
Monday, August 20, 2018

Kowtim, Kaput, Knockout - the 3K's way to stay in power

be warned, you're next 

be warned, you're second next 


  1. Anthony Loke is one of the top performing Ministers. Less talk, more action.

    He made the tough, decisive and CORRECT decision to write-off the nearly 500 million AES fines. The reason? The AES system has the word CORRUPTION written all over it. Most of the nearly 500 million in AES fines will go to the pocket of the cronies, NOT the government. Starting Sept 1 AES will be taken over by the Ministry of Transport, no longer privatised to cronies. Then all fines will be government revenue, as it should be.

    P/S. I am looking forward to the new number plate system to be implemented in 2019. Revenue generating. Great stuff. I'm Lovin' It.

    Patriot calls for probe into LTAT's RM555m AES takeover

    August 19, 2018

    KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 19): The National Patriots Association (Patriot) is calling for a full investigation into what it termed the "shocking" revelation that the Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT) has paid RM555 million to take over the assets of two companies, which comprise mainly of 40 Automated Enforcement System (AES) cameras.

    "The MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) and the police commercial crime division must immediately spring to action and not wait for reports. Patriot demands to know who the corporate owners of the two AES concessionaire are, namely ATES and Beta Tegap," Patriot president Brig Gen (rtd) Mohd Arshad Raji said in a statement today, referring to ATES Sdn Bhd and Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd.

    "Why did the managing director and the board of directors of LTAT allow the RM555 million to be taken from the fund?" Mohd Arshad asked.

    ATES and Beta Tegap operates the AES under a concession that will be ending on Aug 31 this year, as the government has decided to take over the AES as it views the concession agreement with the two companies "lopsided", according to Transport Minister Anthony Loke on Friday. Under the concession deal, RM16 are paid to the two companies for every AES summons issued, and 50% of the fines collected.

    Loke also revealed that, under the previous government, LTAT, through its subsidiary Irat Properties Sdn Bhd, were instructed to pay RM555 million to the two companies to take over the management and operation of AES in 2015. “In the spirit of sympathy and after taking into account the welfare and the interests of the Armed Forces, the government has decided to refund the RM555 million to LTAT in phases,” he said.

    To Mohd Arshad, when funds of the LTAT -- which he highlighted was set up primarily to take care of the welfare and manages retirement benefits for servicemen -- is used in such a manner, it is tantamount to "criminal breach of trust". "Even if the MD and BoDs were taking instruction from the head of government, such conduct was dishonourable, unacceptable and a betrayal of trust," Mohd Arshad said.

    Under the command structure of security forces, he said top leaders or commanders take good care of the welfare of their men and protect their safety. In return, those under their command are willing to risk their lives in dangerous missions. As LTAT is closely related to the military and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence, he said LTAT's corporate leaders should abide by the norms of military establishments.

    "LTAT also owns 59.4% of Boustead Holdings Bhd, [which] in turn owns 57.4% of Boustead Plantation Bhd, 20.7% of Affin Bank Bhd, 56.1% of Pharmaniaga Bhd, 65.0% of Boustead Heavy Industries Corp Bhd, and a string of other companies...Patriot strongly requests LTAT uses its authority and ownership of its vast business empire to seriously take care of the welfare of service personnel and veterans, such as providing employment opportunities, on-the-job training for those in resettlement course, and scholarships for their children," he said.

    1. RM 550 Million as "compensation " to take over AES 40 cameras !
      RM 13.8 Million Ringgit per Camera !
      F*ck !

      Yes, that is exactly why the Malaysian public found paying AES fines so objectionable.

      AES was essentially a BNNajib crony enrichment scheme, and there was something particularly obnoxious about a government agency acting as an enforcement agent to collect fines to enrich cronies.

      I support full enforcement of fines ONCE AES is normalised as a part of the Government law enforcement process, and the revenue from fines collected go into the Consolidated Fund, just like other Police or JPJ fines.

      So Ktemoc screaming Chaw K'ar and sneering at Pakatan Belt tightening was wide off the mark.

      But all this is like casting pearls before the Ktemoc swine.

  2. The sky is falling...says ChicKtemoc Little !

  3. Wakakakaka…

    WHO's the first?

    Mom, with kt as the bonus!

    Mamak can initiate a 'kowtim' May to get mom from running away from m'sian laws.

    Then, a 'kaput-ing' negotiation with Turnbull for sirul with kt as bonus, to resolve the Atantuyaa murder once for all!

    All these mfers kena KO-ed before mamak retires from power in 1+ yrs time.

    Better than all those pictures!

  4. Ever heard of Woman's touch and Luck?

    As far as LKS vs TDM, one is cancer ridden and the other after 2 heart bypass is 93 years old. They better be Best Friends Forever with whatever time left they have. As for Muhyideen who is also cancer stricken, becoming PM must have been the furthest thing from his mind.

    I wonder why the God/Gods are so kind to Malaysians having woman as the 1st DPM and perhaps later becoming the PM?

    Malaysian men are just hopeless in governing and taking care of the home called Malaysia.
