicians with a progressive worldview, and organise a comprehensive political re-education of existing members.

    "But, most importantly, leadership. That’s why I contested for the presidency," he added.

    Khairy lost his bid to become Umno president at the end of June to former deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

    1. Will kj do a Churchill act?

      Surely he knows how Churchill swayed with the winds to claim the pm-ship.

      KJ should join pribumi, to finish off pkr. Then the residual umno ragtag of mice.

      He SHOULD have the honour of been the one FINALLY exterminates umno!

    2. am more interested if kaytee will do a brutus act on najib. Wah! I will sokong with arms, legs and 3rd leg before i stabbing kaytee....

      Remember the happening of sui dynasty demise....hahahaha

      Churchill is more honourable than kj la

  6. It's really hard to see any of the major Japanese car companies wanting to make a huge investment in Malaysia, even if government incentives are given. The reasons:

    1. In the last 2-3 decades most if not all of them were already suffering and have already consolidated, merged or were bought over eg Nissan-Renault, Toyota-Mazda, Mitsubishi etc

    2. Daihatsu (via Perodua), Honda, Toyota and Nissan are already No.1,2,3 and 5 in Malaysia in terms of vehicle sales. And our domestic market is so small. Why do they need to invest more money in a small market that they already dominate?

    3.Toyota, Honda, Nissan both have assembly plants in Thailand and Malaysia. Mitsubishi, Isuzu, also have assembly in Thailand. All making right-hand-drive vehicles. Why do they need to add even more capacity in a neighbouring country?

    4. Malaysian Automotive Policy, if changed to protect a so-called TDM 3rd National Car, may revert again, after TDM leaves the scene. So will any Japanese car manufacturer risk billions building a new factory here?

    5. Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Yusof is a minor minister, and he is just playing to the audience, ie the car component manufacturers. He will soon realize that the local suppliers already have the majority share supplying the existing manufacturers. They are simply greedy and want more, which nowadays is impossible because any car company will want to diversify their suppliers, like from Thailand.
    Having a 3rd National Car will not grow their business. What Proton 2.0 manufacture will simply cannibalize the other manufacturers.

    The answer is in China, and Geely holds the trump card. TDM just doesn't like the fact that it was Najib that oversaw the sale of Proton to Geely. Making Geely successful now means making Najib look successful.

    Let's humour the old man, massage his ego a bit, but our Economic Affairs and Finance Ministers will provide the Check and Balance and advice to the PM, the leader of a party that has only 14 seats in a Parliament of 222, he is not Caesar or Alexander The Great, like in the previous term where he had more than 2/3rds majority. They will remind him that it was Proton that was making the "Tin Milo" cars.

  7. if like you said no one in pH have said a word could only mean that they have not got down to brass tacks, cabinet level brainstorming

    chabo calm down, go treat yourself to a nice pair of uniglo knickers, they are less likely to come into knots

  8. Bijan's Lil Boy Blue still blowing his horn from Sydney several times a day signalling the sky is falling.

    Let's see how the evil Mahathir pans out ler... its not too late to protest any new taxes imposed on cars.

    I for one fully support Reciprocity on import duties. Countries that impose 20% import duty on others exporting their cars to the countries should face the same import duties.

    A car or other motor vehicle imported to Germany from outside the EU is normally subject to a 10% import duty and a 19% import value added tax.

    The US charges only 2.5 percent duty on imported brands like BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen.

    That's why Germany is being highly dishonest to criticise Donald Trump's trade sanctions.
